What's PIM doing? How could Chen ang not know!

As early as a week ago, special agents of the Divine Shield bureau came to Chen Ang's laboratory in Osborne industry. Chen Ang's identity can be checked. Naturally, there is nothing worthy of the vigilance of the Divine Shield Bureau. The mysterious power of directly modifying the world's bottom records through arcane skills involving the divine field is not what the Divine Shield bureau can find out.

This is also a place where Chen ang failed to complete the unification of arcane law and scientific theory, involving the fields of time and space, causality, concept, ceremony and soul. The knowledge of arcane and divinity is still too difficult for science.

If Skynet's scientific and technological resources are enabled, Chen ang may have to break through the dimensional level for information interference in order to modify the world line. I'm afraid it's no different from reopening a timeline. This is the reason why Chen ang far exceeds the basic science and technology tree in the scientific theory related to space-time and plane. He has extreme advantages in this regard.

Because of the study of DND world and the research on divinity, planes and arcane skills, Chen ang can easily do this with extraordinary divine power.

In this world, create a real Chen ang, flesh and blood, real without emptiness, with complete life experience, and even a very clear and verifiable real identity in human memory.

It is precisely because of these innocent and brilliant life experiences that the special agents of the Divine Shield bureau have attracted. Chen Ang's academic level is too rebellious. He has made amazing achievements in information technology, basic physics, space physics, energy physics and mathematics. It has its own independent laboratory in Osborne industry.

Osborne is now Skynet's asset.

Only then did Chen Ang's suggestions in the s.h.i.e.l.d. and his subsequent exchanges with PIM.

"We hope that the two doctors can work together to complete this scientific research task." Nick Frey sincerely said to Chen ang and PIM sitting in front of him. He handed them the documents. "I know that neither doctor wants his research to be used to kill people, but this time we are not to kill, but to save."

He turned to Hank PIM and said, "the malicious acquisition that PIM technology is suffering is related to this incident. Dr. destruction and his' Skynet 'are destroying the foundation of the whole country. We have reason to believe that the malicious acquisition in PIM technology and Osborne industry these days is controlled by Dr. destruction."

"Our country is in an abnormal state. It needs your wisdom!"

Even as director of s.h.i.e.l.d., Nick can deal with "anomalies" wearing tights, but he dare not gossip about such strategic scientists. Even without mentioning the Big Mac behind them, their own influence can not be underestimated. PIM is the authority of microphysics and one of the founders of s.h.i.e.l.d., and Chen ang is another scientific research overlord in the whole field.

"PIM particles are very dangerous!" hank squinted at Nick. He sneered, "don't talk to me about the great interests of the country. When I struggle for my motherland, you are still sucking! You are guarding the peace of the United States, and I am protecting the security of the universe by banning the further application of PIM particles."

"Your greedy eyes only see its power, but have you clearly recognized its danger?"

Nick can't say that he is not a competent director of s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d., but he is a politician after all. He can't consider the problem from the perspective of scientists. The first lesson of every researcher's experiment must be about the baptism of safety and morality. The more excellent scientists are, the more cautious they will be about their research, because it may destroy the world.

Not all scientists, like Chen ang, have many world samples to study. There is only one world for them. Even if they are crazy, they can't help but have scruples.

"How are you going to use our wisdom?" Chen ang asked, closing the document.

Nick was excited when he heard Chen Ang's words. The best answer was not to refuse at the first time. He replied cautiously: "we plan to follow Dr. PIM's mature design - ant man's reduced battle suit, select the best agents to use and manipulate it, and use the energy weapons you created..."

"Stupid words!" Chen ang interrupted, "don't insult my invention with such stupid designs. Do you think humans are the best creatures at war? Why do you wear stupid tights to fight?"

"Two of the world's greatest scientists are standing here, but you're going to let them work as a weapons designer!" Chen ang sneered. "Nick, you're very bold! What's your plan? Let PIM adjust his tights and install my micro interference rays? Why don't you find a college student to do this job?"

"I could have done that when I was six!" added PIM with an ugly face.

"So you two are..." Nick couldn't react.

Chen ang nodded: "we agreed! But all research processes and interference powers are under our control..."

"What about security?"

"It's under control!"

Nick wants to say that you are the one who studies scientific theory and safety, and you are the one who says everything is under control. It's up to you to judge according to this standard! But he didn't dare to say that. He took two masters who couldn't provoke him back to the secret laboratory of the Divine Shield Bureau.

