"I will report what you said to my superiors, but for security reasons, I hope you will be in a non malicious state in the next journey," political commissar kazinov warned them.

With human form, Avengers are not regarded as enemies by star warriors.

Just three years after entering the era of the Communist alliance, the gap between countries and nations between the alliances has been very small. In the era of extreme material abundance, mankind has become more rational and honest. Although facing the most disliked Americans, kazinov still maintains goodwill. In the interstellar era, a human regime will not be called their enemy.

"We are still at war with the zetarians, and we are cautious about contacting most aliens." kazinov introduced to the Avengers. He led his party to the main base and reported the changes of the portal to the superior.

Nick left the other end of the portal with the information they got. It is conceivable that the whole world will be shocked again.

But this time it will really change the pattern of the world.

It is impossible to overestimate the impact of a parallel universe with the same pattern as the earth and three communist countries that have the ability to colonize across the universe and have defeated the army of aliens in the universe.

The difference of *******************************************************************************************************. It is a foregone conclusion to lose its hegemony. Nick needs to consider more about how to maintain the international status of the United States.

The Avengers were relatively silent along the way, and the traces of the war were everywhere. The captain of the United States was shocked and worried by the mere remains of some insignificant ruins.

"Do we approach the base through space transmission?" the U.S. captain couldn't help asking. He didn't feel obvious spatial changes along the way. He just went in and out of some underground fortifications, large bases and land war vehicles, but the external environment kept changing greatly, and the angle of stars in the sky also changed greatly, which made him have some vague guesses.

Political commissar kadinov did not hide his intention: "we are applying for a two-phase dimension track. There are many safety audits leading to the base, so we need to change points."

"You said you built a transmission system?" Thor couldn't help questioning: "I don't doubt your ability, but the portal and transmission system are two different things. Even Asgard and rainbow bridge are our unprecedented achievements and great miracles that can't be copied. The length of your human life is not enough to make progress in space."

"We asgards have a life span of 5000 years. Only the oldest people in the divine domain can master space knowledge. They have experienced the most beautiful learning in nearly 4000 years before they master it in the last journey of life."

"I can't even touch the fur of space knowledge in a hundred years..." Thor said positively: "in fact, it took me two thousand years to learn it. It's a miracle to open the portal with your life span!"

"That's stupid of you, Thor!" the captured Loki laughed at him mercilessly: "your brain is full of muscles, so you can't learn." when he turned to kadinov, his face was very dignified: "this is indeed a great achievement. Your space system is very efficient, the energy fluctuation is very small, and the biological adaptability is also very strong..."

"The process of transmission is just like walking. In contrast, the rainbow bridge is like stuffing people out of a thick pipe at the mouth of a bowl. It is incredibly stable and the spatial fluctuation is incredibly small."

Although it's just a glimpse of the leopard, rocky can also feel the horror of the human civilization he met this time. Asgard's Rainbow Bridge is one of the greatest achievements of the whole universe and the pride of people in the divine domain. It has been built in ancient times and can't be copied. It's the top work of Asgard's civilization, but it's too low compared with the transmission system used by foreign humans.

Man's technology in the transmission system frightened him.

Unlike Thor, whose brain is full of muscles, rocky learns better about space magic and technology. He can see the Republic's groundbreaking achievements in space technology.

The transmission process takes place in the space bubble. Each space bubble is an independent space with a radius of 200 meters and a height of 50 meters. They are transmitted together with the whole independent space, which is the key to why the transmission process is so stable.

But Asgard can't imitate, not to mention the difficulty of the transformation from transmitting creatures to transmitting independent space. Rocky knows that it is no less difficult than the breakthrough from transmitting inanimate matter to transmitting life. Just a technology of space bubble, Asgard is a natural moat. It creates an independent three-dimensional space in the universe, which is only one dimension away from the destruction of the universe.

With space bubble technology, humans can carry large amounts of material and even transport an entire planet - as long as they can make such a large space bubble. Human beings can ignore the attack that can not interfere with space. Even if they can interfere with space and can not break through the defense of space bubble, it is meaningless.

"It's hard to imagine that it's out of the hands of humans..." Rocky lowered his head and smiled. He looked unclear in his eyes. He said thoughtfully: "I simply doubt that you are not human with them. Maybe you are created by God, and they have evolved by monkeys. Otherwise, it can't explain the difference between the two civilizations."

"Do you believe that lineage determines all this?" political commissar kadinov asked Loki impolitely. "If so, you are undoubtedly a low species... It took hundreds of thousands of years for human beings to go from primitive society to bronze civilization, but it took only 3000 years from bronze age to industrial civilization, and it took less than two centuries to break through again and enter the information age."

"Now we have realized the age of the universe, the super dimensional civilization, and you are still trapped in a single universe, and you can't even interfere with the timeline. Who is the higher species? It goes without saying."

"There is only one distance between us, only one time to face the difference of despair." kazinov looked at the Avengers and said firmly: "you can never imagine what kind of honing we have experienced to break free from the dream devil, and hundreds of millions of human beings live forever in the light!"

"When the sun is dark, death will live forever!"

"Despair suddenly came, and the Apocalypse fell from the sky. War led to famine, and plague brought death. Angels sounded the horn to announce the doomsday judgment. Some fled the earth, some ashes disappeared. Some returned to the source sea, and some turned into ghosts. The last people left the world and drifted away without home."