However, after listening to Tian Yue's words, the old woman was indifferent.

"I don't believe it! If you go back, you will definitely call the police! At that time, no one will sell your daughter-in-law to our village, and the whole village will blame me! Therefore, I can't let you go!"

Tian Yue was scared to death, and her voice was already crying.

"No! Grandma, you believe me! I won't call the police, I won't!"

The old woman didn't listen and said to herself, "don't worry, you are our daughter-in-law now. As long as you are obedient and give birth to a boy to inherit incense, we will treat you well."

He smiled kindly as he spoke.

However, the smile fell into Tian Yue's eyes, but it was more terrible than monsters.

The old woman winked at the middle-aged man next to her and left the room.

The middle-aged man "hehe" smiled twice, and then rushed to Tian Yue impatiently!

Tian Yue wants to run.

However, people are locked by iron chains and cannot run away at all.

She struggled desperately and scratched the middle-aged man's face with her nails.

The middle-aged man suddenly showed his fierce eyes, raised his rough palm like a palm fan, and mercilessly pulled it at Tian Yue's face

At this time, the camera turns to the gray Adobe roof.

I can only hear Tian Yue's shrill scream

When the camera turns back again, Tian Yue lies on the Kang in disorder.

Those beautiful eyes are like candles that have been extinguished. There is no light anymore


Looking at this scene, there were angry voices in the audience.

The girls even covered their mouths and looked at the screen incredulously: "how can they do this..."


When Tian Yue reappeared, her stomach grew much bigger.

Her face was very haggard, her beautiful eyes had completely lost their look, and her expression had become numb. She learned to speak the local dialect. She had a big stomach every day, washing, cooking and cleaning.

Except for the beautiful facial features, other places are no different from the women in the village.

No one can believe that this was once a bright female college student.


A child is born, a daughter.

Looking at the little baby, Tian Yue's face showed a happy smile for the first time.

"Her hands are so small that they are only a little big. Her face is still wrinkled and ugly like a little monkey. However, I heard from the women in the village that the more such a baby grows up, the more beautiful it will be."

Anyway, these are her children.

However, the faces of middle-aged men and women were gloomy.

"We provide you with delicious food. Why are you so useless that you gave birth to a baby girl?"

"What's the use of raising a baby girl? Lose money! Just kill it! Our family must have a son. If we can't have one, we'll always have one!"

Hearing that they were going to kill their daughter, Tian Yue suddenly went crazy.

"Nobody touches my daughter! Nobody!"

She held the baby firmly in her arms and glared at the two people in front of her.

The middle-aged man gave a Pooh and cursed. He kicked Tian Yue, who was still very weak, after just giving birth.

"Losers! You two are losers!"

Tian Yue nearly fainted several times.

However, her arm is always protecting her child. Biting his lips because of the severe pain, biting the blood out of his lips


Tian Yue's daughter finally died.