Chapter 198: Suspicious

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 198: Suspicious

Tori slowly narrowed her eyes as she watched the smiling face of the Empress pass to get to the last row. Maybe she was overthinking it, but did the Empress request for the judges to start at the end because she was the fourth person theyd judge instead of the seventeenth? She decided to pretend it wasnt even if it was.

She looked towards her group of friends. Several had returned, as the event was long. Many spectators came in and out, usually only staying at the beginning and end. Ilyana had a folding chair and Tori didnt remember her arriving with one.

Two rows behind her, the competitors presented their dishes. One was a rhubarb pie and the other was a chicken pot pie. Tori silently decided to try to trade for some chicken pot pie. She looked at the food shed baked and frowned. She didnt make enough. Shed have to barter for some sort of I.O.U. or perhaps invite them to Cafe Fortuna for a private tasting.

It didnt take long for the judges and Instructor Lange to get to her.

Now, I was watching during the last hour, and I could not take my eyes off of this pastry wrapped meat, Instructor Lange said. Tell us what youve made, Miss Guevera.

Esteemed judges, Instructor Lange, this is a seared beef tenderloin seasoned with mustard, wrapped in a layer of mushrooms and prosciutto, then baked in a puff pastry. In addition, it is paired with what we call duchess potatoes, which are creamy mashed and seasoned potatoes, and then baked to get these nice brown peaks. For dessert, Ive prepared a dessert that has a frozen, creamy center, which was baked beneath a layer of meringue, I call it an ice mountain cake.

Tori took a carving knife to the beef Wellington and sliced off one end to reveal the layers of pork, mushrooms, and pink center of the meat. She heard several people praise it and Headmaster Laurents eyes widened.

Miss Guevera, is this a larger version of the beef puff bites sold at Duel Cafe?

I was trying to figure out a way to plug the cafe, so thank you, Headmaster. Yes! This is indeed a larger version. This is more for serving at home. In the interest of making sure you have enough room to try my fellow students goods, as well, I will serve you each a small slice.

Tori cut another slice about as thick as her finger, then cut it as she would a pie so that everyone had meat and crust. She then carefully placed them on each of the small, warmed plates. The judges took the forks provided and tried the meat.

Its tender...juicy...very savory. The crust is flaky, with just the right amount of flavor...its rich. Very well done, Miss Guevera, Madam Hawkins from the culinary department praised.

Lyces head chef nodded. It goes well with the potatoes...these are imported vegetables, arent they?

Yes, from the Pacha Empire. They will be opening a restaurant for our Cosora Cultural Exchange Program in Viclya this coming summer, along with restaurants from the Varsha Empire and the Tona Empire, Tori said. That covered advertisements for her deltas new restaurants.

I can certainly go for another slice, Instructor Lange chuckled. But what about dessert?

Tori removed the beef from the counter and replaced it with the mound of meringue. She took a clean knife and cut it down the middle, moving the sides apart so the inside was visible. She then took careful slices and placed them in clean dishes for the guests.

There is a base layer of sponge, which was then topped by a creamy frozen strawberry mixture, then topped with meringue-

Its cold! The Empress hand flew to her mouth as she stared at it wide eyed. I didnt expect that!

Yes, the layer of fluffy meringue keeps the frozen contents frozen for the duration of time it takes to get the burned peaks of the meringue.

Wonderful contrast, Miss Guevera. Truly, you prepared an entire meal for us. Mr. van Beek, another instructor for the culinary department, told her.

Tori thanked them for their time as they scribbled notes and then moved on to the next table. Tori looked towards her friends. Ilyana gave her a hopeful nod, as if to reassure her, while several others had their hands clasped, as if praying.

Tori shook her head and sighed. She turned back to the tent to listen to the other competitors. Most of the food prepared were pastries and pies, both sweet and savory. Someone even made a rather lovely two-tiered cake.

Montan was the only one who made a souffle and, as expected, it was perfect. The instructors from the culinary department praised him and were even hesitant to cut the souffle.

