Xingjue found that the whole underground base is divided into left and right parts with the road from the entrance to the floating cage as the central axis. Unlike the core area with new traces, the right half of Nick's past area has obvious traces of long-term use, which seems to be an existing base.

But now the base has been destroyed!

At first, there were some large metal structures distorted by heavy blows, some deformed doors and walls that were not obvious, and traces of decoration could be seen. Some people also worked in them. With Nick's deepening, some mottled traces could not be covered up, such as distorted door frames, semi melted water pipes and deformed metal walls.

These alloy and concrete walls and columns with a thickness of more than ten centimeters or even tens of centimeters began to show tragic signs of damage. Some broken, twisted and torn metal frames made xingjue feel that a large-scale war had taken place here.

Gradually, some more obvious traces appeared in front of xingjue.

The burned and melted walls, the huge steel bars inserted upside down on the ground, were photographed into the alloy doors embedded in the walls, torn metal fragments, exposed wires, and blood stains scattered on the ground and walls.

A huge gap with a diameter of nearly 10 meters opened several rooms in front of the two people. It opened a hole like a meteorite crater, opened the next floor, and walked in... It is a huge hole. Half of it is a bare underground base building and half is a rock layer under the ground. At the center of the hole, it was supposed to be a building, empty.

"Has the avenger alliance ever been here?" the star Lord was shocked.

With that, he keenly found half of the red and gold fragments. He used to kick out the metal fragments. The more he looked, the more familiar he felt. He picked up the remaining half of the metal plate and pasted it on his face. He found that except for some deformed places, others could just give his face a space - this is the armor mask of iron man.

Xingjue put down his visor and said in a suddenly enlightened tone, "I've really been here!"

"It was a terrible defeat. I almost died here!" Nick squatted in front of a human shaped pit and gently wiped the dust on the ground with his hand. "It was a painful memory, but what makes you more painful is that you survived not because of resistance or the favor of the emperor, but because the enemy thought you were missing siding!"

"You know that, and so do the enemy."

"I have believed in the gospel of God since I was a child. I have suspected, been bewitched, and even despised... You know, the life of an agent makes it easy for people to lose hope in the world... But I never despair!"

"When I found the tattoo of slaves in our genes, I was angry and ashamed. I even gave up on myself. I wanted to deny the sanctity of the Bible, recognize science, and take up the weapons of freedom, equality and science. In this way, I had reason to fight with 'God', and I disdained to admit that those who were high above us and regarded us as ants were God."

"Maybe God just used his hand to create, bless and punish mankind?"

"But only when you get close to him will you feel desperate and really be sure that he is the one who can destroy your faith, a living proof, a Satan."

"I don't believe in God!" xingjue raised his head and said, "I'm sorry, but my father is an alien. God seems to have nothing to do with me. There's no 'Skynet made' in my genes. I've seen many real gods. What they awe me is power... So I don't understand these."

"One day you will, with your human half." Nick clapped his hands and turned to the other side.

"Don't you want to see how the disaster happened? Come on!"


Xingjue and he came to a big room. On the other side was a larger office. The people in it were busy in front of the computer, making the most detailed cracks in some videos. They checked some inexplicable videos frame by frame.

When xingjue turned back, Nick had turned on the projector on their heads. On the opposite light screen was a laboratory around the culture nest, in which a group of white coats were running around, shouting silently at the picture. In the culture tank, there was a human shadow.

"In fact, Adam is our second replicator, and there is an earlier blank clone in front of him - Code 666. He is a clone we cultivated with a large group of left primary stem cells, which remains a large group of memories when trying to simulate apocalyptic personality. Unlike the compound replicator cultivated many times now, the gene expression of mutant people on him is very active."

"If we want to plant a seed now, at that time, we just want to make a mirror - a mirror reflecting the apocalyptic personality and restoring the apocalyptic mirror... We think we can control him."

"This kind of confidence from you?" the star Lord satirized the blade mercilessly.

Nick didn't answer, just controlling the screen to jump to the next video.

The Eastern Youth as like as two peas in the core area are the same as the young people in the video. The video researcher wants to extract his blood. The young man just changed a more comfortable sitting posture. The researcher blocked the front of the camera, as if he were pumping out the youth's blood.

Nick paused the video. "Different from what we thought, 666 did not show hostility. Some generals thought he was hiding, but later we found that the newly born replica evaluated us with an absolutely objective attitude, neither positive nor negative, an impartial and fair attitude."

"Because his personality has just been born and his memory has no emotion, he will only decide his position with our attitude."

"The first change began when we tried to control him, which means that he has been released from some of the shackles, and his personality has taken a step in the direction of apocalypse. He has reason to control us!"

"In three hours, he learned to crack our control chip... It was developed by Tony Stark. When the researchers tried to hurt him, he 'learned' Hypnosis and how to scientifically control a person physically and psychologically... You see, from this moment on, all the researchers close to him were controlled, some completely controlled, some just heart Li hinted that... When taking blood, the researcher blocked the monitor and took a tube from his arm. "

The video jumps to the next paragraph. This time there is no copy 666, but the researcher xingjue just saw in the video.

In the laboratory, researchers separated a substance from a tube of blood under the camera, making a tube of transparent reagent instantly turn violet. This color is clear like the sky and gorgeous like petals and butterflies.

"Violet - the name of this medicine comes from its color. We suspect that 666 was separated from his blood. Although we don't know how he instilled those difficult knowledge into his control target, we are sure that Dr. Elaine, who made this medicine, has not been simply hypnotized... He has been domesticated!"

"Like humans controlling dogs, they were controlled and domesticated, so our psychologists couldn't find anything wrong... When others were suspected, they all injected violets. The medicine developed their brains... At that time, each of them was the best psychologist and hypnotist... Damn, what did the report say? Everything was normal, only Yes, the doctor's pupil is a little blue... "

Nick blasted a rude remark: "by that time, violets had begun to spread in the base, and 666 was even more like the owner here than me. They nibbled at the whole base bit by bit. Except for some s.h.i.e.l.l.d. made isolation system, 666 in other places could use it freely... Their test progress was very smooth at that time..."

"Not only the Eden Project of 666, but also other confidential and even top secret projects, all went well. I thought they were enlightened! Unexpectedly, a laboratory director and an experiment host were changed... Do you believe it? At that time, 666 was presiding over the experiment of the Divine Shield Bureau, and he even presided over our own research project!"