Chapter 199: Not Anymore, Satan

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 199: Not Anymore, Satan

They were cutting her out.

Tori didnt say it out loud, but that was essentially what Gideon was doing, putting distance between them and Alessa. He wasnt just excusing them from one invitation once either, but for an indefinite amount of them. Now, he could use the excuse of training at the Naval Academy to get out of any invitation from Alessa.

Her eyes moved to the young blonde woman whose face dropped. Alessa didnt seem so disappointed as she was hurt. For a split second, Tori almost felt pity for her.

In these sorts of stories, the heroine had very few trusted friends and a lot of love interests. Usually, it was a male childhood friend who was separated from her for some time, which existed in the form of Tom, and a loyal maid. Alessa did not have a maid who followed her from childhood.

With her cheerful personality, it was easy to make friends, but Tori didnt think she had friends like Ilyana and the others, whom she could depend on as much as Tori did. This was usually a plot point in order to ensure that the love interests would be able to swoop in and help the protagonist as much as possible, thus getting chances to accumulate, in this case, romance points.

And now, Gideon straight up said not anymore, Satan. Tori bit her lips and turned her head back to the table, letting out a light laugh on cue. Tell me about it! I mustve gone through so many ingredients, too. The ice cream kept melting, I had to get professional assistance.

Youve decided to join the Naval Academy? Alessas voice was quiet, and Tori strained to hear it over the other conversation.

Gideon smiled. Yes. Last summer, I really enjoyed it. It was difficult, but exhilarating. I found that I love being out on the water.

What about Universit? Alessa asked with a face filled with confusion and unwillingness. You are a prince. Werent you planning to go to Universit?

It was an option, but not necessary. Gideon didnt seem to want to say anything more. He turned his head and saw Elias Jaeger with a tray in his hands and several individual servings of the ice mountain cake. Ah, that must be part of our order. He looked towards Alessa and gave her an apologetic smile. We should go back to the room. Enjoy your meal here, Alessa!

Have a good evening, Baroness. Fabian also gave her a nod of his head before following Gideon upstairs.

Alessas eyes crinkled up and she looked down. Naval Academy? She didnt seem to want to believe it. She snapped her head up and looked around. Tori immediately moved on to greet another table, avoiding her gaze.

Tori could feel eyes on her as she walked around the room and ignored Alessa. After she completed her circle checking on her guests, Tori prepared to return to the upper floor. In the crowded and loud space, no one noticed when Alessa moved to block her way.

Tori raised a brow and gave her a questioning look. Baroness?

Did Prince Gideon really train for the Naval Academy this summer? she asked. I thought he accompanied the first prince to your brothers wedding.

Yes, that was the beginning of the summer, Tori replied with a bright smile. I believe afterwards he was going to attend at least two sessions of the condensed summer training at the Naval Academy, but an opportunity arrived for private training with one of the Naval Academy's senior training commanders, so he and von Dorn took that instead.

She didnt know the exact details, but she could put the information together to make a plausible explanation.

Is this what he really wants to do? Alessa asked. She seemed stunned to even consider it.

In the beginning, Gideons goal was likely to become the crown prince. This was his role in the original game, he was already on that path considering his popularity, and Tori recalled that he did eventually become crown prince in the game. She never could accept it considering Gideon was an ass to her when they first met, and that he had a far superior older brother.

Isnt it great? Tori asked, putting on a smile. Alessa looked taken aback by her enthusiasm. He knows what he wants to do and can make plans and follow them accordingly. Having a goal and working towards it is admirable. Tori tried to make it sound like a good thing for anyone, not just Gideon. It is the same with you and me, isnt it? We want to work on our businesses and when we have a goal, we can make plans to meet them. When you were first given the Golden Cow, wasnt it a bit overwhelming?

Yes, I suppose it was....

But once you were able to get more knowledge and understand what direction you wanted the Golden Cow to go, wasnt it easier to make decisions? You can then make them in the best interest of your store and can weigh the pros and cons accordingly, Tori told her. I think this is the same for Prince Gideon.

