Toppling high-rise buildings, exposed steel bars, and occasionally burning steel chariots, melted and mixed with steel and bodies, stirred in the soil, paved the road from New York harbor to the statue of liberty. Looking up, there are ruins and debris of the city everywhere, as if with the last cry of thousands of souls buried here.

When the end comes, let the world recall the long lost fear!

On the silent ruins, the black blood mud suddenly collapsed into a huge vortex. Hundreds of tons of soil were swallowed up by the huge mouth that seemed to be filled with dissatisfaction forever until a huge pit tens of meters deep was created. The soil layer near the surface suddenly bulged, and a dirty mud hand stretched out from the huge grave.

Nick Frey and Colson struggled to climb out of the soil layer. Their experimental ant man combat clothes saved their lives. With the help of their reduced body size, they successfully avoided the most terrible impact. Finally, they can even shrink the soil layer on their body with the PIM particles on their combat clothes and escape from the sky.

But Nick would rather die in this disaster! He looked around, his expression was numb and confused. His once strong hands could only tremble at this time. This iron and steel unyielding man seemed to have lost his soul, and his body became much thinner in an instant.

"Nick Frey, you fool! Congratulations! You performed a terrible failure in front of the world. In the center of New York, we saw an overwhelming war, and you were the loser." the Secretary of state's tsunami like abuse came from the built-in headphones in the helmet, and dirty words came at him like raindrops.

"Shoot me!" Nick said bitterly.

"What are you talking about? Do you think your death can wash away the shame of the country?"

"S.h.i.e.l.d.'s backup plan. If there is an enemy threatening the survival of the country, s.h.l.d. has the right to start the final response plan. In my capacity as director, I order you to start the final defense line - Plan D, and let me destroy it together with the enemy."

"I don't understand what you're talking about..." the Secretary of state roared in the headset, but soon a cold electronic voice replaced him. "Scheme D is starting, submit to the brain to confirm... Request approval!"

Nick took off his helmet and closed his eyes. Facing the sea breeze, he felt the breath of Chen ang suspended on the statue of liberty, as if he had exhausted his last breath and vomited out of his lungs, "you coward who fought against the soldiers and our great boys." his trembling shell seemed to be full of courage again. He threw away his weak coat and roared like a soldier: "Ready for your doomsday?"

He was like a lion with tangled hair and beard. His eyes were like the fierce eyes of a wounded beast. He looked at Chen ang.

To tear him apart,

To make him suffer,

Destroy him!

"PIM particle is a very terrible weapon. It can destroy all existing existence, including nuclear weapons, cities, even planets and stars! It is much more dangerous than all weapons you can imagine. This should not be a weapon controlled by human beings, because it is in human hands and more dangerous than any super criminal."

When PIM developed this weapon, he solemnly told Nick.

"It is a weapon that human beings can use at the most dangerous moment." Chen ang added: "it is not for human civil war, nor for power and profit, or even for threatening other governments. It should be opened only when human beings live or die. I think it should be an astronomical disaster enough to destroy the earth, or an alien invasion at the level of Starfleet..."

"Dr. PIM and I created it together! The prerequisite is the miraculous PIM particles discovered by Dr. PIM and the micro interference rays I discovered. PIM particles can transfer the matter in the original space-time dimension to another space-time, while the micro interference rays have the ability to lock the interference frequency and effectively limit the interference range, intensity and other specific data of the rays."

PIM answered, "I created a monster, and Dr. Chen put it in a cage. You can make limited use of it, but I must emphasize that the danger still exists in this process."

Looking at Nick's solemn but still disapproving look, PIM felt that he had done something wrong. The best way to preserve this terrible weapon should be not to create it. He personally hung a sword of smodak on human head. If Chen ang hadn't put forward scientific theories to tempt him, he wouldn't have made such a thing anyway.

Pointing to a huge ray generator, Chen ang said to Nick, "micro interference ray can control the interference range, intensity and even result of ray. Its accuracy can even reach the level of accurate interference with a high iron content in 100000 grains of sand. If PIM particles exist in the form of micro interference ray..."

"Then it can destroy any existing matter in the universe!"

At the s.h.i.e.l.e.l.d. building not far from New York harbor, dense cables draw a large amount of energy from the reactivity of the ark, and the ray generator made by Chen ang at the top slowly operates. The rich blue energy flow converges into the energy chamber, pressurizes the Pimm particles here, and transitions into active subatoms.

In Chen Ang's view, PIM's greatest invention is not PIM particles, but vessels containing PIM particles. This non shrinking material is the key to the application of PIM particles. However, in the face of PIM rays with higher and higher energy intensity and exponential increase of ray energy level, the intensity of this material is not enough!

An operator accidentally touched the PIM particles escaping to the low energy level, and then he disappeared in full view of the public! Some objects around began to lose, just like an invisible hole in the air.

Finally, the ray was excited from the generator, and a dim white light hit the statue of liberty.

After enjoying the repeated nightmares of heaven and earth, several people present were lucky to see another great achievement of human self destruction, which was enough to wipe this young race, this tiny planet, out of the universe for millions of times!

This kind of scene will only appear in nightmares. Even disaster movies can't imagine this terrible power.

A huge collapse appeared on the chest of the statue of liberty, and then it took only 200000 seconds to expand to a distance of one kilometer in diameter. Because of the role of micro interference device, it was finally limited to the narrow range of New York port.

All existing substances in this range collapse into discrete particles, just like being attracted by an irresistible strong gravity centered on the statue of liberty. These substances barely maintain their original form and wrap around this center into a huge material ball. Liquefied gases, scattered soil, concrete, and even corpses are compressed into a mass.

Then in a short time in nanoseconds, it collapses into a huge black hole.

All existence disappeared in this world. In the neat spherical space with a diameter of one kilometer, all observable existence evaporated without a trace. At that moment, even the light could not escape.

From the moment of ray excitation, those outside this range can only see a pure black hell.