Xingjue followed Nick to the basement of the s.h.i.e.l.d. base. The sinking elevator ran very smoothly, but the speed was not slow at all. Xingjue timed silently in his heart until ten minutes later, the elevator door didn't open.

"1500 meters!" xingjue immediately calculated the answer in his heart.

The 1500 meter underground building is made of alloy, plastic and carbon fiber materials, which seems to have strong deformation adaptability. Xingjue estimated that it is difficult to threaten such a base, such as nuclear war, solar storm, biochemical disaster and World War. At least one meteorite with a capacity of more than 10 tons must be impacted directly.

The structure of the base is very complex. Most of the channels are closed, and Nick doesn't seem to show him around. Xingjue has to keep up with Nick.

After several gates that looked ordinary but made xingjue feel like a mountain on his back, they came to a circular laboratory. The laboratory was a hollow giant sphere. According to xingjue's perception, this should be the center of the whole underground base.

The surrounding walls are made of an elastic metal material, which looks like plastic. Xingjue secretly touched it, and his tentacles felt a flexible and greasy force to slide away the pressure he applied. Xingjue was surprised, so he added a little strength to his hands and secretly brought energy.

As a result, like touching a soft and tough air film, the repulsive force of the fingers slid away slowly and firmly.

"This is energy repelling metal..." Nick looked back at him and passed on the meaning of "I see you" with meaningful eyes. When he saw that xingjue was not embarrassed at all, he continued: "it has a special property that it can quickly transmit the pressure when it is subjected to energy pressure... It makes it almost impossible to destroy."

"If it's true," said xingjue, looking at him in surprise, "why don't you use it as a weapon? You don't seem to be... ER! You're not so fastidious."

"Its conductivity is related to its scale. A thumb sized energy repels metals. Its resistance to energy is similar to that of ordinary steel. Only when it has enough volume and mass, its resistance will increase exponentially."

"Natural prison materials, I'm a little curious about what you locked here!" xingjue looked inward through the window of the ring laboratory. It was glass made of high-strength materials, with golden veins running through it. Xingjue recognized this material.

The asgards used it to make a prison for the most dangerous prisoners in the universe.

Inside the ring laboratory is a huge spherical space with a diameter of about 150 meters. It is a huge space wrapped by the ring laboratory and other base structures. At the bottom of the space is a very powerful anti gravity device, which suspends a huge metal ball with a diameter of about 80 meters in the air. The same energy repels the metal to create a huge space, An almost indestructible prison.

"Who are you holding here? Mieba? Or Odin?" xingjue was stunned: "the Asgard technology is used here. It is one of the best prisons in the universe... If you are locked here, it must be like a nightmare!"

"A terrible shadow, a nightmare in the universe." Nick obviously didn't want to say anything, but took xingjue on a floating disc with no mass force field and slowly floated towards the air prison.

The spherical prison was recessed into a semicircular hole, which sucked the two people in.

Xingjue finally saw the prisoners in the prison!

A young yellow man who looked a little childish, dressed in a researcher's white coat, walked between test tubes and reagents, and carried out data analysis on the test bench in an orderly manner. It seems that he is operating five or six experiments at the same time, and there are three researchers next to him, but the cumbersome experiments that make the assistants busy are flowing smoothly in his hands.

Xingjue, who is proficient in various sophisticated disciplines in the universe and is also an excellent scientist, suddenly felt the crushing of IQ. Some formulas and calculations that violate his common sense flashed on the display screen, and other beautiful and symmetrical smooth formulas also slid on the display screen, just like angels and Demons dancing together.

"He... He is..." xingjue pointed to the 'prisoner', and suddenly felt that his tongue was like a knot, which could not be untied.

The expression on Nick's face changed. A confusion mixed with fear and anger made the iron director look a little embarrassed. He nodded silently: "I don't know whether it's a miracle or a conspiracy, or whether it's an opportunity or a trap of the devil, but it just happened!"

"In the last civilization era, when the Apocalypse destroyed the world, mutants and humans fought against the apocalypse, but were destroyed by the four knights. The professor has been looking for ways to fight the apocalypse, but he found that we don't know him at all. Who is he? Where does he come from? What does he want to do? The most fear is always unknown."

