V1.Chapter 12

I don't know how long it took, needle gold you woke up.

There was a crisp birdsong in my ears, and then a breeze blowing, bringing the fresh smell of vegetation.

Pin Jin was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses.

He first found that the sharp pain that had tormented him had disappeared, leaving only dull pain.

He tried to look up, and the unbearable sense of terror and dizziness dissipated without a trace.

Then he found that he was wrapped with many bandages, especially a layer of blood between his waist and abdomen.

Zhen Jin forced her arm and struggled to prop up her upper body.

He had no strength all over his body, as if he had been hungry for more than ten days. At the same time, his mouth was dry and he was extremely eager for water.

When he successfully sat on the ground, he was stunned.

He looked at his arms and hands.

Originally, his arm bone had been shattered, and the skin and meat of his arm were beaten into minced meat by the brown bear. But now it's almost healed!

But the surface of both arms showed abnormal red, as if they were cooked.

"Did Zidi really do it? It's amazing!" Needle gold couldn't help exclaiming in her heart.

If it's magic or divination, it's not very difficult. But here, Zidi can't use her magic. It's really too powerful to do this only with potions.

"Is my fiancee still a master of potions?" Needle gold couldn't help guessing.

He looked around, and Zidi was not here.

The boy soon found that he was no longer in the depths of the cave. This is not the place where he and the brown bear fight for life and death, but closer to the cave.

Because of this, the ore here is sparse, the air is not hot, and birds can be heard outside the cave.

Just received the wind blowing in intermittently, listening to the crisp bird song, the heart tide of needle gold gradually fluctuated and stirred.

His eyes fell on the cave, where a blue and red wild flower was in full bloom on the cave wall.

Zhen Jin looked at it quietly, and gradually her eyes became red and almost burst into tears!

After some indulgence between life and death, he cherished the ordinary scenery.

He looked at the most inconspicuous wild flower, watching its delicate and small petals tremble gently in the breeze, and his whole heart surged with a palpitation.

This is the throbbing of life!

"I'm still alive, I'm still alive!" The joy of survival seems to be that the sea covers the beach, which is endless, making the needle gold love uncontrollable.

For a long time, the excitement of needle gold slowly dissipated.

He has new worries.

In fact, it's still dangerous here.

Pin Jin didn't forget that there were many bodies of scale horn Panthers lying outside the cave. These fresh flesh and blood will attract meat eaters.

After so many days, Zhijin has completely felt the danger of this island, and it can't overestimate the danger too much.

The boy tried to stand up, but his attempt failed.

Being able to sit up is the ultimate limit.

Now his whole body is soft, especially his waist and abdomen. He feels like he is missing a big piece, and his legs have no strength.

"You're awake!" The familiar voice came.

Zidi appeared at the cave entrance. She was stunned and looked unbelievable.

Zhen Jin nodded at her and smiled faintly.

Zidi finally confirmed that this was the truth. Her mind was so excited that she took several steps and almost jumped into Zijin's arms.

Her delicate body fell into her arms, and the needle nearly fell back.

He patted his fiancee's small shoulder, and his voice was much more hoarse than before: "I listened to you and didn't give up."

"Yes!" Zidi nodded, loosened the needle gold, and no longer held it tightly. A pair of purple eyes stared at the boy, unblinking.

Four pairs of eyes.

Zi Di said emotionally, "Lord Zhijin, you are a real Templar!"

For a time, the young knight felt the girl's full respect and love, all of which were uncovered.

Zhen Jin smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "it's not enough. I can't even use my fighting spirit until now."

Zi Di definitely said, "adult, you must be able to recall!"

The girl's confidence in needle gold is far more abundant than the latter herself.

"My Lord, during your coma, I also cleaned the battlefield and disposed of the bodies of brown bears and Panthers."

"I used the brown bear's blood to prepare a temporary potion. I sprinkled the potion near the hole. Now it is full of the smell of brown bears, which should be able to deter other predators. It is safe here for the time being."

"In addition, I went deep into the cave and reached the end. There is only one way in this cave. Your decision was extremely wise!"

