CH 147

Name:When I Loved You Author:Ryu Hyang
Muyeol stood still as he looked at Yiyoung.

“What?” Yiyoung questioned his mysterious expression.

Muyeol didn’t say anything. Instead, he lowered his head and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

Yiyoung’s eyes widened because of the unexpected kiss. Ever since he rejected Yiyoung’s feelings, Muyeol hadn’t slept with her. Though they slept on the same bed, he couldn’t have her because he didn’t want her to feel as if she was some sort of animal.

Muyeol took Yiyoung to the bathroom, and pulled the dance costume off her. He kissed her deeply again. And then, without even realizing, Muyeol whispered, “I’m sorry for not letting you go.”

He kissed Yiyoung again, who could only stare at him, unable to understand what he was saying.

‘Even if my soul is killed again…’ thought Muyeol.

“I’ve loved you since the first day we met,” Muyeol finally confessed.

Yiyoung blankly blinked a couple of times before rushing toward him.

It was almost winter when, after trying 80 times, Yiyoung finally succeeded in making Muyeol open up his heart to her.


* * *

Yiyoung briskly walked into the airport. It was only her third time traveling, but she already looked confident. The destination was Singapore this time. While Muyeol was working, Yiyoung had searched for ways to spend her time there alone.

She planned on participating in a package tour this time. According to the agency, the guests would be picked up from their hotel in the morning, and would be dropped back there once the day was over.

Muyeol walked past the duty-free shops and toward the lounge area. He wore a casual outfit, but made it seem like he was clad in a perfect, pleated suit. He looked so organized and rational.

Whenever Yiyoung saw Muyeol like this, she wanted to undo that neatness of his. She wanted to see Cha Muyeol be emotional for once. She thought that perhaps he wanted to enjoy his life in various ways; perhaps he was suppressing his desires.

Yiyoung couldn’t perceive it before because she was so busy competing at work, and setting goals for her life. She’d lived without knowing what she truly wanted.

But she now knew that, inside, she was a little girl, a teenage girl going through puberty, and a woman in her 20s experiencing her first love.

She wondered who Cha Muyeol truly was. She wished she could sense it herself by simply looking at him. But Muyeol didn’t like revealing himself to others, which made it seem like he was wearing a suit whenever he was out with Yiyoung, his image, gaze, and physical behavior all designed to make him look like he was perfectly composed.

“What are you thinking about?” asked Muyeol.

“About you,” answered Yiyoung.

Muyeol raised his dark brows, stroking Yiyoung’s hair.

“There’s not much time left until the stockholders’ meeting now,” she said.

“Madam Choi said she’s going to return by the end of January.”

“You did a great job.”

“Not really.”

“Finally, you’re close to what you’ve always wanted. How do you feel? Have you written a speech yet?”

“You never know the result until the game’s over.”

The two of them kept talking as they went to the lounge. But the atmosphere inside was much different. It was unusually quiet, and Muyeol realized why right away. Mr. Cha was at the inner lounge, and he wasn’t alone either. He was accompanied by some people from his social club. It was an unexpected visit; Mr. Cha had never visited the lounge before.

“They were on their way to a trip for golfing, but their flight got delayed by four hours,” Mr. Hong quickly informed Muyeol from behind him.

It was a tough situation. If, by any chance, Mr. Cha decided to embarrass Muyeol in front of Yiyoung, he wouldn’t be able to stop him. He really didn’t want to show Yiyoung how he normally got treated by them.

“Let’s get—” Muyeol tried to speak.

“Oh, they’re serving noodle soup! I want to eat that,” Yiyoung piped up before he could finish, “Save some seats.”