Anubis's real body finally found out all the secrets of imorton's side and shot!

One of his right hands tore the sky of Hades, and the palm looked as broad as the sky. Zhang Ziqiang saw this scene through Menez. He secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva and trembled in a trembling voice: "is this the palm of the Tathagata God?"

Chen ang once reminded them that emshi oasis is a world between the real world and imaginary space. He has some laws of the real world, but obviously also has the nature of some imaginary space. Like the concept of imaginary number, the coordinates of imaginary space relative to real space.

There is no size, space, distance, or even direction.

Such a discrete rather than continuous space-time is an imaginary space. As we all know, the sign I of the imaginary number is equal to the square root of - 1, and I ^ 2 = (- 1) can also be used. Its mathematical significance is to mathematically represent the change of 1 and - 1 equations in the two-dimensional plane coordinate system on the one-dimensional real number axis. In the real number axis, the coordinate of 1 rotates 180 degrees counterclockwise around the origin, which coincides with - 1 in the coordinate axis.

This process is redefined mathematically. If you rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise and define it as I, you can get the definition formula of imaginary number (I ^ 2 = (- 1), that is (the real number 1 rotates two 90 degrees counterclockwise in the plane coordinate axis is equal to - 1).

The meaning of imaginary numbers is to represent the coordinate axis of real numbers, that is, numbers that do not exist in the one-dimensional universe.

In the one-dimensional universe, the universe is a wirelessly extending straight line, and all positions can be represented by real numbers. The coordinate relationship of the two-dimensional universe such as direction and angle does not exist for the one-dimensional universe and can be called imaginary numbers. Using this non-existent relationship to redefine the relationship between real numbers in the one-dimensional number axis is imaginary number operation.

Then, relative to coordinate 1, the solution obtained by the imaginary number operation 1 * I is the point represented by (0.1) in the two-dimensional plane coordinate system, and the space represented by the imaginary number I is the plane coordinate axis Y relative to the real number axis X.

We can get another one-dimensional universe y relative to the one-dimensional cosmic coordinate axis X, y can be called the imaginary space of X.

In the one-dimensional world, the imaginary number is the number that the real number changes by one more direction. The imaginary number 1 * I of the one-dimensional coordinate axis is represented by a real number (0.1) in the two-dimensional coordinate axis, but for the one-dimensional universe, the direction does not exist, so it is called an imaginary number. This imaginary number change has practical significance only after the one-dimensional universe is upgraded.

"Then I ask you, is 1 * I meaningful on the real one-dimensional coordinate axis?" Chen ang turned his head and asked the reincarnators who had been shocked by this boundless, planet like giant hand.

With the help of Chen Ang's mysterious image in their hearts, Edward temporarily got rid of the impact of this shocking scene and replied in a low voice: "it's meaningless because it doesn't exist! But at a higher latitude, it has meaning... So it exists and doesn't exist. Compared with the one-dimensional universe, it doesn't exist, but at a higher latitude, it actually exists."

"The same is true of the underworld. The underworld is not an imaginary space, but it is a world that exists and does not exist after imaginary changes in the real three-dimensional space. It makes no sense to define it by length, width and height and space, because it does not exist in the three-dimensional space." Chen ang sighed: "Why do I say that aisim oasis and Hades are gods on the earth... Because it has some characteristics of information interference, which is a world deviated from the real spatial information."

"In real space, because of the ebb tide of the force, God is only strongly restricted and bound. If anubis appears in the real world, I have 18000 ways to kill him. However, in this space where imaginary numbers are calculated, there are some characteristics that can not be possessed by real space."

"It is also a place where God can only exert part of his power. There is the law that God's word is law!"

Looking at the ignorant reincarnators on his face, Chen ang explained with a smile: "it is a characteristic that high-dimensional information directly interferes with matter, and it is also the law that the world of Hades will inevitably exist. The essence of the soul is a projection of high-dimensional information. Then in this world of soul reincarnation and judgment, high-dimensional information will be allowed to interfere with matter to a greater extent."

"Therefore, in reality, when the soul is difficult to interfere with light and shadow and a stone is difficult to pick up, it is invisible and untouchable. In the world of Hades, hell and heaven, they can appear and have 'essence'. Compared with the soul, the essence of God is very similar but more powerful. They are the projection of high-dimensional information! Here, information interference from high-dimensional information Can play a greater power, that is, the intervention ability of divine power has become stronger. "

Looking at the slowly falling hand of judgment in the sky, Chen ang said faintly: "That's why anubis can amplify the distorted material power of high-dimensional information to this extent. In the real world, a stone can carry high-dimensional information, but it can change its nature a little. It can set off sand storms in the desert and make the land desertification. However, even if anubis can change a fist sized stone into gold with milk strength, it can make him happy The divine power is exhausted“

"But in this world, one thought of divine power can change the color of heaven and earth, one word can make mountains cast gold, an ordinary rock can carry divine power to evolve the planet, and one palm can block out the sky and the sun..."

Edward suddenly changed his face and said, "then why should we deal with anubis in the underworld?"

"In the real world? Does he dare to appear?" Chen ang smiled. "Don't underestimate the patience of a God. If in the real world, even if I step on the face of his idol, he can bear it."

In the underworld world, the huge golden palm fell on his head. The lava of the underworld was sucked by the huge gravity and rushed up towards the anubis hand. The huge gravity change tore the continent at the foot of imorton. With the giant hand falling inch by inch, the lines on anubis's hand gradually became clear, like a mountain abyss, and the powerful and unparalleled force immediately tore the space, The whole underworld seems to be about to be destroyed.

Meinis controlled his eyes and stared at the anubis hand in the sky with incomparable power. The space collapse broke out with all its strength, forming a distorted tens of kilometers huge black hole under the giant hand. The collapse of space caused a more powerful collapse force, and the turbulent flow formed by the huge gravity between the giant hand and the black hole, Instantly tear the underworld into a world of lava.

The dark shadows of countless wailing souls disappeared, the mountains on the vast land of Hades collapsed, the mountains were torn and poured into the sky, and the whole world was disintegrating and pouring towards the gravitational turbulence, as if a world would be swallowed up by these two approaching existence.

With a slight grip of Anubis' hand, the strong gravity almost tore up the black hole made by meinis.

Meinis was a hundred on his face, his body was shaky, and his vitality was sucked away by the naked eye. Kasekamway couldn't care to limit anubis. He rushed to meinis like a twisted glass light and shadow, grabbed her and said, "we need your future power! Look at me and look for your own shadow downstream of the long river of time and space!"

"Remember, it's your own power!"

Meinis roared up into the sky. Her eyes completely collapsed into two black holes. Behind her, an indescribable black shadow suddenly appeared with the deep darkness that absorbed everything. Only then did the black hole in the sky gradually stabilize and drive the larger collapse of space.