V1.Chapter 13

In the morning of the third day, Zhen Jin slowly woke up.

There is peace.

He had a good rest last night. There was no longer a dry stone floor under his body, but a layer of fluffy and dry branches and leaves.

This is specially picked up by Zidi for needle gold.

Thinking of her fiancee, Zhen Jin's heart filled with warmth.

But Zidi is not nearby.

Before going to bed last night, Zidi suggested to Zhen Jin: draw some blood from Zhen Jin and check whether there is still fire poison in it. If possible, maybe we can distinguish the real cultivation of Zhen Jin.

Zhen Jin agreed.

"This girl... Won't she have no rest all night?" Needle gold's face was slightly heavy, and her heart became worried.

Although he fell asleep, he was confident that if there was any trouble around him, he would immediately notice it.

Zhen Jin looked at the hay shop on the other side. It was very fluffy, and there was no trace of oppression at all. Zhen Jin was sure that Zidi didn't sleep here last night.

She went deep into the cave and never came out again.

Needle gold got up and went deep into the cave.

Ziti arranged something deep in the cave, forming a temporary site for medicament preparation.

In the past two days, she seldom went out. Even if you go out, it's only near the cave. More time, in addition to taking care of needle gold, she played with her potion in the cave.

Needle gold walked into the cave and, as expected, saw Zidi sitting between the pits.

These holes are large and small. The large holes are filled with the blood, bones, fur and so on of many treated beasts. The small holes are filled with various drugs, like opening a colorful miniature dyeing workshop.

"Your Excellency, are you awake?" Hearing the news, Zidi looked back at Zijin, but she didn't get up. She kept moving in her hand and was still dispensing medicine.

"Excuse me for being rude, sir, I'm preparing a potion." Zidi shook the glass bottle in her hand, while the fingers of her other hand kept twisting, throwing sand like ingredients from it.

This glass bottle is only the size of an adult's finger. The medicine in it seems to be bear blood, which is dark red.

Ingredients as fine as sand are integrated into the medicament and attached to the inner wall of the glass bottle.

Zi Di stared at the glass bottle tightly, sometimes adding more sand, sometimes scooping some bear blood from the hole on the ground and adding it.

Finally, it seems that a certain balance has been reached, and the sand attached to the inside of the glass bottle has completely melted, and none of them exists.

Zidi nodded slightly. Only then did she plug the reagent glass bottle in her hand with a wooden stopper and put it on the wooden frame on the other side.

The wooden frame is roughly built up by several dead branches, almost lined with glass bottles.

Seeing that these glass bottles were full of game potions, Zhen Jin asked, "so, have you been configuring this potion all night? Is it really good to be so tired?"

"Thank you for your concern." Zi Di smiled and immediately explained, "if you don't configure it, bear blood will fail. These are excellent materials, but it's a pity that I don't have enough refining tools in my hand now. This silver level bear blood is only used to configure game potions, which is too extravagant and wasteful!"

Most magic materials are time sensitive. After the time limit, the value of the material will be greatly reduced.

Zhijin nodded and recognized Zidi's efforts: "it's hard for you."

As he spoke, he looked at these glass bottles, and his eyes could not move.

Very strange.

He seemed to feel the sweet smell in the glass bottle, and had an impulse to drink bear blood from the deepest part of his heart.

"Am I too hungry?" Needle gold immediately pressed down this strange feeling.

To tell the truth, he hasn't had a full meal these two days. Although he knew that he was recovering well, he still carefully controlled his appetite.

"In this way, both bear blood and leopard blood are used up. The next step is to deal with the meat." Zidi licked her dry lips and worked here for a long time. Her forehead was covered with sweat stains.

Zi Di took out a piece of animal meat from the pit, covered the meat with a layer of green and yellow herbs, and then took out a small tube of medicine from the bag and slowly poured it out.

This tube of medicine is made of dark iron wood instead of glass bottle.

There was only a small part of the dumped liquid, but it soon spread and penetrated, and set off a pungent smell.


After a slight corrosive sound, the originally full animal meat became extremely dry.

