The underground palace of the Qinling mausoleum has been developed into a vast underground world. Chen Ang's spear has torn apart not only the divinity of Anubis, but also the ISIM oasis, the land God he built. Half of the imaginary space has been moved here, making it a semi real and semi imaginary secret place. The vast underground palace of the Qinling mausoleum has become the semi divine kingdom of the first emperor of Qin, Countless terracotta warriors and puppets work here.

"Repair the main palace of the mausoleum quickly! Those foreigners are idiots. They don't know anything about the Chinese etiquette system and the tomb culture of the Qin mausoleum. Putting the coffin of the first emperor of Qin on a carriage makes the underground palace structure of the first emperor's Mausoleum strange, and we have to wipe their ass!"

Ying Long commanded the industrial robot to place the bronze coffin in the main hall of the divine palace suspended in the sky. Therefore, they not only used special superconducting magnetic materials, but also created an anti gravity imaginary space in the main Tomb of the Shihuang mausoleum, from the vast floating divine palace to the underground army of terracotta warriors and horses that are being transformed by magic and science and technology, Then to the edge of the main tomb, the underground palace built like a city of the Qin Dynasty, including a large area of urban areas for weapons manufacturing, puppet (robot) manufacturing, scientific research, magic and divine development. The entire imaginary space of the Shihuang mausoleum transformed from the eixim oasis is towering, like an underground heavenly palace.

A young man next to Ying long looked up at the suspended heavenly palace built in accordance with the traditional Chinese style and stressed: "the details must be true, which is related to the most important part of our 'Xianqin' plan - the acceptance of the Chinese people in this era. Why should we work hard to make a non-existent Xianqin era in such a big circle?"

"Because if we fly a spaceship, copy the star annihilation particle gun and bounce through the space distortion, will our compatriots in this era agree with us? They will only think that we are a civilization stranger than foreigners. They can't integrate and can't resonate with us. Therefore, although Tianqi is our great enemy, Adam said one thing very well. We should take the initiative to integrate into this era Chinese civilization. "

"Even a big panic?" Ying Long frowned.

The man nodded: "Yes, even if we want to spread a great panic, we should also let the Chinese people of this era understand us and take the initiative to integrate into us, and then we can imperceptibly transform them. If even a million biochemical people load our personality, we can forcibly assimilate them in the form of the government, but even if the window of Chinese will information interference -" Qin Shihuang "has a big scope We have the ability to interfere with reality, but we can only load the personality of more than 200 compatriots. We are the last batch in the plan. Therefore, we must focus on the compatriots of this era and reshape civilization. "

"If our compatriots do not understand the era of high and new technology and science, we can package it and carry it out in a way they can accept and loved by the people! For example, call science 'Avenue', call learning 'truth cultivation', and call the young people of the new era who need science, ideals, morality, knowledge and discipline For the "immortal", gene surgery is called "body training", nano medical robots are called "pills", and scientific and technological weapons are called "magic weapons". Won't the people like to accept these things? "

"I think they will not only accept it, but also pursue it very actively! The dream of immortality of the Chinese people for thousands of years is no joke. This is the simplest way to rebuild the Republic. Moreover, the compatriots in the world will soon face the impact of the army of the dead in the West. How can we explain these letters to them when imorton slaughters the country in Europe The intervention theory under the interest unification theory is destined to be more difficult for the development of scientific thought in this world. "

"Why don't we build a semi scientific and semi mysterious civilization first, and then jump out of this civilization when the conditions are met, so that the Republic can be reborn and listed in the backdoor! Ying long, you should understand... And we start from Qin Shihuang... Cough! Forget it, I still don't admit that the three Western Black Dragons are the five element fairies obtained by Qin Shihuang in his original consciousness , it has been recompiled by the Chinese will, and has cracked a lot of information competence and information interference. Some of our science can not be studied systematically for the time being, and have been improved according to the traditional magic system. "

"At present, it is possible to promote learning on a large scale. In the future, Xianqin will not only be a Xiuzhen civilization disguised by science and technology, but also slowly sprout and develop a real Xiuzhen civilization. When we degenerate, those who do not want to follow us can go on this road and become a branch of Chinese civilization, as long as they do not violate the basic principles Our humanity and Chinese will are our branch civilization - Xianqin civilization. "

Ying Long said with a wry smile: "Although what you said has a certain truth, it still conflicts with my three views. The foundation of the civilization of the Republic lies in science, and the spirit of science lies in progress, cognition, research and development. Those things we can't recognize temporarily will eventually become a part of it. Therefore, I instinctively reject fraud and playing tricks. I think science must tend to truth and truth , all lies are against it... "

"That's why I have to reconcile. Although there are some defects in the Xianqin plan, it conforms to the original intention of the change and development of the Republic. My code name is LISS. I will promote the Xianqin plan. Ying long, since the plan has been decided, you should try to avoid being affected by this emotion when you perform the task. Dr. Chen ang is promoting the plan , he must have been influenced by the apocalypse. It seems that he wants another control group to enrich the way of existence of Chinese civilization. "

Li Si and Ying long looked down at the huge construction site of Shihuang mausoleum. In this "heavenly palace" and "underground palace" with rich details but absurd essence, various anti gravity devices, gravity weapons, energy weapons, individual weapons and high-tech facilities reappeared in a new way. A large number of facilities, including lighting, communication and energy, were replaced with a kind of ancient simplicity, With the aesthetic characteristics of the Warring States period and the appearance of fairy culture, it is re listed.