I was right to add the dessert. Tori watched carefully as the judges tried the souffle and nodded in approval. Dammit.

When the judges left, Montan seemed to look relieved. He looked towards Tori and gave her a hopeful smile. Tori returned a small one.

Alessas cheesecake was also warmly received. Everyone loved the way it jiggled.

The judges then went off to discuss their findings and tally the points. That meant one thing: food trade time.

Miss Guevera!

Senior Tori!

Godsister, I brought you a slice of souffle. You always cook for us, so please have this. Montan squeezed through the eager students to present her with not a slice, but the remaining souffle.

Tori tilted her head back. Even if she didnt win, shed get free food. This wasnt bad at all. She put on a bright smile and held up her hands. There are so many of you and I want to fulfill all your trades, but this time, Im afraid I dont have enough-

Countess Guevera. A voice spoke up behind her and Tori turned around. She jerked her head back when she saw two imperial knights in uniform. They bowed their heads towards her, but Toris attention was focused on the heating box gripped in each of their hands. Suspicious.

Can I help you with something? Tori asked as her eyes narrowed.

Her Majesty has requested to take your competition meal back to the imperial palace. His Majesty the Emperor also wishes to try what youve made.

Tori furrowed her brows, but nodded. Of course. Let me slice some pieces-

You do not need to trouble yourself, my lady. The boxes were placed on the table and opened. The knight smiled brightly. Her Majesty will take the entire thing.

Tori could almost feel the disappointment behind her as the knights carefully took her beef Wellington, tray of potatoes, and even the baked Alaska.

She took a deep breath. If the Empress wishes, I can simply cook these for a private dinner.

The knights faces lit up. We will let Her Majesty know of your offer, my lady!

As they marched away, gripping the heating boxes with all her painstakingly prepared food, she heard one of them say that the beef puff bites were his favorite at Duel Cafe.

Tori pursed her lips and steeled herself to face her schoolmates. She turned around and saw a wall of sad and disappointed faces. The food that was being offered to her was lowered and the overall mood was as if everyone had lost the contest.

As I was saying, Tori said as she took the remaining souffle from Montans hands. Thank you, Montan. His face immediately lit up. She looked back at the others. I dont have enough to serve everyone today and I want to give everyone a proper trade, so, in two days, I invite you all and one guest to Cafe Fortuna across the street. I will have it closed for the evening for our private event and I will personally cook this meal and dessert for you then. Just give your names at the door.

I knew she wouldnt fail us! Thank you, Senior Tori!

Thank you, Senior!

I cant wait, Miss Guevera.

Students still carefully placed samples of their baked goods on Toris counter, as if in offering, and she thanked each of them individually. She turned around to the group of people who had an equally disappointed, and horrified, look on their faces when the Empress knights took the food.

Tori still had to stay within the cordoned off area around the tent.

Ilyanas face was ashen. My potatoes....

Ill make it up to you, Tori said. Tiff, announce to the Sword Association that they are invited to the escape room grand opening. I will have this meal served as the main meal for both clubs.

We love you.... Tiff whispered before whirling around and yelling into the crowd. Well get it at the grand opening!

The boisterous members of the association let out yells. Roughly seventy percent of the Sword Association were also part of the tabletop gaming club, and the remaining thirty percent had no problem getting food and hanging out with other club members on a weekend.

Ilyana, dont be sad. Youre my guests for dinner at Cafe Fortuna in two days.

Yes! Ilyana almost pumped her hands, but Alberts face fell.

Just Ilyana?

She said guests, so she means all of us, Sonia sighed. Can we eat in the room upstairs?

Yes. Ill let Piers and Axton know.... Tori trailed off and sighed.

JP snickered. If you tell them not to invite their brothers, they wont.

Montan is a competitor, so hell be there. Its just Prince Gideon-

Its not an emergency, but the Countess says that shell make the food she made at todays competition for everyone in two days at Cafe Fortuna. The second prince was holding his comcry in his hand as he looked excited. Tori hadnt noticed him a few paces away until the crowd began to thin.

