Chapter 250 - Shady Deals

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
The day went peacefully; nothing unexpected happened. Jiang Yingyue took Han Qingshan around the village and told him all the stories about when she was a child.

They also walked past the house where they had lived when she was a child and saw that a group of children was playing outside, chasing after a wind dragon.

Looking at them, her eyes turned soft. "I am glad that my parents found a new house," she said. "Although they returned to from the capital, it is hard to stay in the same house, the house where they found their own son dead."

Han Qingshan nodded his head as he dragged Jiang Yingyue into a warm embrace.

He could not understand her complex emotions as he had never lost anyone that close to him before. However, he wanted to give her strength.

The two finished their tour at Jiang Yingyue's place where they ate some food before returning to the hotel room.

Throughout the entire day, the young man had been waiting for her call, but as he saw the two of them move into the hotel, hand in hand, he was suddenly convinced that Han Qingshan had not given the business card to Jiang Yingyue.

His eyes flashed with darkness, and he was displeased. He had taken an interest in a woman, how dared a common man stands in his way?

It was already amazing that he had not given up on her after knowing that she was no longer a virgin, sleeping with her current boyfriend, but now this current boyfriend was even interfering with him. It was unacceptable!

One has to admit that the thought process of this young man was twisted. He was an upcoming political figure in the region, and he could not help but feel that he was much more entitled to get what he wanted than others. Anything he fancied would be his.

However, since he was from this region, he was unaware of Han Qingshan's actual appearance and had misunderstood him as being a poor young man who could hardly scrape by.

This also showed how little he had actually looked at Han Qingshan. His clothes were clearly of famous brands, his bearing not one that just anyone could have, but this young man was looking down upon him, and thus he never saw the clues that were right in front of him.

After waiting for a full day, without getting a phone call, the guy finally lost his temper. He took out his phone and dialed a number that was not saved in his phone book.

"It's me," he said the moment it was picked up. "I need you to check up on a phone number for me. I think it should belong to the capital; it's a woman named Jiang Yingyue. She is nineteen years old and comes from our region, originally. Her mother is Xun Huiyin."

"Sure thing, I can get it for you in a whiff, but you need to do something for me as well," the voice on the other end of the phone seemed casual and carefree. "I heard that the government is planning on putting a project up for bidding soon with the reconstruction of the Erli High."

"That's true," the young man did not deny it.

"Get me some insider intel, I want this project, but I want it at the lowest cost."

"That's no problem," the young man said. He did not think that such a small thing could affect the career he had often traded such information for personal benefits.

He hung up the phone call and looked at the deserted streets, a small smile adorning his lips. The thrill of the hunt was what he liked the most. Breaking her up with her boyfriend was also an accomplishment.

If he then later found out that he did not like her, then that was fine, at least he would have succeeded in wooing her, and she was incredibly pretty, she would be a good trophy for some time.

This man was such a person. Although he had taken a fancy to her, it was all about what she could give him.

She was correct in saying that she had gone to the capital for the sake of getting a better education. In that case, she could support him later. Not to mention, she was pretty. He would feel proud of seeing other's envious glances at him.

Although he had taken a fancy to her already, he did not know her at all. He had taken a liking to her appearance and the strong momentum she had when bullying his mother.

But for her personality. He really did not care. As long as she was obedient to him, the rest did not matter.

If Jiang Yingyue knew of his thoughts, she would have snorted and called him a lunatic.

That night, Han Qingshan was increasingly gentle and sweet, spending all his time to pleasure Jiang Yingyue. She felt her body trembling non-stop, her body floating on cloud nine, and unable to hold back, she slowly lost control of herself.

The following morning, Jiang Yingyue was feeling so comfortable as she was snuggling in Han Qingshan's embrace. She had planned on going on a few day trips with Han Qingshan to show him around the different towns and cities close by before they had to return to the capital.

At that moment she woke from her daze as she heard her phone ringing.

Picking it up, she saw a phone number she had never seen before. Frowning, she answered.

"Hello?" she asked, and suddenly a foreign man's voice sounded on the other end.

"Miss Jiang, I am sorry that I did not contact you before.. I tried getting my business card to you yesterday, but I fear your partner might have kept it from you."