Nick pointed his finger on the transparent cage and motioned to xingjue: "finally, the Divine Shield Bureau has finished him!"

"Apocalyptic copy, a man who calls himself Chen ang."

"Impossible." xingjue didn't believe Nick's words at all: "you can't get the apocalyptic gene at all, and even if you get it, it's useless. For that kind of existence, they are the brand of life itself, and they are the only one!"

"Yes, we can't get the Apocalypse gene, so we imitate him! What we do is not copy an apocalypse, but imitate the Apocalypse itself. Re creating an apocalypse is just a disaster, but we can get close to him," Nick replied.

"Through the highest technology of mutants and humans, we can accomplish this miracle."

"His genes come from countless mutants, but the most important is three of them..."

"Atavistic evolutionist, with the ability to change genes to adapt to the environment - Darwin!"

"Gene imitators can imitate and change their own genes, and have the most terrible genetic potential among mutants - Magic woman!

"Those with the ability of personality reproduction can absorb, learn and imitate other personalities, change their genes and obtain the ability of other mutants - a large group!"

"We have completed a piece of perfect white paper - a large group of people have imitated the apocalyptic personality. Like seeds, we have obtained the rudiment of the apocalyptic personality, and then recreated an apocalyptic approximator in this body that can perfectly adapt, imitate and evolve, so as to spy on the devil's secret."

"He is the most perfect human body. He must be able to reproduce the secret of the Apocalypse sublimated from human beings to that kind of existence!"

"He doesn't have any genetic material, because he contains all genetic material. He is the embodiment of mutant and human concept. He alone contains all our existence - because he is human and mutant itself. You can call him Adam or Satan, because he is both the son of human and the embodiment of ancient snake."

"This is the Divine Shield's plan for the Apocalypse - the garden of Eden."

"Did you succeed?" xingjue looked at him like a madman, like a rhetorical question or a statement.

"Yes, he had some memories as soon as he was born. Now we know his name, or the apocalyptic name - Chen ang." Nick looked at Chen ang with unusually sharp eyes.

"Maybe you see the shadow of the apocalypse in him, but he is not the Apocalypse after all. What can defeat him may not pose a threat to the apocalypse. After all, it was once the Apocalypse of mankind and has long existed differently from the Apocalypse Now."

"We know!" Nick answered calmly.

"The professor helped us locate the similarity between his personality and the Apocalypse human personality. Now it is only 12%. Every time he approaches the apocalypse, the similarity will increase a little. At 100%, he will become the embodiment of the apocalypse and one of his parts, and this change is irreversible."

"He will instinctively change his personality towards the apocalypse. The closer he is to the apocalypse, the stronger his power will be. Finally, he can easily destroy us. At that time, the Apocalypse will come to him and destroy everything."

"This is a warning!"

"Yes, it's a warning, but we have no choice!"

"Against the apocalypse, he is our only hope." Nick sighed: "the professor tells us the secret of how to control the Apocalypse personality. The key to controlling this personality change is himself. His own personality is like a lock. The stronger it is, the slower the Apocalypse will become."

"We are limiting the Apocalypse's current personality with the Apocalypse's personality, so that he can maintain the human posture."

"What's his attitude now?" the star Lord suddenly turned and asked Nick.

"Adam, the copy of the apocalypse, has a friendly attitude towards us. His human personality is improving rapidly, and we are also helping him improve..." Nick answered with some bitterness.

"This is not like the style of the Divine Shield Bureau..."

"I hope we can slice and dissect him, but he is not something we can control, nor can we offend or provoke. The Apocalypse may not know our plan. Most of the reason why the Divine Shield bureau can successfully implement the Eden plan may be that the Apocalypse is also curious about the plan."

"Come on! I'll show you the consequences of the out of control plan..." Nick said with a sneer: "in the face of the 'God' who may create human beings, what terrible consequences will human blasphemy produce..."

The door of the laboratory slid open in front of them. Nick's speed was not slow. As one alloy door after another opened in front of xingjue, they began to enter the base to get the other side. The closer they were, the more xingjue could feel some information revealed by the surrounding subtle traces.

A terrible disaster and destruction.