Alessa was quiet for a moment, but slowly nodded. You are right, she said her face taking on a look of determination. Gideon has been a good friend to me. Now that he has a goal in mind, I should support him.

Tori nodded with approval and patted her shoulder. This is what friends do. I do the same for mine. She stepped around Alessa and began up the stairs.

Upon returning to the room, she found that her friends had surrounded the large ice mountain and were taking spoons to it, completely bypassing the part where they cut it and served it on separate plates. Piers remained seated at one end of the table with a faint look of disgust on his face as he slowly ate his individual serving.

Gideon and Fabian also had their own individual serving, but were eyeing the much larger cake with glints of envy in their eyes. Individual servings were a set size, but if they were fast enough, they could get more from the ice mountain. The fastest eaters were Ewan and Axton.

If youre going to eat the entire thing, then we couldve just asked for individual servings, Sonia said with a frown.

I just wanted one more bite, Ilyana said. You can have the rest.

Ill take Ilyanas share, then! Ewan said, guiltfree.

Brother, you can have my share. Not to let Axton be disadvantaged, Montan put his spoon down and moved away from the cake. Axton reached over and patted his head.

Gideon looked at his partially eaten cake and then looked at Piers. As if knowing what he wanted to do, Piers spoke up. This serving is enough for me.

Gideons seemed to frown just a bit. Tori closed the door behind her. I take it the food is good?

Your food is always delicious, JP said as he leaned back against his chair, stuffed.

Good. Then since youve eaten it, you can help with the First Year Excursion lecture this weekend, Tori said with a bright smile. JP froze in his seat.

Thats a Sword Association event.

Albert and I are not part of the Sword Association, and we help, Ilyana pointed out. Albert nodded beside her.

Countess, if you need assistance, I can help with the demonstration. We had experience with the equipment this summer, Fabian said. I am also part of the Sword Association.

And Im joining this year to get single-handed sword lessons, Gideon added as he looked up.

It depends on the number of students. The seminar and demonstration were very popular last year, Tori said. We almost didnt have enough time to check on each group individually.

Headmaster Laurent did ask if we could teach all the First Years, but Tori declined, Albert told the group before eating another spoonful of ice cream.

Tori sighed. The class is supposed to be a benefit for new members of the Sword Association. It is so that our members have a prepared advantage.

JP let out a small hum and frowned. Werent there students who complained in the last two years?

Yes, and to that I said to ask their own clubs and associations for assistance. This is something we are doing strictly for the Sword Association, Tori paused. And the tabletop gaming club, but we dont want to tell students that until after theyve joined.

Henrik put down his spoon after he had finished eating. You can also do a tiered system. One general lesson for all students on setting up a tent and starting a campfire, and then a more advanced one covering cooking, first aid, and reviewing the map.

The Sword Association gives out first aid kits to each group with a member, Tori replied as she sat on the empty chair next to Ewan and on the left of Piers seat. That would be a good place to show them and give them the kits. Thats a good idea Henrik. That will keep most students from complaining.

Then if thats the case, we should prepare notices for it on the boards to let the first years know. Ilyana made a little rectangle in the air with her fingers to stress the point. Tell me what date and time and I can get them done.

Lets aim for a general class in the morning, then just before lunch, we can send the non-members out and continue with the advanced class, Tori said. They chatted a bit further about the arrangements before Tori got up to begin seeing off her guests.

Since everyone was returning to campus, Ilyana and the others, including Ewan, who needed to be dropped back off at La Garda, came downstairs to leave, as well.

Montan, youre here too? I didnt see you here with the other contestants, Alessa had just put on her uniforms blazer when she saw him come down the stairs.

Tori wasnt sure if Montan forgot that she was there after blissfully spending time with his esteemed big brother, but he stopped in place when he got to the bottom step. His head snapped up and his wide, gray eyes stared at Alessa.

My brother is here, Montan replied as he seemed to regain his thoughts and gave her a small nod of his head.

