Standing on the statue of liberty, Chen ang overlooks the ruins. From the port of New York to the Hudson estuary, the broken concrete and rolling earth are mixed into a piece of waste soil, dotted with broken rocks, messy steel and bodies. Everything that used to be on this land has disappeared, troops, agents, bunkers and buildings

Buried under billions of tons of soil, they were involved in a grinding plate made of concrete and rock. Their flesh and blood seeped out of the soil and dyed the land dark red.

Between Chen Ang's anti palms, he destroyed nearly four layers of elite of the s.h.i.e.l.d!

Many excellent agents and soldiers fight with the hope of victory, but all they gain is death.

Standing on freedom, Chen ang trampled on honor and faith. Around him, death and despair were everywhere, and suffocating sadness filled the whole battlefield. Although there is only one target, this conflict has broken through the scope of "crime" and even "attack", but a war.

A war between a man and a country.

On the other side, around the battlefield, New Yorkers who saw the war felt a surge of shock attacking them, and the Pentagon monitored here through satellites and electronic equipment was also dead silent at this time. When the mud column rose into the sky, the whole new york saw it, and when it landed, the whole city felt it.

A big rock hand lifted the huge concrete slab buried on his head. The stone man protected Su with his body and climbed back to the ground again. Mr. magic drilled out from the other side, and the thunderbolt fire also flew back. Looking at the tragic battlefield, he suddenly lost his voice.

"God!" Sue covered her mouth.

"Call me?" Chen ang floated to them.

"What have we done? What have you done?" Mr. magic reed looked around in fear. He asked with a trembling quality, "look what you have done? Is this what you want?"

"Yes!" Chen ang replied calmly, "maybe you think I'm a butcher, but from my point of view, all this is not unacceptable. Is life worth respecting? Of course, it's worth respecting, but for me, life doesn't mean the survival of the body, but another more essential expression of the rate."

"Death is just a cycle of life, without any cover up, hypocrisy and darkness. They just embarked on a journey of life."

"But you killed them!" Reid said angrily. "You killed thousands of soldiers with loved ones and children. You destroyed the happiness of thousands of families with your own hands."

"I'm sorry, but does this mean anything to me?" Chen ang asked with his head sideways. He manipulated gravity to push away the pile of soil beside him, revealing a young face. "Trees in nature in one year, withers and thrives once each year, will you be annoyed because you have picked a flower in advance? It will grow out next season."

The young body buried in the soil suddenly coughed violently. He struggled to get out of the ground and looked blankly at everything in front of him. When he saw Chen Ang's iconic mask, he was surprised to lift his automatic rifle.

"Is time meaningful?" Chen ang shook his head.

"No!" the wound on the resurrected soldier's face quickly disappeared, and he became younger. He looked at the rifle in his hand in surprise and seemed to wonder why he was wearing a military uniform.

"Is death to be feared?"

"It's not worth it!" the soldier's height suddenly shrunk. He looked as young as a high school student. In his eyes, he had the unique foolishness and unruly of young people, and some dirty words tattoos appeared on his arms.

"If you show the truth of the world in front of you, you will find that life is like a small section of a timeline, and a certain point on it has disappeared, which is meaningless for the whole section of life!" Chen ang looked into Reed's eyes and suddenly asked, "since you feel guilty, uneasy and regret for this, I'll give you a chance."

A pop-up window appeared in front of reed.

"Read archive?"

"If you choose 'yes', everything will return to the past. Everything will return to the origin three days ago, and so will your memory." Chen ang pointed to his head and said: "yes or no."

Reed had seen the young soldier back when he was a child. He was wearing a huge military uniform and his small face was full of confusion. He looked only seven or eight years old, then five or six years old, three or four years old, and finally became a baby - disappeared in place. He stood at a loss before the pop-up window, and the world suddenly had a great sense of unreal.

This huge sense of alienation seemed to take him away. Even his girlfriend's voice was not real. He was in a trance and confused. He always felt that a voice in his heart said to him, "the eleventh time!"

"Reed!" his girlfriend's voice seemed to come from outside, distorted and unclear.

I don't know where to bring an extreme impulse. He slapped on the 'no' option. His expression was ferocious and terrible, and even scared Sue.

"Reed! Reed, wake up and don't look into the devil's eyes." Sue held Reed's head.

"You have chosen eleven times. Has it finally changed this time?" Chen ang nodded.

"What eleven times?" Reed pushed away Su's help. "You mean the timeline has been adjusted eleven times? You mean I went back to the past and stood here again to make the same choice? Again and again? Until now! You can't fool me, you can't fool me, it's unscientific!" Reed roared.

"People can't go back to the past!" Reed said firmly with a gloomy and terrible face.

"Other world can't, this world is different." Chen ang wears a mask and his tone is unusually peaceful.

Reed's face was ferocious and terrible. He was completely destroyed. Su hugged him and kept reminding him, "don't look at his eyes, don't look at his eyes, everything is just an illusion! Don't fall into his trap!"

"Did you see that option window?" Reed asked her in surprise.

"What option window?" Su was stunned for a moment. When she understood, she put her forehead against Reed's head and whispered, "don't believe what you see, don't believe your memory, don't believe the devil's words! Trust me!"

After a long time, reed calmed down. He gently kissed sue and whispered, "I believe you!" Sue excitedly held reed in her arms and sobbed, "you finally defeated him. Do you know, I'm so scared! That man is playing with us like a devil. You were like a devil just now."

Reed held sue in his arms, but whispered in his heart, "I'm sorry, Sue. It's not him who failed, but me. I was defeated by him. I want to find the truth, or I will fail all my life."

"He is not destroying or fighting with us. He is choosing time and creating the world. He knows his influence on the outcome and direction of the world. He is controlling the world. For our past, present and future, in his eyes, he is only a world line, a controllable process and result."

"Sorry, Sue, I don't allow our world to be like a game that can be read at will. I don't allow him to deny the meaning of our existence and the dignity of life. Even if he does, he wants to think so, and I will fight to the end! For our free existence..."

"I will fall into darkness, look for and yearn for light!"

Reed let go of his hand and slapped her on the back of her neck.

Sue rolled her eyes and fainted in Reed's arms. "Reed, what are you doing?" Thunderbolt fire said in shock. Reed handed Sue into his hand and sneered, "go back, you mole ants!"

"Reed!" the stone man wanted to rush up madly, but he was bound in place by huge gravity. Reed walked behind Chen ang step by step and silently looked at his former partner. The blue magic four Xia uniform gradually became dark. The deep black cloth spread down from his shoulder and pulled out a long cloak behind him.

The former magic Mr. reed, wrapped in a gloomy black robe, stood behind Chen ang and looked at his companions indifferently.

"God, sir! The s.h.i.e.l.d. has another future!" Reed explained to Chen ang: "in order to deal with you, they invited PIM, the former founder of the s.h.l.d., and Tony Stark to develop new weapons against Skynet. Now the news here is known all over New York. There will be many superheroes coming."

"You are really a talent to join our doomsday cult!" Chen ang praised.

"As for you..." Chen ang looked back at the remaining three superheroes, "that is, he refused to join the church and refused to die, which makes me very embarrassed!"