Chapter 252 - Darkness Deep Inside

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Han Qingshan gave a long glance at Jiang Yingyue. Clearly, there were certain things he much rather would than to go to the bathroom, but in the end, he held back. Jiang Yingyue needed to be able to move about that day; it was not right to wear her out already.

During that day they went to various tourist attractions and saw many beautiful sceneries.

But while Jiang Yingyue fully emerged in all the fun, Han Qingshan could sense that they were being followed.

He did not have to think twice to know who it was that was following them. A sneer appeared on his lips, but it quickly vanished and was replaced with a gentle smile as he gazed at Jiang Yingyue. Fortunately, she was unaware of her own charms.

But Han Qingshan was not blind. After Jiang Yingyue had returned to the life of a woman, she was simply so attractive that any man would turn their heads to look at her.

She was unaware that people could fall for her appearance at first instance, and after the encounter with Miss Mu, she was sure that people held ulterior motives when they wished to get closer to her so aggressively.

Han Qingshan did not try to change her thoughts either. This young man indeed had an ulterior motive to get close to her; he wanted her to be his trophy.

While others might not be able to see clearly, Han Qingshan could easily see through the young man's intentions. He was disgusted and annoyed with him. Daring to steal his, Han Qignshan's, woman? That was simply a suicidal wish!

Many thoughts were flashing in Han Qingshan's mind, but throughout the entire day, Han Qingshan was so gentle, loving, and considerate.

The one who observed them in silence and took pictures for the young man was stunned to see the level of attention that the woman was getting and started to understand why she was so loyal to him.

When the day came to an end, Han Qingshan and Jiang Yingyue ate at the hotel before heading to their room. Once again, Han Qingshan shamelessly entered the one booked for Jiang Yingyue. He had no intention of staying in his own room.

When Jiang Yingyue was washing up, Han Qingshan looked at the closed bathroom door, and then he called the mysterious Hei Yi to hear what kind of results he had gathered in a day.

"I know you are eager, but there is so much information about this guy, that getting all of it sorted will take some time," Hei Yi answered the moment he picked up the phone.

"Name is Lin Xiao, a very common name. He is from a somewhat affluent background and went into politics when he was very young. He has had quite a few successes in politics, but all of his connections and his shooting to stardom is all because of underhanded deals.

"I have documents and proof of the shady deals; the newest one was to investigate Jiang Yingyue and her phone number, in exchange for insider intel on a government-issued project."

"He has the cheek to investigate my Yingyue?" Han Qingshan's voice was low and dangerous; this man had overstepped his boundaries.

"So, what do you wish for me to do?" Hei Yi asked. He could feel killing intent in Han Qingshan's voice, but to his surprise, Han Qingshan made another decision than he had expected.

"Release the news. Start slowly, so that he thinks that he can stop it, but every time he fixes one issue, another, bigger, one will erupt. I want him to feel despair; I want him to regret ever getting close to Yingyue. Sometimes living is more unbearable than death."

Hei Yi had not expected such dark words from Han Qingshan. Although Han Qingshan was usually a sunshine boy, a person who was so friendly and positive, deep darkness lurked beneath the surface.

As soon as someone touched the ones he held dear, then he would turn into a demon that had risen from the ten courts of hell. He had the power to hold others' life and death in his hand, and he was simply dangerous to no ends.

Hei Yi had realized that after taking Jiang Yingyue as his partner, his wife-protecting devil ways were getting slightly out of hand, but he was a person who liked to see the world burn, so even if Han Qingshan turned even more ruthless, he would say nothing.

Jiang Yingyue was also unaware of what Han Qingshan was doing. Although she knew of his darkness, she never asked into his actions. All she did was silently support him.

When she exited the bathroom, she felt the darkness in Han Qingshan, but instead of asking anything, she gently went to kiss him on the chin.

"Take a bath and soothe your muscles," she said smilingly. "We walked so much today; I am exhausted, even you must be slightly tired too."

Han Qingshan was not tired, but he could feel the care and consideration of Jiang Yingyue, and he could not bear to let her down, so he nodded his head, placed a kiss on her head, and headed to the bathroom.

When he was out of sight, a slight apprehensive light shone in Jiang Yingyue's eyes. She could feel that something was troubling Han Qingshan, but she also knew that she could not ask about it.

Instead, she just smiled wryly and decided to do what she could to make him relax and feel better. That way, he would not be stressed out too much.

While Jiang Yingyue prepared the bed for them and Han Qingshan was washing up, Hei Yi began his plan on counter-attacking.. He was not going to let the fish slip through the net easily.