It includes wireless networks and wireless circuits. The special energy structure can receive the current transmitted wirelessly and make various functions such as lighting, heating and cooling. The lights here have several different shapes, including the "Pearl" suspended "lights" and even the real sun, moon and stars overhead.

These unique lamps are actually very developed energy technology, but under the packaging of fairy culture, who can deny that this is the work of immortals? If a qualified citizen of the Republic is defined as a fairy, their ability may not be worse than that of the legendary fairy, and they may be much stronger. After all, there is no such a pile of guns as the network novels of later generations. Now the force of the fairy is, at best, the degree within a planet, which is only a small meaning for the high-dimensional civilization of the Republic.

Liquid metals like mercury run through all branches of the whole Shihuang mausoleum. These liquid metals are composed of a large number of nano robots. They are the results of the Republic's research on material intelligence based on the war Skynet. Because they can replicate themselves, their supply capacity increases exponentially after the virtual God "Qin Shihuang" uses divine power to make some of them.

Now, through these real reproductions, the scene of the first imperial mausoleum "with mercury as the four blasphemies, hundreds of rivers, five mountains and nine states, with geographical potential" provides indisputable proof for creating an immortal Qin civilization and continuing to connect with the source of Chinese civilization.

Li Si sighed: "later, I'll turn out the ghost blowing the lamp and create the basic structure and details of the first imperial mausoleum according to this as the teaching material. In addition to the virtual suspended heavenly palace in myth, we must make the first imperial mausoleum shock the Chinese people at this time. Only in this way can we lay a good foundation for the birth of Xianqin civilization."

Ying Long was very speechless when he went to supervise the transformation project of the terracotta warriors and horses (War Robot). The person in charge, code named "Mengtian", introduced to him: "at present, the focus of the transformation is the Qin crossbow. Originally, we planned to design a small missile in the shape of the Qin crossbow. The missile the size of a bow and arrow can cross continents with our technical range. The lethality is as high as 9000 tons of TNT, but Li Si opposed it."

Ying Long said silently, "now our main enemy is a Chinese warlord who doesn't even have heavy firepower and doesn't have enough bullets. Is it necessary to have weapons with such exaggerated design?"

"So later, we changed our plan and designed the 'Qin crossbow' as a thinking induction cold weapon. Its magnetic fluid has fast driving speed and low lethality, but it is flexible and compact, which also meets the design requirements of the 'immortal culture'. Just like the flying sword, the lethality is the same as the arrow through the built-in detection and sensing device of the terracotta warriors and horses robot, but the operation is very flexible, not only can Long range combat, and it can also stab close like a flying sword... We were originally designed according to the function of the flying sword. Although the lethality is lower, it is more in line with the requirements of less killing and more prisoners in domestic war. "

Ying Long nodded and said, "what we lack now is not lethality weapons, but lethality control. This transformation is reasonable. How is the transformation progress of the terracotta warriors and horses?"

Meng Tian explained: "At first, we chose the direction of low-cost robots with simple structure to prepare for the operation of large legions, but soon we found that our biggest handcuffing system is actually raw materials. The raw materials purchased through external Horus eye forces are far from meeting our needs, but China's industrial foundation is too poor. No, it should be said that there is no industrial foundation at all However, several local mines in Xianyang have been developed to the limit, and there is a big gap in raw materials. "

"So it is changed to the elite route. At present, the basic design of low-level mechanical descending body is used for relevant transformation. The template of terracotta warriors and horses is Chinese people up to one meter eight to two meters high, equipped with magnetic phase personal shield. The long halberd in the hand is a circular vibration wave energy halberd, which can not only emit high-energy rays, but also carry high-frequency vibration on the halberd front."

"It has the ability to fly, a small gravity anti gravity engine, a maximum flight speed of Mach 2, an infrasonic disabled weapon in the left palm, and a variety of bombs called 'thunder method' ejected from the right palm. The fragments of consciousness in the original terracotta warriors and horses have been extracted and transformed into AI."

Meng Tian looked up and said, "at present, the biggest problem is that the production capacity is limited. At present, only 1200 terracotta warriors and horses of official model are produced, and the others are engineering robots. At present, the output of one month is limited by raw materials, only 200..."