Zidi stretched out her hand to tear open the dried meat, and then continued to ravage it. Dried meat is first turned into strips of shredded meat, and then squeezed into a mass of meat floss.

In the past two days, besides eating dry food, this kind of meat floss is the most common food for needle gold.

They didn't make a fire.

On the one hand, they were taught by the blood and tears of fire venom bees, which made them quite cautious about making a fire.

On the other hand, it is inconvenient to make a fire in the cave, which is easy to cause oxygen loss, smoke pollution, and even poisoning.

The meat floss treated in this way, although extremely unpleasant, retains nutrition and kills the bacteria and toxins that may exist in the blood and meat.

"These are all excellent magic materials. If you put them outside, you can sell a lot of gold coins. It's a pity. Even now, it's good to give me the most common crucible!"

Zidi shook her head as she dealt with it, expressing great regret.

Needle gold smiled. Instead of persuading Zidi to have a rest after a hard night, he sat beside Zidi and said, "what can I do for you?"

Zidi smiled, "since your excellency says so, I won't be polite to you."

Next, Zidi only grasped the subtle work of drug dumping, while Zijin tore up the dried meat and made it into meat floss.

The efficiency of the two people suddenly increased.

During the cooperation, Zhen Jin was also embarrassed to find that in several pits in the corner, the urine and feces he excreted these days were stored respectively.

"By studying these, I can detect your physical condition." Zi Di's face was flat, "but it's a pity that I can't detect your real strength, adult."

"Another point, I also want to reproduce the medicine that cured adults at that time through analysis. If it is really my medicine that cured adults' injuries, then this medicine formula is of great value!"

"Is such a research attitude really worthy of being a mage?" Zhijin muttered in his heart and admitted, "you did it right. What did you get?"

Zidi sighed, looked slightly gloomy and said, "the situation was very urgent at that time, and some key steps were my intuitive actions. I couldn't even estimate the proportion of various herbs at that time. It was impossible to reproduce the medicine at that time completely. I had to do my best."

"However, I didn't get nothing else. I used bear blood and ore to make two kinds of medicaments, one can support combustion and the other can retard fire."

Zhen Jin nodded. After he helped Zidi dispose of all the animal meat, he patted Zidi on the shoulder and suggested, "let's eat some together."

They ate some dry food together, as well as the newly made meat floss and water.

The water is warm.

Although the two did not make a fire, they could rely on the ore for heating.

In such an environment and condition, drinking a mouthful of warm water can bring people the greatest comfort. When the warm water flows through the throat and falls into the stomach, the whole soul seems to be gently comforted from top to bottom.

At present, there is enough food, but not much water. Both of them were very frugal. After drinking a few mouthfuls, Zhen Jin said, "tell me about you, Zidi."

Zidi nodded, "my Lord, I'm your fiancee, which is beyond doubt."

"So, which family are you a member of? Where is the family territory?"

Zidi smiled wryly, "Your Excellency, you overestimate me. I'm not a noble, I'm just a businessman. My family has been in business for generations."

"Oh?" Zhen Jin couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly. This answer was a little unexpected to him.

The marriage objects of aristocrats are almost all aristocrats.

Some nobles even combine their relatives in order to maintain the purity of their blood.

"So, you awakened some kind of superior blood?" Needle gold asked again.

This is also possible.

Although aristocrats have only one wife, they usually have a large number of lovers, and illegitimate children are therefore not a few.

It is difficult to confirm the true blood by looking at the genealogy alone.

In history, there is no lack of a lower aristocrat with rich upper blood, and even civilians' children suddenly burst out with amazing potential. After tracing the source, we will find that his blood came from a higher aristocrat.

Often these people with rich blood will be recruited by the nobility and incorporated into their own families.

But Zidi shook her head again, showing a trace of bitterness: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir. My blood is ordinary. In fact, being able to reach the black iron level has almost exhausted my potential."

"I am not an aristocrat, and there is no aristocrat in my ancestors. My father was the last president of Wisteria chamber of Commerce, and now it is my turn to take charge of the whole chamber of Commerce."

"Wisteria chamber of Commerce? The name is a little familiar... Wait, is it?"