Needle gold nodded repeatedly, and the worry in his heart finally disappeared.

"How do you feel now, my lord?" Zidi began to check the wound of needle gold again.

"I feel good, but I have no strength." Zhen Jin answered truthfully.

He looked at Zidi's busy face, and his heart appreciated the girl more and more.

The girl herself is a black iron level. Even if she can't use magic here, she still has a strong ability to configure potions.

At present, the maintenance of needle gold for girls' sacrifice has also brought rich rewards.

Without the help of the girl, Zhen Jin would have died long ago!

In addition to appreciation and gratitude, there is another emotion in Zhijin's heart.

Zi Di and Zhen Jin are closely related, and they are unmarried couples. According to the preliminary judgment of Zhijin, the relationship between the two sides should be hidden and complex.

However, no matter how specific, the friendship of sharing the same boat is not false under the experience of both sides living and dying together.

"Adult, your current situation is very stable. The reason why you are weak is your lack of rest. As long as you supplement enough food and water, you should be able to walk normally in a few days." After checking, Zidi made a serious judgment.

"All this is due to your medicine." Needle gold praised.

Zidi shook her head, "the situation was urgent at that time, and the conditions for making medicine were too simple. To be honest, I was not sure at that time, but I tried my best. I didn't expect such a miraculous effect! Maybe..."

Zidi wanted to talk and stopped. Her beautiful purple eyes stared at the boy, shining brightly, with an undisguised color of exploration and curiosity.

Zhen Jin smiled, "what do you want to ask? Don't worry."

Zidi immediately said, "Sir, are you really just silver cultivation, not gold?"

Zhen Jin pondered, "why do you doubt so?"

Zidi said, "my Lord, maybe my medicine has worked. But I think this possibility is too low. I think it's more likely that you have strong vitality!"

"This kind of life heritage is not available at the silver level. Only golden life has such a climate. Adults, you have to rely more on your own self-healing ability to survive this."

"Do you think my accomplishments are not silver, but gold?" Needle gold frowned slightly.

He couldn't help looking at his arm again.

Now, his arm is almost intact.

The teenager remembered clearly the tragic degree of his arms' disability before.

The wound on the waist and abdomen was also very serious. But according to Zidi's observation just now, the wound on her abdomen has disappeared and new pink flesh has grown.

To be honest, such a cure is only slightly weaker than the regeneration of a broken limb.

"Does it really depend on the effectiveness of the potion?" Needle gold can't help doubting.

His heart suddenly jumped: "is my talent very excellent, not just silver level, but with gold cultivation?! am I a genius among geniuses?"

"Then why should I hide this talent?"

"Is it because I'm afraid that someone will strangle my bud in advance? That's why I have endured it until now?"

With doubts in his heart, he couldn't think of the answer, so he could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

He said to Zidi, "your guess is indeed possible, but I can't answer you, because my memory has only recovered for a few short acts."

Unfortunately, as a party, the teenager does not know the truth.

Zidi took the water bag, took the needle gold, and drank it in small bites.

"Adult, how does it feel to drink water?" The girl looked concerned and nervous.

Needle gold carefully tasted it and said, "there's no pain, it seems to be the same as usual."

Hearing this, Zidi spit out a mouthful of turbid air: "that's good, but it still needs to be observed."

Needle gold just drank water and didn't eat. Even drinking water, I only drank a small part.

Although it was only a little thirst quenching, Zhen Jin knew it was necessary to do so.

Although from the external point of view, his injury recovered well, but the internal injury can not be observed by the naked eye alone.

Zidi can't use magic here, nor is she a professional doctor, and needle gold can't stir up anger.

After drinking a little water, Zhen Jin lay on the ground again to rest and gradually relax.

After Zidi explored the end of the cave, she came to the conclusion that the deep excavation of the cave was almost due to the monkey tailed brown bear. It is precisely because it continues to swallow the ore in the mountain that it gradually created this cave.

The length of the cave proves that the monkey tailed brown bear has lived here for a long time.

Monkey tailed brown bear is a fierce beast on the silver level. It has established enough authority to deter the predators around it. The area centered on it has formed a fixed territory to some extent.

