Looking at the corpse picked up from the river, Tian Yue murmured incredulously.

"It was only yesterday that I touched her soft little hand. Why can't she move now? Girl, look at me, look at me!"

Put his face on the baby's cold little face, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

The women in the village persuaded her.

"They bought you back just to inherit the incense. How could you know that your stomach is so disheartened that you gave birth to a female doll. This female doll was meant to be killed. It's enough to live for so many days!"

"Yes, don't be sad. Take good care of yourself and try to have a boy next time! In this way, you can be worthy of your man and mother-in-law!"

They were all talking. Tian Yue suddenly raised her head and shouted, "isn't your daughter human? Get out of here, get out of here!"

"We kindly advise you. Why are you still like this? Who is it?"

The women walked away swearing.

Tian Yue stays where she is.

Cry for a while, laugh for a while.

I don't know how long it took, she raised her tearful face and looked at the direction of the house. Those beautiful eyes sparkled with crazy light.


A woman in the village wants to borrow something from Tian Yue's house.

As soon as I got to the door, I smelled a strong smell of blood.

She craned her neck in doubt and looked through the open window. She saw that Tian yuezheng was raising her axe and cutting something viciously! Both the middle-aged man and the old woman have fallen into a pool of blood, their eyes wide open in disbelief, and they are obviously out of breath.

The woman's legs softened with fear.

Waiting for Tian Yue to turn her head and look at her expressionless, she reacts and howls like a pig.

"Kill, kill!"


Tian Yue was surrounded by the villagers.

"You wicked poison woman! Your man and your mother-in-law are so kind to you. Why do you do this to them?"

Tian Yue laughed like hearing some funny joke. Tears came out of her laughter.

"Be nice to me? Hehe... Be nice to me and kill my daughter? They are so mean that they even attack their blood relatives! They are murderers. I avenge my daughter. What's wrong?"

The village head said angrily, "that's because your stomach is not good enough to give birth to a girl! It's all your fault. Why should you blame your man and mother-in-law?"

Other villagers, both men and women, looked at Tian Yue with disdain and disgust.

Excitedly pointed at her and said that she was a woman who would bite the hand that feeds her.

Looking at these people around, Tian Yue only felt ridiculous.

"You put boys above girls and drowned baby girls. That's why there is an imbalance between men and women in the village. You need to spend money to buy an outside woman to be a daughter-in-law. I'm getting poorer and poorer... That's how I was abducted and trafficked here! You are all human eating demons. Damn you!"

Her eyes were red as if they were dripping blood.

Obviously, he was so thin and weak, but he waved his axe forcefully. It's like a wild animal that is stimulated. You can chop people when you see them.

The villagers were cut and wounded for a while.

Looking at their distorted faces because of pain, Tian Yue burst out laughing.

"You wicked deserve it! You live -"

Her smile suddenly froze on her face.