Everyone? Piers unimpressed voice asked from the comcry.

Well...she said the competitors, but if its at Cafe Fortuna, then youll be invited, so I can-...Piers? His comcry dimmed. Piers ended the call.

JPs brows rose. can seat him in a separate room.

Tori sighed and slowly turned around, walking back to her station. Alessa seemed to have been waiting and offered her a slice of cheesecake.

Im surprised you didnt become president, Ewan, Axton told him.

Im too busy, Master. I tend to the medicinal plants garden, I attend extra-curricular lectures outside of La Garda, and training workshops in addition to those; I come to eat and play with everyone, I have to study to maintain my rank, and I still follow Master Sebastians training regimen.

No wonder youre at the top of your class, Axton said, impressed. He smiled. Im proud of you, pupil.

Thank you, Master!

Ewan, dont overwork yourself, Tori said. You're only a student.

Yes, but I really like doing everything. Uncle Maurizo lets me go to medicinal plant and environment lectures at Universit when there are interesting ones offered after school. Top students are offered additional weapons classes, so those are always fun. Im not going to give up coming here to see you all.

And were glad, Sonia said. But take time to rest.

Im resting now. Im eating ice cream.

Well, as my sidekick, you must take care of yourself and if you can't, you can rely on me.

Piers furrowed his brows as Ewan gave her a little salute. Tori turned around to go downstairs and bring more food. Downstairs, the cafe was full for the private event of Toris trade night. Everyone seemed to be having fun, chatting, and talking about recipes and their clubs.

A few senior students were answering questions from the first years, and someone flagged her over. Senior Tori, are you and the Sword Association doing another First Year Excursion class.


Is Lions Gate in the seventh district also still selling full excursion supply kits?

Yes, and individual pieces if you already have some, Tori said as she walked towards them. Remember to show your identification crystal and go with your group. Ah, and if any of you first years want someone who knows how to cook outdoors, our Lana has camped on the beach and is experienced. She knows what to bring and how to cook it. She patted the head of the thin girl seated on a chair who giggled and blushed.

Thank you, Countess.

You may call me Senior Tori when we are in school.

Lana shook her head from side to side. No, you are our Countess. No matter what.

Tori chuckled. All right, if thats what you wish. She walked towards the counter. Mama J, can I have a few more of the individual Ice Mountains?

Yes, my lady. I will bake a few right now!

Tori thanked her and sat on a stool by the counter to wait.

Countess Guevera. She turned around and saw Alessa walking towards her.

Baroness Hart, Tori replied with a nod of her head. How was the meal?

Deserving of first place. Alessa smiled and stopped a pace away. I did as you suggested and tracked the market prices for spices. Theyve been going up steadily. If it were me, I would stop buying them. The manager has been limiting purchase amounts, and you were right to expect people to demand more.

If your spices are the most affordable, theyd of course want to buy in bulk, Tori said. It is difficult to know who is buying for personal use and who is buying to resell.

Alessa nodded. I have insisted on a weekly limitation per account. Countess, I had a question about inns. As Chetterswickshire is in an inconvenient position for a trade location, weve decided to build on my late mothers familys land north. Its the county of Fendersmith Fields.

The name of the area was too fresh in Toris mind, and she tried to keep her face neutral. Where is that?

It is north, close to the Nord border and about a days travel from the lakes, Alessa said. The area also suffered from drought and famine, but it was much worse. Many people in the region left, like my grandfathers family. They migrated to Chetterswickshire, but rented the land. After some discussion with investors, weve agreed to build there. So, I want to ask, as you have a successful resort: what do you recommend?

Alessa looked at her earnestly and Tori furrowed her brows, leaning forward to appear concentrated.

There are things to consider. First, how far is it from the next stops and what resources are available near-by, as you want to know what travelers will most likely need and that you will be able to provide it, Tori said. Its good to consider the area you have, as you will need space for not only the inn, but a place to house carriages and the horses.

