CH 148

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
Before Muyeol could stop her, Yiyoung stepped further inside the lounge. Muyeol exchanged a glance with Mr. Hong, whose face looked bitter, as if he already knew what was going to happen.

Muyeol patted Mr. Hong’s shoulder, seemingly encouraging him as he said, “I’ll see you at the gate.”

“Okay, sir.”

After letting Mr. Hong leave, Muyeol stepped inside to follow Yiyoung. Since they were both in the same place at the same time, the employees had assumed that Mr. Cha and Muyeol came together. So they greeted Muyeol, and then guided him toward Mr. Cha.

When he was informed of Muyeol’s presence, Mr. Cha lifted his head and looked at Muyeol. He laughed loudly and said, “I didn’t think we would meet here. Aren’t you the famous person who’s very busy these days?”

Muyeol quickly approached Mr. Cha and the people he’d surrounded himself with, and bowed his head in greeting. “Hello, everyone.”

“Oh, is he your younger son?” one of the group members asked Mr. Cha before addressing Muyeol, “I heard about your accomplishment. I wish my son was like you.”

“It’s good to see you again, future CEO,” another chimed in.

“Mr. Cha, I’m so jealous of you. Your son is such a great person,” said a third.

“Oh, please,” Mr. Cha said with faux humility, “Well, I did focus on him a lot.”

The people accompanying Mr. Cha all laughed. Only a few people knew about the true nature of the relationship between Muyeol and Mr. Cha, and those who knew kept it a secret.

“Please have a good time. I shall get going now.” Muyeol said coldly, bowing down in show of respect.

Watching Mr. Cha act like he was a good father in front of others made Muyeol feel sick; he still remembered how Mr. Cha called him a filthy b**tard.

Muyeol was about to leave the inner lounge after bidding goodbye to them, but then Mr. Cha followed him and slung an arm around his shoulder, as if they were really close.

“Where is the girl?” Mr. Cha asked.

The question startled him, and Muyeol flinched. Mr. Cha’s tone had already changed, and Muyeol knew it would be hard to avoid the situation now.

Muyeol began searching for Yiyoung with his eyes. Since Yiyoung was astute, he hoped she would avoid the situation on her own. He didn’t want her to witness their relationship; he knew she would feel sad for him.

But then, right at that moment, Mr. Cha asked, “Isn’t that her?”

Mr. Cha had acquired information on Yiyoung. He’d been ignoring her so far since he didn’t deem it worthy enough for him to get involved. But the situation was different now; he’d seen what Muyeol had done for Yiyoung. In his eyes, that crazy b**tard had lost his mind, absenting from work for three works for a girl like that. And Muyeol’s absence had almost cost the company a major loss.

Mr. Cha had never seen Muyeol obsessed with anyone before, but now there was a person he was obsessed with: Yiyoung.

The more he thought about it, the more interested Mr. Cha got in Yiyoung. She didn’t have any parents, was poor, possessed no property, yet somehow, she’d managed to get Muyeol to deeply fall in love with her.

“Sir,” Muyeol said desperately.

But Mr. Cha approached Yiyoung like a terrifying monster, looking scarier than ever.

Yiyoung was waiting for her turn to grab the noodles. When she got two bowls, she placed them on a table and looked around for Muyeol, determined to eat the noodles because they were made by a professional.

But when Yiyoung lifted her head, she was shocked to find a person who looked like an aged version of Muyeol in front of her. He really looked exactly like Muyeol. Yiyoung quickly glanced past Mr. Cha, and found Muyeol looking all rigid.

Mr. Cha pretended to smile. “So you’re the one who married this b**tard.”

Yiyoung almost lost her composure. ‘B**tard?’ Did he just say, “b**tard”?’

She inhaled sharply, but responded calmly, “Hello, sir. My name is Yoon Yiyoung.”

“Alright. How much are you getting paid for this?”