Brother...Duke Alvere? Alessas face brightened. Have you reconciled?

Montan nodded. Yes.

But...I didnt see you at the wedding in Sur. Alessa tilted her head to the side and gave him a curious look.

I didnt attend. I was working in Horizon at the time, Montan replied. Tori tried not to look too intrigued as to why he didnt launch into talking about his new godmother, which he often did.

The ceremony and the fact that Antonia was now his godmother wasnt announced; it was a private and intimate event meant for just close family and friends. It was also rather shameful that Montan, who was seventeen, hadnt been given a trifecta ceremony as an infant with his father having been Duke Alvere at the time.

It wouldve reminded others that he was a bastard, and everyone felt this was a sensitive matter to Montan. The noble guests were high ranking, but they were all in a sort of inner circle that would not bring it up. After all, Genevieve had secretly paved Montans way amongst her trusted peers. For their own pride, they would protect Montans reputation and consider him an adopted member of the family.

Like march families, adopted children did not have rights to inherit titles and positions, but they could inherit wealth allocated by their adopted guardians. Like Robert and Fiona, Montan would never starve or be without shelter.

The fact that Montan was Antonias godson likely hadnt reached Fabianas ears, as Antonia purposely kept information away from her troublesome sister. If Fabiana didnt know, then Alessa would not have heard from her.

This is what Tori wanted. If Alessa found out Montan had been in Viclya when her charm stopped working, Tori was worried shed become suspicious.

Look where that got them. Three hours and a failure.

At least Piers let you out this time, Tori said, still remembering Ewans lamenting call asking to be released because he was hungry.

The time limit was only three hours, Piers said. The room usually has a limit of an hour and a half.

Axtons eye twitched and Tori rushed to try to calm him. Its the most difficult room for a reason. In fact, we even have a challenge for the opening month that if a group manages to escape that room within the time given, then the game is free. Its meant to be challenging.

Its not, Piers said. Tori shot him a silencing look.

Lady Tori, can we try the room again? Tiff asked behind her.

You have to sign up at the lobby for a time slot. Ill go with you to authorize it, Tori said. She patted Axtons arm. Go and get something to eat. If you want to try again, you can try again.

Axton narrowed his eyes. I refuse to go back there.

Tori rolled her eyes and went to help Tiffs group sign up for a time slot. GG assured Tiff that they would certainly escape this time.

In the cafe, Ilyana and Henrik were doing calculations on the Lunar Pavilion. From the looks on their faces, they were very concentrated, and Tori was hesitant to bother them. JP, Sonia, and Albert were in a medium difficulty room with Ewan. Tori motioned for Piers and the others to take a seat and went to order them food.

Even the knights were treated and when the food was brought to them at their table one over from where Piers and Gideon were sitting, Gideons knights commented that Piers knights had some non-standard side dishes.

Oh, the Countess keeps track of our preferences, so each restaurant knows what we prefer, and it can be looked up. There is no need for us to request substitutions each time. We only report our name. Sir Dobchek did not hesitate to humble brag. She is very kind to us.

Tori pretended she didnt see the slight disappointment in the eyes of Gideons knights as she took out a notebook and sat in the chair between Piers and Gideon. Tell me what you thought about the room.

Compared to the easier rooms, this is too much of a jump in difficulty. Axton was the first to complain. I felt that an hour for the easy rooms and an hour and a half for the middle tier room was fair, but if the time limit is an hour and a half for the most difficult room, I dont think anyone will be able to solve it.

When you were doing the practice runs, did anyone complete the difficult room? Fabian asked with some uncertainty.

Tori paused for a moment. There was a trio that got through within the time limit. Piers, did you have to give them many clues?

Three. One clue per person was the limit given.

Thats a rule? Gideon furrowed his brows and frowned. But we asked for more than the number of players.

Two per person is the normal limit. Anymore and time will be deducted per additional clue. The one clue per person was the limitation given by the leader of the group, Piers said as he calmly ate a pastry.

