"The situation is really bad now!"

"Stark is putting pressure on me?" director Nick pushed open the door of the office and turned back to the visitors. "Now, the world is increasingly divided into five camps, and the cracks between them are deepening. In order to protect themselves, every political body is closing itself. The human world has never been so divided."

Nick looked at the map hanging on the wall facing the door. On it, the dark red of the Soviet Union looked down at the world from the westernmost Eastern Europe to the easternmost Bering Strait like a giant bear lying in the north.

China's positive red, centered on the rooster, swept across East and Southeast Asia, and even occupied Australia and New Zealand.

Europe's light red, from Norway to the Mediterranean rim, encompasses the essence of Europe.

The Red Alliance of the people's Revolutionary League firmly controls the whole Eurasian continent, reaching out to five continents and seven oceans. Just looking at the map makes people breathless. Only the South Asian subcontinent and some parts of the Middle East are still struggling in this red ocean.

"God bless, the people's Revolutionary League is not integrated internally. Their development routes are different from each other, so their military alliance is not solid. The Communist Party of Europe has no idea of conflict with us, and China has no interest in us. Only the Soviet Union has been putting pressure on us, but fortunately, the focus of their expansion is the other end of the cosmic magic cube."

The guest didn't seem happy. He just said calmly: "this has seriously affected our relationship with our ally Asgard people. They said that the madness and war tendency of mankind in the universe and the desire for self destruction make the world fear. Many races have negative views on us."

"But the Soviets did it. We are their natural allies in position!" Nick retorted.

"The position is changing all the time, but the race is the only... Nick, you can never change the fact that we are all human beings. In their eyes, we are the same!"

"Although the evil forces under the leadership of mieba are unlucky, the ruthlessness, cruelty and ruthlessness shown by human beings have disturbed the just forces in the universe!" the guest sighed: "The Soviets are so capable! They have washed the whole star domain with blood, and they are becoming more and more terrible... Asgards warn us that the Soviets... Every Soviet starts to show the temperament of those deep and ancient evils in the universe."

"They are abandoning everything for survival!"

Outside the huge red area, the blue symbolizing freedom in North America and England island is squeezed into this small area on the map. There are occasionally small areas in Africa, while the wider areas of South America and Africa are occupied by a kind of steel cyan and black, just like the color of the iron cross badge, which is close to Mexico, Egypt and South Africa

"The resurgent * * is a lunatic that has never appeared in human history. They extend their hands to the most taboo areas in the field of science. Race, genes, anti ethics and resurrection, variants, viruses, variation, radiation, and crimes that human beings can imagine in the field of biochemistry are played incisively and exquisitely by this government. They have really achieved the scientific governance..."

"Step on human dignity... To study how to enslave human beings..."

The two people in the room suddenly became silent, and the uneasy air spread out where they couldn't see: "the government without a bottom line is terrible, and we have nothing to do about it... Except war... But the most impossible thing is war, because we can't afford it..."

Nick recalled the quarrels again and again in the meeting. Today, when international trade and globalization are completely bankrupt, all the principles and political systems adhered to by the United States have lost their economic significance. If you don't want to be completely dragged into the abyss, you have to come up with a new set of methods - methods that everyone knows!

Totalitarianism - authoritarianism - dictatorship - big government - imperialism - there are many words to describe it, but the core will never change - control.

"Stark and the Defense Department almost tore their faces!" Nick suddenly sighed.

"Expected!" the guest said these words coldly.

Nick lay down in his chair, looked up at the pattern on the ceiling, and said without focusing his eyes: "the Ministry of Defense wants to merge stark industry. They ordered Tony to hand over the core technology of steel armor... It's like throwing his family's ancestral grave. The state's taking stark industry is probably the top three among all the things that can annoy him..."

"Among those who can explode the soldiers, stark can definitely rank in the top three... And this time he is not alone. He has almost won the support of all large enterprises."

"There can be many cores of democracy, but the power of the Empire belongs to only one place. If the Ministry of defense obtains the control of stark and other large arms enterprises, the bureaucracy and the system they represent will expand infinitely and eventually include everything. If stark wins, the country will become a huge trust enterprise, and all small enterprises do not exist It is necessary, because the country is a combination of one or several enterprises... "

The guest's tone was cold, even with a cruel answer: "this is a war between consortia and bureaucracy, and the middle class will be destined to be cannon fodder."

Then, with a hint of banter, he asked, "what's the attitude of the captain of the United States? Now he represents the people!"

"He doesn't like any of them... But he has no choice. This is the most painful struggle I've ever seen him. Both sides are fighting for the freedom he cherishes... But I've felt his choice!"

The guest didn't ask the answer Nick didn't say, because it didn't need to be considered: "then, the civil war is near!"

"And it will be the cruelest war!"

"The war will be limited to the smallest scale..." Nick replied, "because we don't dare to start the war at all. Whether the parliament ousts the president or the president dissolves the parliament will determine the future direction of the country..."

"I will try my best to eliminate other interference. All the results will be determined by the avenger!"

"I have obtained the support of the professor and tried my best to ensure that the civil war will not expand, and the Asgard people are neutral - thor and Hulk will not participate in the war, and now I need your support!" Nick stood up and looked into the guest's eyes: "now, support or oppose?"

"Control the scope of the civil war?" the guest asked, "why do you have such a crazy idea?"

Nick firmly replied: "because the Avengers have two best leaders, no matter what their position, they will not destroy the whole country!"

"This is bound to trigger a comprehensive response from the * *, the Soviet Union, Asgard, mieba, and even China..." the guest also reminded nick of the absurdity of his idea.

"That's our duty! I'll open up the fairest battlefield for them and keep all interference out of the battlefield... Now the X-Men support me and the s.h.i.e.l.d. support me, and I need more powerful forces to protect them from the wind and rain." Nick answered loudly.

"What if it was the apocalypse?" the guest was not moved by his generosity, but asked the most deadly question: "how do you rule out the influence of the apocalypse?"

Nick was silent for a long time before he looked up: "I need your attitude to prove it to you!"

"If you can fight against the Apocalypse... The Galactic escort will support you on behalf of one-third of the civilization of the Galaxy!" the guest pulled down his hat and showed an ordinary American face, which is a hybrid of spartoi and human - xingjue.