Chapter 244 - The Old Ladies

Name:Blossoming Flowers Author:Tinalynge
The tears on her cheeks slowly dried, but she did not move. Standing by Jiang Fengmian's grave, she was oddly at peace.

A gentle breeze made the leaves flutter. The breeze made her feel comfortable; it was as if an invisible hand was caressing her cheek.

A soft smile spread on Jiang Yingyue's face, her eyes glistened, but she was happy. She finally had the chance to say everything that had been on her heart for so long. She had let it all out, and now she was finally able to move on completely.

Han Qingshan saw that she had finished talking. He quickly went to her side and looked at her. "Why don't you go and wait for me over there?" Han Qingshan asked, and Jiang Yingyue nodded her head. She expected that Han Qingshan also had some words to say to Jiang Fengmian.

Seeing that she had gone a slight distance, Han Qingshan looked at the grave and sighed.

"I never got to meet you. However, when I met Yingyue, she was pretending to be you. You must have been immensely important to her in order for her to take such a life-changing decision and live with it for nine years.

"I am sad that I never got to meet you, a person so important to her, but I am incredibly grateful to you.

"You have made her what she is today, and I would never wish for Yingyue to be any different.

"For you to be so important to her, I am sure that she was equally important to you. Although I have never met you, I can promise you that I will protect her and care for her for the rest of her life.

"I will give her all the best in the world, and I will be a good son-in-law. I will look after your parents, and you will have nothing to worry about any longer.

"I hope that you are happy where you are now, that you can look down upon Yingyue and me and wish us all the best in the future. We will never forget about you, and although you might be gone from this world physically, you will live on in us and in the children we will have one day."

Han Qingshan suddenly imagined how life would be when he and Jiang Yingyue got older. A few years later, they would be married. A couple of years further down the road of time, they would have children.

Such a future was everything that Han Qingshan wished for. A sweet smile was on his lips as he bowed to the grave to show his respect.

After the bow, he went to Jiang Yingyue's side, took her hand, and gently led her out of the graveyard.

Jiang Yingyue allowed for Han Qingshan to lead her, her eyes were still blurry from tears, but she no longer shed them.

Han Qingshan took Jiang Yingyue back to the hotel. This time he went into her room with her and found a small handkerchief, which he wetted with cold water and placed on her swollen eyes.

The cold water was soothing and made Jiang Yingyue's eyes cool down. The redness slowly receded, and Han Qingshan also got some water for her to drink.

"You need to rehydrate so drink some water."

Jiang Yingyue nodded her head as she accepted the drink. Taking a few sips, she felt her parched throat soften. Slowly but surely, she was returning to normal.

They stayed at the hotel for an hour before Jiang Yingyue was fine again. As she was, the two headed out once more, this time heading for the parents' place.

On the way, Jiang Yingyue came across some familiar old ladies. They had been there before when she was a kid, and while they had gotten more wrinkles, they were still as friendly as before.

"If it isn't little Yingyue," one of them said gently as she saw the two of them walking down the road hand in hand.

"It is so good to see your family returning to the village. I see that you have brought a handsome young man with you, who is he?"

"I am Han Qingshan, ma'am," Han Qingshan was fast in introducing himself, his face held a gentle smile, and he was happy to hear that these people liked Jiang Yingyue.

"Han Qingshan. Celebrating Goodness. What a nice name. I hope that you will bring happiness to our poor Yingyue. She has had a harsh life!"

Hearing her words, Han Qingshan nodded his head and said very solemnly, "I will definitely bring her happiness. The purpose of my life is to bring happiness to my Yingyue."

The old women were very pleased by this, their smiles so wide that their eyes had turned to crescent moons, and they continued to shower the two of them with praise and compliments.

It was not before the old people noticed that it was late, that they allowed them to go.

"Come back and visit us soon," they said reluctantly as they let the two people move forward.

Jiang Yingyue felt her heart warming from seeing how these old people were looking after her. She knew that the main reason that they liked Han Qingshan was not because of how polite and friendly he was, but because he had brought her happiness.

As they continued forward, they slowly reached the apartment where Jiang Yingyue's parents were currently living.

Even here, they came across some people that recognized Jiang Yingyue, and all of them greeted her warmly.

The walk, which should have been done in half an hour, took them a full two hours to complete.

But when they finally stood outside the door, ready to knock on it, Han Qingshan suddenly felt that this was the most nervous he had ever been before.