Axton smirked. Did it annoy you that someone escaped the room you so meticulously planned?

The rooms are all escapable. Not everyone is like you.

Axtons smile fell at once and Tori sighed and looked back at him. Dont compare yourself with other teams. Each team is different.

If they took part in the dry run, then we know them, dont we? Axton asked. Who was it?

Tori shook her head. Thats not important.

There were three people...was it Alvere? Is he allowed to play if hes one of the game masters? Gideon asked.

Tori kept her eyes on her notebook and continued writing some notes. No.

Ewan got stuck with the others....was it a villager?


A knight? Gideon asked.


Then who was it? Axton urged, impatient.

Tori took a deep breath and raised her head. Kasey, Robi, and Fifi. Forty-five minutes.

She watched the curious light in their eyes slowly fade. She knew theyd regret asking. Gideon narrowed his eyes and frowned. The Chicken Girl?

Tori shot him a glare. Piers gave him a disapproving look.

Do not call her that, Old Man Prince.

Gideon sucked in a sharp breath and looked at his brother with betrayal. She told you?

That is all Fifi calls you, Piers said before taking a sip of white wine.

Unable to blame Piers, Gideon turned his irritation on to Tori. Why does your niece call my brother uncle?

Tori shrugged . She calls all my male friends uncle. Axton is Uncle Duke Axton. Ewan is Uncle Ewan. And so forth.

Gideon flushed. Then why doesnt she call me uncle?

Youre not my friend. She glanced up and watched his face twist with emotional damage.

Are we at least not acquaintances? Gideon asked. Our families are friends.

Tori met his gaze with a stoic look. Those are our families.

But.... He looked at a loss and beside him, Fabian seemed to mirror it a bit. If Gideon wasnt her friend, then of course Fabian wasnt.

But she didnt hate them now.

Tori suppressed her sadistic amusement and chuckled. Relax, Your Highness. You, too, von Dorn. If I didnt like you, you wouldnt be here right now.

Gideons eyes squinted. That is a bit threatening....

Youre overthinking it, Tori said with a small, dismissive wave of her hand. Were not friends, nor are we enemies. You are Piers brother and Piers brothers friend. As long as you dont treat me badly, I wont treat you badly, either. I will even take care of you as if you are one of my own.

You are magnanimous, Piers told her.

I know.

Axton rolled his eyes. Going back to Senior Kasen and his children in the escape room, I can understand it. This sort of thing is something hed be good at. He likely led the children around, right?

Piers took another sip of his wine. Senior would ask questions to make the children think and connect clues, but never answered them himself. Robi is very good at puzzles and codes.

What about Fifi? Axton asked. The energetic four-year-old likely couldnt put together much.

Fiona guessed where the horse was as soon as the introductory story was told and said it must be put on the shelf next to the portrait to appease the ghost in order for the door to unlock and let them out, Piers said with a slight curl of his lips. She only needed her brothers help to get the key to unlock it.

Sour looks appeared on Axton and Gideons faces as Fabian looked dumbfounded. They looked towards Tori for an explanation.

I didnt tell her, she said. A small slice of mille cake was placed in front of her and Piers took the clean fork. She was so excited that she figured it out on her own.

She is four! Gideon slapped the table. How can a four-year-old figure it out?

It isnt that difficult, if you think about it, Tori said. The story talked about a little girl who loved horses, and was heartbroken that she never had the chance to ride the one her parents got for her because she got sick and died. There is a portrait of a little girl and stuffed animals in the room, but there was only one horse toy.

Of course, usually things like this made sense only after it was completed, and all the clues had been solved. She didnt really blame Gideon for being confused. She was, too, when she first saw the game play. Not that she would admit it.

But what would putting the horse next to the portrait accomplish? Gideon asked with a frown.

It is your one regret; a chance you lost, Piers said as he lifted the fork with a piece of cake. He held it to Toris lips as she flipped a page in her notebook. She noticed the cake and opened her mouth for the offering. Would you not want one more chance to be with what you love?