The power of the endless eye led to the change of the imaginary space and completely collapsed the underworld. The vast world opened by anubis quickly collapsed towards the singularity gathered by the eyes of meinis, just like pulling out the tablecloth covering the desktop from a broken hole on a table, countless substances were torn by gravity and collapsed towards that singularity.

The earth was torn into huge plates, and then collapsed into more finely broken fragments as large as mountains, which were involved in the black hole and disappeared. A tornado composed of matter formed outside the huge black hole, blocking the giant hand in front of meinis.

Anubis' body came from the vast invisible sky: "useless struggle!"

His huge hand scratched slightly, and God's word sounded like thunder: "In these three moments, there were 18300 kinds of results, which were covered by my divine power. As I observed, there were 39000 kinds of results after this divine word, including 25000 for those who died without a burial place, 8000 for those who survived... Imoden, you don't know where the biggest difference between me and your hypocrites lies?"

"God, omniscient and omnipotent!"

The giant hand in the sky continued to press down, and anubis's palm seemed to turn into a black hole, so that the void began to collapse. Even if the huge black hole formed by the space collapse launched by meinis was just a crushing futile resistance in front of this force.

Kasekamway tried his best to launch his own ability. He tried to trace the past and future of the giant hand, but no matter how he traced back, the giant hand in the sky seemed to press down on them forever. Kasekamway changed his way. He began to launch his ability and seek the strongest future state of meinis. He saw that from the special perspective of the long river of time, the future of meinis was like a winding dragon The serpentine giant snake is entrenched on the time line, and the future projections of various powerful Menes appear behind the current Menes.

Kasekameway stretched out his hand towards the possible projection of the future of the most powerful Minnis in his perception

But when he had not touched her, the projection was shattered like a bubble! Then there were second, third, in the sight of Casey Caim, representing the shadow of the future of America, which disappeared in a large area. The volume of future huge information is shrinking rapidly.

The timeline he can touch is getting closer and closer. Hundreds of years later, decades later, the time distortion projection like a long river is reduced to a small section, and the rest of the future is covered by anubis. In those future possibilities, anubis killed meinis and covered the timeline of her survival.

Kasekamway finally saw the tip of Anubis' iceberg. What he revealed was not only the giant hand covering the sky, but also the infinite timeline, covering almost all the possibilities that kasekamway could peep from this moment.

Omniscient is omnipotent!

The great power of God lies not in his destructive power and energy, but in the information he contains and covers his own information in the past. Who may have more and cover a longer time line is a more powerful God. When he fought with the four gods before, anubis has covered enough information. He has mastered all variables of the ability of the four gods and controlled them All their possibilities.

Therefore, when he took his hand to close the world line, any possibility of Menez was under his control. Any resistance and any variable of relevant information could not escape the control of anubis. He was like the huge shadow of four God evils. Anubis knew everything about them.

Now the only thing that can happen beyond the anubis variable is only one imorton who has not been out and Chen ang who hides behind the eyes of meinis.

Only they are not in the omniscient scope of Anubis, can expand a timeline variable not controlled by anubis in a short time, and they have enough possibility to turn over.

The time reserved by anubis for the gods and evils is three seconds. In this short period of three seconds, if there are no new variables beyond the control of Anubis, then three seconds later, four people such as Menis will be slapped to death by anubis. The four gods and evils have been included in anubis' omniscient knowledge. Any resistance of them is expected by anubis.

However, anubis is still not taken lightly, because there are two important factors to be brought into control: one is imorton. Anubis fails to cover imorton with information, and huge variables may occur at any time; the other is meinis' eyes. He already knows that Chen ang and others are hiding in the world behind meinis' eyes, but variables outside this information are like a cluster The fog of.

The first second... The huge black hole collapsed in imaginary space burst under the giant hand.

The second second second... Meinis looked hopelessly at the hand of Anubis who had reached their heads. The time distortion point was ruthlessly torn by anubis, but imodon remained silent, as if ignoring the fatal blow on his head at any time. His variables did not interfere with all this. Sekai dense burned his original sin and launched desperate revenge on anubis.

After accumulating 2500 years of revenge, he rushed to anubis with Sakai's despair.

Because I really felt it, but I never got any maternal love. The endless hatred against the gods, with the distorted original sin, launched desperate revenge, just to create a "sin" loophole through the database of the souls of the gods with the help of the sins caused by the desires of the gods. Countless souls in the underworld gathered their resentment against the gods in the long river of time into a huge sin distortion, which was destroyed Sekai's dense cloth is locked on anubis.

The huge sin distortion from endless souls gathers the desperate thoughts of countless souls. At that moment, the variable information of sin distortion expands dramatically. Even the smallest soul has miracles that cannot be mastered by the gods. When these miracles come together, they can produce qualitative changes that the gods should fear.

Beyond their control.

But this sin has the possibility of surpassing anubis' omniscient knowledge, but the Sekai dense cloth that guides them does not.

His every move is covered by anubis' information. Before the powerful original sin distortion damages anubis' fur, it is eliminated by anubis, just like the oldest and most basic Internet virus, which attacks the target computer by creating a large amount of junk information.

The resentment of countless souls against the gods in the underworld is indeed enough to pollute the deity, but Sekai, who guides this power, was easily blocked from passing through the "sin" loophole of anubis.

The third second... Sakai dense cloth was devoured by the original sin and almost destroyed itself. The future observed by casai muwei was covered. Semkate was waiting to die. Imorton was still indifferent to watching himself and others die. Meinis was already desperate.