The faint smell of blood in kadinov's words made the Avengers creepy. They didn't understand the meaning of this paragraph. On the contrary, they were familiar with a lot of information.

Bone deep familiarity!

At the moment when the word blurted out from kazinov's mouth, the avenger almost screamed, and the feeling like a nightmare lingered around them. Hearing those familiar names and words, everyone can feel an irresistible turbulent undercurrent, quietly lurking around them.

Captain America's face became completely heavy, his eyebrows locked into a mountain, and he couldn't help tightening the shield in his hand.

Kazinov took them to the periphery of an underground base. The surrounding metal wall has soft white light, which is very close to the natural light. Closer, you can feel the feeling of natural breathing from the metal surface.

Overhead is a transparent suspended window, which can see the outer space of the planet zitari. Seeing here, the Avengers know that the zitari people are almost at a complete disadvantage and have no power to fight back. Otherwise, a civilization addicted to war would not have the mind to arrange these. The huge debris visible to the naked eye also proves this.

"Is this...?" the black widow couldn't help stroking the porthole, her fingernails across the projection of the huge warships.

The zetari's large spaceship looks like a creature. It is a sea dragon shape. It is very ferocious and ferocious. It has their barbaric and cruel style and looks very visual impact. Especially those almost destroyed debris, they are very conspicuous outside the satellite and can be seen clearly from the atmosphere.

The metal shell of the spacecraft was almost distorted. The strong gravity almost folded them. Some looked like they were crushed, and some looked like they were twisted into a ball.

"That's solid... Isn't it?" Rocky suddenly turned his head and asked.

The black widow was surprised and said, "what?"

"I said it was solid!" Rocky repeated with a smile, completely unable to see a trace of embarrassment as a prisoner: "I know the zitari better than you. After all, they used to be my allies... Zitari's war ability is very strong. Such a warship is not the iron shell of your human beings. It is equivalent to a solid metal ball."

"The external stress of the weapons equipped in the war Corps under mieba is countless times stronger than you can understand. You can't imagine a lot of data. Through the cooperative external stress technology, the strength of the metal structure supporting the spacecraft can reach the material level of the white dwarf."

Kazinov looked at him in surprise. He seemed to be looking at his value. After half a ring, he nodded and said, "yes, this technology is not even mastered by us. It belongs to the advanced application of the unified field of the four basic forces. Our research team is still cracking... You know a lot! The supreme political commissar has approved your transmission authority. Come with me."

The Avengers followed him into the base. When the black widow passed by rocky, she rubbed his ear and inadvertently asked, "since the performance of that metal material is so outstanding, what level of power is it that destroys it?"

Rocky whispered in her ear, "that level of power corresponds to your mathematical system. It's meaningless. Don't measure us with your shallow mind, mortal! What we do is beyond your understanding. You have to learn a basic mathematical unit for another ten years to understand. Of course, this is the speed of our asgards."

As if a bubble had been broken, the Avengers came to a more open space, huge to the marginal buildings and city structure, three-dimensional, vivid and real, and the city was full of illusion.

"Just that feeling is space bubble?" the black widow looked back curiously. As a result, she only saw the other half of the city, and the underground base they came out behind disappeared without a trace.

Rocky smiled in a low, mellow voice, teasing the black widow's careful thought: "that's not!"

"The base we just passed is part of the space bubble. Their technology can build a city in it. In fact, we just move around in the space bubble. The space of the whole planet has been divided into two parts, connected by a space bubble group as a two-part transition maze."

"If the zetarians want to break through from that half of the planet, they must go through this space structure. They can close those independent spaces at any time, and then..." Rocky made a gesture to poke and burst bubbles: "the whole space and everything inside disappeared without a trace."

To the surprise of the Avengers, there are not many people in the city, and most of them are not soldiers.

It seems that a zetari is not enough to put them into a state of war.

Two young Oriental teenagers looked at the strangers curiously. When they saw the iron man's armor, their eyes lit up. Tony was familiar with the eyes and enjoyed the feeling. He felt good about himself and waved his hand to adjust his steel armor to a more cool state.

"Stark, you'd better stop your fuss," the captain of the United States couldn't help warning him.

"You're jealous that the children love me." Tony didn't care.

"Hello, boys!" he waved to the two teenagers.

"Hello!" the two teenagers nodded politely, and kadinov said with a smile: "it's Chinese boys! They should be finished. The Republic is the pillar of the Communist Union. Their soldiers are very powerful. Science and technology are also the most developed in the union. They lead the whole Communist Union in the fields of space physics and energy physics."

"I like physics!" Tony said confidently.

"Can you show me your armor?" the taller boy ran up to Tony and asked him shyly.

In the strange environment of the outer planet, Tony naturally pretended to be forced and felt very good. He put on a posture that could highlight his tall image and said to the two: "do you want me to be closer?"

"No, no," the boy waved. "Just stand there and stop for a while!"

Tony heard this answer for the first time. Generally, men can't help touching his armor. No man can refuse the temptation of war. Tony always believes in it.

He saw the boy stretch out his left hand and press it falsely at a distance of 50 cm. Countless small blue light silk threads wound around stark from him. The penetrating blue light swept Tony's whole body without size and detail, making him feel naked and exposed to the public.

The translucent miniature model was constructed by light silk and suspended in front of the boy.

Tony was surprised to find that it was almost the design drawing of mark v. the original was scaled. Many places involving high-precision energy and materials were also very clear. According to this, even if the original could not be copied, Mark V had no secrets.

"Thank you!" the boy said happily to stark.

Tony stared back at kadinov in shock and anger. He didn't care if someone imitated, but he hated being calculated. There is no doubt that his armor has been copied. He believed kazinov had deliberately arranged it.

Kazinov understood his eyes and shook his head slightly.

"I'm afraid you guessed wrong. What you think we value, in fact, we don't care."

The Mark V in the boy's palm has been magnified ten times and clearly projected in front of everyone. "The core of cold sudden change is three generations behind. Get rid of it! The anti gravity engine is an old version of the near planet environment, which is inseparable from the planet's gravity. It's better to replace it with the retro anti gravity void field."

"The data of this alloy is very strange. There is no data in the database. It is more suitable to use particle metamorphosis jiahai92 Edman alloy. The aerodynamic shape is submitted to the large database for calculation, the mechanical structure is submitted to the intelligent brain task, and the application for personal intelligent AI loading is actually a silicon-based material computer, which is replaced by quantum 2 optical brain."

However, in a few breaths, the design drawing in his palm changed a large part. The virtual drawings with overlapping and dazzling data were nested on the model, and in the twinkling of an eye, even stark couldn't recognize them.

In the crazy beating of Tony's eyelids, he saw a child less than ten meters away from him, changed his drawing beyond recognition, and then the child operated in the palm of his hand.

"Apply for material support!"

The liquid metal liquid squeezed out of the void between the two, and the silver solution floated in the air like a pearl.

"Personal portable industrial system link external database."

The floating photoelectricity representing the micro force field continues to emerge from the boy. The micro force field composed of controllable high-energy atoms as the core covers the silver liquid metal, and the light spots continue to swim. The particle structure of the metal is finely adjusted in the state of the particle force field, and the finished product is printed out in the void with a single atom as the unit.

The whole part was formed at one time. In a few minutes, a brand-new armor imitating Mark V was made.

It seems that the size model is completely made according to the boy's figure.