Chapter 251 - Leave Me Alone!

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
"I got a business card yesterday. However, I threw it away," Jiang Yingyue said, her voice was melodious and calm. It also sounded soft from just waking up, but a certain unquestionable air was within her voice, making it hard for the young man to question her.

He was stumped for a short while, but then he laughed out loud. "Miss Jiang, I understand that you wish to be loyal to your lover. However, it is not a good idea to hang onto someone if there is no future with them.

"This man might be attractive, but can he guarantee that you will have a good life throughout the years to come?

"Is he wealthy enough to provide for you and your eventual children, without you having to work?

"Is it really worth it, staying with someone like him?"

Jiang Yingyue's eyes flashed with coldness as she listened to the man, and her voice was cold as ice when she spoke.

"I don't know what your purpose is, but no matter what, I will not leave my boyfriend. We are already planning our engagement and marriage; you do not have to worry about my future either. As long as I am with him, I would be willing to traverse a mountain made from swords, a river of lava, and a sea of monsters! So stop wasting your time on me, I will never accept whatever offer you might have for me."

Jiang Yingyue's voice was not high, but the coldness it contained was so overwhelming that the young man was taken by surprise.

At this point in time, he was starting to dislike her. She was not an obedient little girl as he wanted, but he would not give up.

It was simply too embarrassing to be rejected! He would make her beg him to be with her, make her regret her words immensely!

Jiang Yingyue did not wait for a reply before she hung up the call. She was grumbling, and her previously excellent mood vanished completely.

Just as she started massaging her temples, she felt Han Qingshan's arms wrap around her and drag her back down into an embrace.

"I did not know you liked me that much," he said, his voice carrying with it a gentle smile.

"To think that you would traverse a mountain of swords, a river of lava, and a sea of monsters with me. I can feel your love for me."

Jiang Yingyue was suddenly embarrassed, she gently hit his chest, but she did not refute him. He was right; after all, she really did love him.

Han Qingshan also knew when he could push her and when he had to withdraw. He was teasing her slightly, but if he went over the top, he might have to sleep in his own room the following night. That'd be a disaster!

"This guy is annoying, he is like a lingering ghost," Jiang Yingyue said as she looked at her phone and frowned. She found the guy's number and directly blacklisted it, now it was impossible for him to even to send her a message or call her.

The young man did indeed try to call again. But when he heard the phone being cut off, he knew that he had been blocked. He was livid.

But he was not the only angry person due to this subject. Han Qingshan was doing everything to ensure Jiang Yingyue that he was fine, but the moment she entered the bathroom, he grabbed his phone.

"I need information about an annoying fly," he said, his eyes dark.

"Should I kill him?" the voice on the other end asked, and for once, Han Qingshan considered it seriously, but then he shook his head and sighed.

"We can not solve everything with violence. I have a phone number, figure out who the owner of it is, and find some dirt on him as soon as possible."

Having received Han Qingshan's orders and the phone number, the man grunted in reply and ended the phone call.

Han Qingshan was used to his friend's strange behavior and cold personality, so he did not mind.

This guy was the fastest at gathering information, so Han Qingshan was not worried about not having the report by the end of the evening. He was going to enjoy the day together with Jiang Yingyue at the different tourist attractions, towns, and cities that were present in the surrounding area.

Jiang Yingyue finished her bath fast. She was unaware of what exactly Han Qingshan had done, but she knew him well enough to know that he had done something.

She could imagine that he was feeling frustrated, seeing his girlfriend being teased like that could not be comfortable.

When Jiang Yingyue exited the bathroom, Han Qingshan could not help but whistle.

She was simply gorgeous. She was wearing a sky-blue vintage dress with a big white bow on her back. Her legs were long and shapely, and when one looked at them, there was an urge to remove the dress right away to see further up.

Her hair was tied into a high ponytail, accentuating her neck, her white skin was simply like it was submerged in milk, she was so attractive that Han Qingshan could not help but spend a long time just looking at her.

She was not wearing makeup, not even foundation, but she was so attractive that she did not need it. She was the most beautiful woman that Han Qingshan had ever seen before.

"The bathroom is empty," Jiang Yingyue said, a little embarrassed by seeing his scorching gaze on her. "You better go in and get ready.. We have a lot planned today, so you should wash up too so that we can go."