What are PIM particles? I'm afraid no one knows this better than Chen ang. Nominally, it is a special separated subatomic particle that can change the size of biological mass, but in essence, the mass of the object adjusted by PIM particles has changed. Ant people can sit on ants, and a tank can be hung around their waist.

If their mass is not changed, the density of human bodies and tanks will be comparable to the planetary material of white dwarfs. If according to the pressure formula - the mass remains unchanged, the stress area changes, and the pressure increases positively, the smaller ant man will cut into the earth's core.

Therefore, the technology of changing mass without changing momentum and maintaining the dynamic potential energy of large volume mass while reducing weight can not be explained by reducing the spacing between atoms. Any interstellar civilization that can explore white dwarfs and neutron stars will have an in-depth study of atomic spacing, but no civilization has ever been able to complete such magical subatomic particles!

"Therefore, PIM particles are essentially the interference of another dimensional state, which can orbit objects into a parallel dimension in some way." Chen ang observed the structure of PIM particles on the quantum state scanner and discussed with Dr. hank.

"Yes!" Dr. hank curiously looked at Chen Ang's experimental equipment moved to the Divine Shield Bureau and explained to Chen ang: "I call this parallel dimension the cosmic dimension. The collapse and filling of matter also come from this dimension. The reduced object is not reduced in the material sense, but transformed into a dimension parallel to us."

"You've found the other side of matter, the attribute of their space size in relative time and space!" Chen ang exclaimed. "As many spatial dimensions as there are, there are as many aspects of matter in the dimension. The dimension is endless, so the dimensional nature of matter is endless. It's a miracle to find such a special dimension in infinity."

Chen ang took out an arm sized X-ray instrument and aimed it at the ants in the Petri dish. The slightly white ray hit the Petri dish and passed through the middle. A reddish brown monster, dressed in a carapace and waving its teeth and claws in place, is impressively an ant shaped monster. The alarm of the laboratory was sounded, and the shrill alarm sounded throughout the base.

"Doctor, come with us!" the special agent of s.h.i.e.l.d. rushed out from one side and nervously aimed at the monster ant.

A red ant the size of a car, like a real monster, has a grotesque appearance and shell. The red ant shook its tentacles powerlessly in place.

The agent protecting Chen ang wanted to pull him out, but Chen ang refused.

"Nothing, it won't live long!" Chen ang waved his hand, as if to prove his words. The red ant fell to the ground and died with convulsions.

Although the existence of different dimensions can overcome many impossibilities of life, it is still limited by the environment. The uncoordinated conflict between different dimensions of life and this dimension can not be reconciled and overcome. It's OK that temporary heterodimensionality like ant man exists. If it is permanent heterodimensionality, death is almost inevitable in a short time.

As long as organisms still need to communicate with the environment, this conflict of dimensional attributes will inevitably lead to collapse and death.

If the ant is enlarged 70 times, its surface area will increase 5000 times, and the body mass consuming oxygen will increase at least 350000 times. Even if an ant can breathe on its body surface, it needs an oxygen environment with a concentration of up to 90 percent, or a 70 fold increase in oxygen supply.

There are many similar difficulties.

Heterodimensionality can make its shell and muscle relatively alienated in attributes, but it can not change the nature of oxygen after all. Therefore, Chen angcai doesn't have to worry about the enlarged ant monster, because it will kill itself as time goes by.

"That's why my uniform exists," PIM sighed.

His ant man uniform is used to create a kind of environment to which human beings are relatively adapted to resist this disharmony and environmental conflict, but it is only an expedient measure after all. The long-term use of ant Man Battle clothes will still damage human health. PIM also bid farewell to his superhero career and left behind the famous legend of "domestic tyrant".

Chen ang looked at the dead giant ant and shook his head. "There has always been another way. If you can't adapt the environment to the giant ant, let it adapt to the environment. Modern biological transformation technology is enough to keep them alive long enough!"

"Transforming life?" PIM said in shock: "that's crazy! The Divine Shield will not agree with this terrible experiment! And the current biotechnology is not enough to make these insects adapt to human combat effectiveness. They may survive, but you expect to give play to their dangerous characteristics. That's a big mistake!"

"That's not necessarily!" Chen ang shook his head.

"Yes! It's not necessarily!" Nick hurried in from outside the laboratory and said sincerely to Chen ang, "s.h.i.e.l.d. supports your experiment."