The mechanical armor piece follows the curve of the human body, and the pieces are closed to wrap the boy. The blue and silver metal armor shape is very modern. It is not as arrogant as Stark's red and gold, but it is more elegant and exquisite.

Most people haven't had time to react since the child mobilized the Republic's industrial support to make the steel armor on the design drawing with smart atoms, and the whole armor has been formed, because it is beyond their understanding. Tony's armor costs more than $200 million per pair, and is made by Stark industries at the expense of human and material resources.

It represents not only Tony's enormous financial resources, but also the symbol of stark industry's most advanced technology and industrial capacity in the world.

The highest achievement of mankind in the field of energy - ark reactor.

The highest level of human power - anti gravity engine.

AI Jarvis, the crystallization of stark industry in the field of artificial intelligence.

These are advanced technologies that the U.S. government cannot replicate. They are the integration of Tony's personal wisdom and Stark's industrial advanced technology. They not only represent the forefront of Applied Science, but also the symbol of Stark's industry and even the overall industrial strength of the United States. Even if the drawings and technology are made public, not many countries in the world can make samples.

Maybe Russia can make half, China can copy a low configuration version, and the whole Europe can unite to build a sample at any cost.

"Tony, Mark 5, what's your offer to the defense department?" the black widow asked stark, who was surprised and could not close his mouth, with her elbow.

"500 million dollars!" stark was still staring at the blue and silver armor.

"It's a steel patriot of $500 million. It's just a modified version of Mark 1, at least two generations behind Mark 5." agent Hill couldn't help interrupting. She turned back and said to Tony: "now your steel patriot is only worth $200 million! We won't spend so much money to buy an already backward weapon..."

"Mark 5, how much do you want?" asked the black widow in Tony's ear.

Tony gave her a complicated look, shook his head and said, "mark 5 is priceless..."

"Come on! You can't do a monopoly business... Give me a real price!"

"It's really priceless... Its technical verification machine has not been finalized, and we haven't mastered its production process. It can't be industrialized at all. It can't be used as a commodity! Naturally, there is no price." Tony looked at the smaller steel armor and said bitterly, "I spent 16.2 billion for Mark 5, but it fell behind by a generation 13 days after it came out."

"What is a dollar?" the boy asked.

"That's the currency of our country! Wait, do you understand what currency is?" the black widow asked him, and the boy shook his head.

"I am a genetically modulated person, not as long as the life cycle of a natural person. Today is my first birthday!" the boy said curiously, "I have seen the records of money in the history book. Do you use it to buy goods?"

"Human cloning."

Tony couldn't help showing a creepy expression. Although cloning technology was not far from the level of Earth Science, they were still shocked by a living clone standing in front of them.

"Yes! In order to preserve the kindling of human civilization after the Apocalypse disaster, the female cochlea plan specially formulated by the government! After the extinction disaster of human living environment, with biochemical living species that can be preserved for millions of years until the ecological recovery, gene modulated people are cultivated and injected into the memory bank of human civilization."

"I am the result of the cochlea project. Although the project failed, we, who have developed into embryos, have been trained to supplement the population of the Republic."

The boy didn't seem to care about his origin, but looked forward to stark and others, and asked curiously, "I've seen a lot of past data in the database. Is your performance towards money true?" perhaps he felt that what he said was too vague, and the boy tried to express it mildly: "that kind of... Very persistent?" He used a less sharp word indefinitely.

"Persistence? What you want to say is madness and stupidity!" Tony nodded. "That's because you can't see what it represents behind it... Money is a distribution of power, it's like a right to control the whole world. When you own it, you have the power behind it."

"We use money to coordinate and distribute goods, which makes our world run reasonably and smoothly."

Tony said, "you may think it's unfair, but it's closer to the essence of the world. Are you communist?"

Full of vigour, and you may think that some people enjoy luxury, some people have nothing, which is unfair, but this is the beauty of the world. Human nature determines all this. The difference makes the whole world full of vitality, like catfish in sardine, which stimulates the development of the whole world.

"In my opinion, this system is more lovely than the rigid and rotten distribution system. Without these, my life will lose half its meaning."

"Greed is where human nature lies, and those who try to erase human nature, no matter how brilliant it is, must be cruel and crazy. What we pursue is the great flash of implementing human nature - freedom! Freedom is human nature!"

Tony's tone was proud and proud. He smiled and waved with open arms.

But kazinov's eyes beside him made him feel very strange.

"You seem to have something to say, sir?"

"China is the most special member of the Allied forces!" kazinov looked at the Avengers and made them feel uncomfortable. It was a mixture of insight and impatience, just like people standing downstream of history overlooking the old and ridiculous customs of the past.

"Unlike the Soviet Union and the European community, the Republic does not even have a distribution system! There is no commodity, no currency, and no appearance you pursue! As long as there is material, they have everything, and the personal system can meet most of the needs of Chinese comrades. The production capacity of industry is in the hands of real workers."

"Every Chinese comrade is a factory, the deepest and most essential combination of workers and production tools. For them, all labor products you can buy in dollars can be manufactured at will, the materials they can enjoy are unlimited, and each of them can be comparable to the production capacity of a complete industrial country."

"They are really free. Your freedom wants money, but they don't!"

"However, they did not show no motivation, indulge in enjoyment and extravagance, and sink into materials without a trace. The whole society did not lose the motivation for development. On the contrary, they abandoned greed, cruelty, cunning, deception and arrogance, and became truly noble. Human nature seemed not low-level. After Chinese comrades liberated themselves and gained real freedom, human nature seemed to change It has to be pure and simple. "

Kazinov impatiently stopped the American captain who wanted to speak.

"Three years ago, no one thought of today. What you said was regarded as truth at that time. At that time, we really believed that human nature was eternal, but the scam was a scam after all."

"You try to convince us that there can be no exploiters in this world, just as the nobles in the Middle Ages tried to convince the serfs that the nobles were protecting them. They use cruel means, shameless deception, any way you can think of to stop anyone, everyone and uncover a secret!"

"That is, the world doesn't need you! Serfs don't need nobility, and workers don't need exploiters."

"You need us!"

"Now, you may still believe your lies, but the facts will prove that the world will be better without you, mankind!"