Chapter 245 - Teasing Han Qingshan

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
Han Qingshan subconsciously held Jiang Yingyue's hand. He was unsure about how her parents would react to the fact that he knew that she was a woman, and even worse, snatched her away from them.

Jiang Yingyue was also nervous, so when she felt him grabbing her hand, she held on tightly, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

As soon as they had knocked, only a few moments passed before the door opened, and both Jiang Wei and Xun Huiyin were standing in the doorway, looking at them.

Jiang Wei smiled amiably when he saw them, but Xun Huiyin had tears in her eyes, as she quickly ushered them inside.

"Dearest, you look stunning as a woman!" she said happily as she looked at Jiang Yingyue, who was now much different from how she looked before.

Her hair was long now; she still used extensions, although she planned on having them removed soon and getting a page cut, and she was dressed in a beautiful vintage dress with high heeled shoes.

She looked like a young lady from a prominent family.

Seeing her looking this beautiful, and seeing how Han Qingshan and her hands were tightly entwined, she felt so grateful towards Han Qingshan that it was hard for her to express her feelings.

They had done everything in their power to convince Jiang Yingyue of returning to the life of a woman, but no matter what, they had said, she had been unable to do so.

Now with the support of Han Qingshan, she was able to return to being herself and she no longer had any worries in her heart. Her dear Jiang Yingyue had finally returned to being a woman, and she was even lucky enough to have found her other half.

Jiang Wei was also very satisfied with Han Qingshan. He knew that it was all thanks to this son-in-law that Jiang Yingyue had changed, but he was not just going to hand her over without scaring this young man a little.

After entering the apartment, Han Qingshan was led to the living room where he was seated together with Jiang Wei, while Jiang Yingyue went to the kitchen alongside her mother.

Jiang Yingyue had always been an expert at cooking food, and it was no exception now. Together the mother and daughter duo were creating the most fragrant and delicious dishes.

At the same time, Han Qingshan was sitting in the living room alongside Jiang Wei. He was nervous and feeling oddly strange.

He had never felt like this before, but he understood that the reason it truly felt different this time was because it really mattered to him.

"So, Qingshan." Jiang Wei looked at Han Qingshan and smiled slightly.

"I know that you were unaware of our Jingyue's gender when you allowed her to stay with you, but now I need to ask you, have you, perhaps, taken advantage of her?"

Hearing this, Han Qingshan suddenly choked on the tea he had been served, his eyes darting around in the room, not daring to make eye contact with Jiang Wei at all. He was simply looking as guilty as guilty as one could be.

Han Qingshan was usually calm and collected. It was impossible to make him flustered, but this time he was frazzled.

He was not sure what to answer or what to say; he just admired the walls.

Seeing his reaction, Jiang Wei was almost laughing out loud. There was nothing wrong with being with your partner, he thought it very reasonable, even more so when they were living together, but he was a mischievous person. It was time for him to cause a bit of a problems for Han Qingshan.

"So you took advantage of my dearest daughter," he said with a sigh, causing Han Qingshan's back to straighten in fear.

"I assume you plan on taking responsibility?"

Hearing this was like receiving a badge of immunity. "Of course!" he exclaimed excitedly.

"I will be responsible for Yingyue for the rest of her life, never letting her suffer and always giving her the best of the best."

"So, you did take advantage of my daughter!"

Hearing this, Han Qingshan knew that he had walked into a trap. If he had denied it, Jiang Wei would not be able to say anything. However, now that he had admitted it, had he not jumped down into the trap with his own two feet?

Jiang Yingyue and Xun Huiyin were unaware of the talk that was ongoing in the sitting room; they were both talking with one another about how life was treating them now.

"Dearest, tell me honestly, how are things with you and Han Qingshan?"

Jiang Yingyue knew her mother well, and she smiled gently. "He is very gentle towards me." she said, "I truly love him with all my heart. He pampers and protects me; he also never let me encounter any danger that can be avoided. I feel at peace by his side."

Xun Huiyin nodded her head. This was what she had hoped to hear; she only wanted for her daughter to be happy.

The two conversations in the two rooms continued for some time. In the end, Han Qingshan convinced Jiang Wei that he was genuinely in love with Jiang Yingyue and that he would do anything for her, while Jiang Yingyue managed to convince her mother that her feelings were genuine.

Both parents did not doubt their relationship, but hearing about their unbreakable bond made them much more at peace, they felt relaxed and safe.. They knew that Jiang Yingyue had found her own place in life and that she was happy there.