There is no persistence in this way, it is controlled by capital and even swallowed up the heart.

If Chen Yi had to answer this, then Chen Yan would ignore Chen Yi, "He who respects others will always respect him, and those who love others will always love him." A selfish, self-interested, indifferent to others, is occupied by capital. People are blamed on others for treating him like this.

If Chen Yi's answer is "to help every such person, and to free such a person from the sea of ​​suffering.", then Chen Yan would not ignore him, but he would just persuade a few words. Because if Chen Yi answered like this, although it shows that Chen Yi is not a selfish person, it also shows that Chen Yi is too idealistic.

Such a person is not suitable for survival in this market, but because such a person has persisted in idealism for too long, suddenly someone tells him that he is wrong, most of which will not accept it, and feel that the other person is ruthless. Such a person is cute and exasperating, making people helpless. If Chen Yi is such a person, Chen Yan will persuade him with his kindness, but it is only confined to persuasion. If persuasion is useless, Chen Yan will not say one more word.

But Chen Yi’s answer was perfect and it was in line with Chen Yan’s expectations. While maintaining some kindness and knowing to help others, at the same time, he was objective and rational enough to realize that some people were helping. What's impossible is not saved, so I will try my best to save it if I encounter it, but if I really can't save it, then it won't waste much time.

This answer made Chen Yan very satisfied. To tell the truth, if you ask Chen Yan about this question, Chen Yan would give a very idealistic answer in the past. It is precisely this way that Chen Yan taught Li when he did not see people clearly. In the end, Shan made an investment, but he didn't expect to end up as follows, but fortunately, Li Shan studied with him for a relatively short period of time, so he only learned a little formality.

But if Chen Yan is asked to answer this question now, then Chen Yan’s answer must be which answer Chen Yi just gave. After previous experience, Chen Yan deeply understands that some people cannot be saved, some People are not worth saving.

Although it is impossible to deny that some people are indeed like this, we still have to maintain a kindness in my heart, a kindness to the society, to strangers, and hope to a distant place.

Chen Yan also understood after experiencing the ups and downs of his life. He understood that true kindness, true positivity, and true sunshine are not indiscriminate pure optimism, positiveness, and progress.

That is not the so-called positive energy, it is naive and naive.

And the true positive energy, true optimism, positiveness, and progress is objective, fully aware of the hardships and difficulties of life, the dark corners of society, and the long journey of dreams, and still choose to keep it in my heart. With innocence, kindness, and hope.

Still willing to face all suffering with a positive attitude, and still willing to believe in the qualities of others. Instead of becoming pessimistic, sad, changing one's three views, and doubting everything when encountering a blow or encountering something that disappoints you, you will move on to the so-called "blackening" road, and never return on this road.

These are the truths that Chen Yan only learned and understood at the expense of his own experience. Chen Yan did not expect that Chen Yi could see it so objectively. Although Chen Yi's experience is less than Chen Yan's, and he doesn't think about as many things as Chen Yan, but at this age can give such an answer, he is not occupied by kindness and desire, and he can distinguish, control, and do. To look at it objectively and rationally, and be able to control one's thoughts instead of being controlled by thoughts.

These seem to be very good to Chen Yan. From Chen Yan’s point of view, Chen Yi’s current experience is still too little. Although it is good to be able to give such an answer, these have not been tested by reality after all. If it is said that after experiencing the test of reality and fully seeing the dark side of this market, this society, or human nature, we can still maintain this attitude.

Then Chen Yi is definitely a manufacturable. Even if he is not in this industry, he can't say that his achievements in any industry are very good, but he will definitely not be bad.

Chen Yan has experienced many things and met many people in this market. In his opinion, people in this market can be divided into three categories.

The first category is very greasy and very unreliable. If you know something, you feel that you are very powerful. You think you are superior. You want to say something about everything. You think you know everything. You can give pointers. NS. They feel that they are different from ordinary people, that they are superior, they think that they are superior, and their words are full of contempt and contempt.

The second category is people with very low self-esteem. They think that they can enter this industry because of luck and the care and help of their leaders. They think that they are not worthy of the job. Such people are often particularly hardworking. Their diligence is different. The kind of diligence that wants to work hard to improve themselves. The diligence of this type of people is purely to make themselves more valuable. They are afraid of being fired, worrying that they will not find such a good job if they can't do well in their place. .

The third category is very objective, calm, and rational people. They look at themselves and have a very clear and rational perception of the outside world. They are basically not influenced by emotions, or so-called labels, regional blacks, etc. Judgment, they will understand, analyze, and judge through their own abilities. Such a person is very humble but also very self-confident at the same time. This is a kind of self-confidence that emanates from the bones, which is especially obvious in work and life, especially when dealing with people and things.

These three types of people correspond to arrogance, low self-esteem, and self-confidence. A simple classification can be said to cover the vast majority of people in this society. The two-day vacation passed quietly in Chen Yi's daze. During these two days, apart from eating and sleeping, Chen Yi was in a daze. He was lying in bed in a daze, and Chen Yi did not do anything else.

Sometimes Chen Yi thinks it's good to just keep going, lying on the bed looking at the ceiling in a daze, it's better not to have those messy things.

But the reality is reality after all, he still needs to live, he also needs wage income, and he can't go on like this.

Chen Yi is a very proud person. He can accept that he is decadent, but he cannot accept that he will cause trouble and trouble to other people because of his own reasons.

After all, the two-day holiday passed. On the third day, Chen Yi got up early, put on his suit and tie, and went to work again.

Although everything is the same as usual, Chen Yi's eyes are a little more indifferent and dull, and a little less hopeful and agile.

After Chen Yi arrived at the company, he began normal work. He sorted out Li Shan’s words and sent them to the account managers of Shanghai Securities. By the way, he reviewed Li Shan’s investment logic. In his opinion, Li Shan is a very A powerful fund manager, Li Shan is willing to teach himself, that is his luck, he must seize every opportunity to learn to improve himself.

Looking back at the logic of buying, what Chen Yi doesn’t understand the most is the so-called “price-performance ratio”. Although he understands the meaning of price-performance ratio, he is not very clear about how this is calculated, and he does not even have a certain idea. .

While Chen Yi was thinking about research, a message popped up on the computer screen from the disk-watching software that attracted Chen Yi's attention. "Decoration Design Co., Ltd., a leading company in the decoration industry, is suspected of financial fraud and bribery. The chairman and actual controller of the company have been taken away by relevant departments to assist in the investigation."

Chen Yi was taken aback when he saw the news and quickly checked the stock trend of the company "Decorative Design". As expected, under such a big negative news, the company's stock directly fell by the limit and its stock price lost 10%.

It is important to know that the most important thing investors look at when buying and selling stocks is the financial reports of listed companies. It depends on the company’s ability to make money. Only when the company can make money for its shareholders will more investors buy shares of this company. More people buy the company’s shares. The stock price will rise.

But financial fraud is something that no one can bear. Investors know that the company’s performance is based on the company’s published financial data. If these things are fake, then everyone doesn’t understand the real situation. The so-called research and analysis on this basis are the flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water. They are all untrue.

Financial fraud is a very serious matter. Chen Yi felt very bad after seeing the news and the stock price falling limit, because the company was already in the list of the top ten tradable stocks of this stock and was watched by the market. Now suddenly something like this happened to this stock. It will definitely be targeted.