In particular, the previous scale horn Panthers were defeated. In a short time, no predators should dare to offend here.

After all, these beasts don't know that the brown bear has been killed by needle gold.

At present, the surrounding situation is still relatively safe. This cave can serve as a stable camp.

Needle gold woke up in the morning and added some water at noon. He drank more this time.

In the afternoon, he felt like peeing.

However, his whole body was sour and soft, and he still couldn't stand up.

"My Lord, let me help you." Zidi has been paying close attention to Zhen Jin. She is very good at observing words and expressions. When she notices the little embarrassment of the teenager, she realizes it.

Zhen Jin had to lie on the ground and urinated smoothly with the help of Zidi.

"My Lord, I'm your fiancee. There's no need to be embarrassed." Although Zidi said so, her cheeks still rose with two lovely blushes, and her hair slightly cocked up in front of her forehead, as if the whole little head was steaming.

Zi Di not only put on her pants for Zhen Jin, but also carefully observed her urine.

"Adult, it seems that your injury is recovering well. You can drink water with confidence. But you need to be careful when eating." A moment later, Zidi reported with joy.

Zhijin nodded, and he also felt slightly happy.

The digestive system and urinary system of the human body are very important. Zhijin would rather lose two arms than have problems with digestion and urinary system. It's inconvenient to lose your arm, but major digestive and urinary problems will endanger your life.

When night fell, Zhen Jin began to eat.

The words "coarse dry food" and "delicious" can't be linked at all. But Zhijin was very satisfied, and even felt a kind of spontaneous happiness.

To tell the truth, the boy is hungry. He can eat a few cows at a meal.

But he resisted. According to the process of drinking water, the first time he ate dry food was still only a little.

After waking up the next day, he recovered some strength and could stand up by himself, but he still couldn't walk a few steps.

There is no dizziness, but there is too much lack of strength.

He even felt that his two arms were too heavy to bear.

Teenagers do not force themselves. Wisdom and patience are also the virtues advocated by the Knights Templar.

He ate some in the morning and more at noon.

In the evening, he successfully gave birth to a bubble of stool.

Although Zidi wanted to help, this time, Zhijin insisted on completing her excretion.

Zidi was very happy after observing the feces of needle Gold: "adult, your body is recovering very well, more accurately, it is extremely amazing. Such a physical quality is by no means what the silver level can have."

Zidi stared at the needle gold, and her purple eyes were glowing.

(tell you a good news: the black sky group in the Gu world has been unsealed, and it is still a full group of nearly 3000 people at present, which is suitable for discussing "Gu Zhenren". The official group of infinite blood nucleus has been unsealed, group number 676199473. Discuss the new book "infinite blood nucleus" , has been upgraded to thousands of people, for the public, you can add if you are interested. Infinite blood nucleus official deacon group is for legitimate readers. There are certain conditions for joining. You need to join the infinite blood nucleus deacon group verification group 316556526 to verify. At present, the official group of these two new books.)

(at about 8 p.m. this Saturday, there will be a QQ group bubble activity, which will bubble in the unofficial group, and then withdraw from the unofficial group. The activity mainly answers the questions of the new book, listens to the feelings of friends, and actively absorbs the suggestions. I'm sorry, there are too many groups, and my personal energy is too limited. In the future, there will be official group activities, and the groups established by readers' friends can be linked. As for the linkage system, it is currently being and managed Members discuss.)

(I know the big guy's hope for "Gu Zhenren", but please try not to involve the two books together, because this will affect everyone's feelings. The two books are different, and the new protagonists will have a new atmosphere. It's also my full-time creation. In fact, I regret to tell you the slightly cold-blooded style, and many people are affected by this sentence, which reduces the experience.)

(the new book should be viewed from a new perspective. This sentence means that you should try to put aside the influence of "Gu Zhenren" and devote yourself to a new story. At the same time, you should also try to put aside some habits of online writing. The vast majority of online writing is fast songs, and this book is a slow song. Two different kinds of wonderful, slow songs need time, patience, calmness and aftertaste.)

(this is my little suggestion for you. This book will be written for 2-3 years. Let time verify all this.)