Alessa nodded. How much space is needed?

Id start small first, but leave room for expansion, as it will take some time to get traffic to come through the area. This may be a chance to draw back people to the region. Is it still difficult to farm?

Alessa scrunched her face and lowered her eyes. Im not sure.

You should check. If you can get farmers to rent the land around it, you can buy their excess goods and use it at the inn. It cuts down on transport costs and youd also be supporting the local farmers, Tori said. Universits School of Agriculture and Husbandry offers seeds and seedlings of particular plants for free through one of their programs. You may want to check with them.

The heroines eyes lit up and she nodded. I didnt know that, thank you!

Where are you now on the construction of the property? Tori asked.

The Viscount has supported groups of people from the barony to assist with construction and has allocated some funds to cover their temporary relocation costs. The area is sparsely populated, so it has been difficult to find workers. He insisted that a minimum number of people from Chetterswickshire must be hired in order to get the relocation costs. They were against it at first, but I thought it was a good idea, so I asked for it. Alessa looked proud of herself, and Tori had to admit, being able to get jobs for her citizens was something to be proud of.

Im glad. Did they want to use their own people?

Yes, the inn owner has a small group that does most of the renovations for her inns. But I said this was too big a job and they needed more people. Adrien agreed, too.

Yes, you want to get this up and running as soon as possible. And winter will likely slow down the construction, so its best to try to get as much down while the weather allows.

Adrien said the same thing!

Please dont group me with that perverted sociopath. Tori tried not to look disgusted. Are you getting along better with the Viscount now?

I believe so. He is very strict, but when he presented his plans to Daddy and me, Daddy agreed that it was done well. Its a five-year recovery plan; longer than Id like, but he said that it was best not to rush it, Alessa replied. She frowned a bit. He also managed to arrange a deal with Stackhouse Bricks to provide some bricks to the inn.

Tori wanted to ask about how Alessas father was doing after Madam Voss dumped him, but resisted the urge. Its good to support a local business.

Alessa let out a small huff. We do not mind working with them. I will not hold that woman against them. Yet, when the Viscount inquired, they rejected the initial proposal. They only agreed two weeks ago. One of the family members went to look for an area suitable for brick building temporarily and some bricks will be brought over to get started.

Tori went through the timeline in her head. It was likely that the family member was Hadley Voss, who reported to Kasen. She told her family about sending someone there and Kasen mustve given the order to get directly involved as opposed to simply observing. Someone working closely with construction would likely find out more.

The point is that there will be bricks, by a quality supplier, sourced from Chetterswickshire, Tori said. This means that when youre ready to start laying bricks, you can start immediately.

Alessa nodded once more as Tori caught a movement from the corner of her eye. She looked to the side as Fabian turned the corner from the stairs and froze.

Alessas eyes widened, and Tori looked from her to the love interest and back. Fabian looked at Alessa with a seemingly calm look. He gave her a small nod of his head before looking towards Tori.

My lady, His Highness requests another Ice Mountain.

Tori raised a brow. Only Prince Gideon?

Fabian stiffened. His voice became quieter. I would also like another Ice Mountain.

Tori rolled her eyes. She turned on the seat. Mama J! Can I get a full-sized Ice Mountain along with two more small ones? Ill bring it up the stairs.

She heard the old woman laugh. Yes, my lady. I can have Elias bring it up.

Thank you! Tori slid off the stool. Von Dorn, tell them that Mr. Jaeger will bring it up. Im going to go and check on all my guests down here before I go back upstairs.

Yes, my lady. Fabian gave her a small bow of his head as Tori gave Alessa a small nod and walked around her to the nearest table.

Fabian, I havent seen you since the wedding. How was the rest of your summer? Alessa asked before Fabian could flee.

Tori kept one eye on them as she stood beside another table and listened to their comments on the food at the trade party.

It went well. His Highness and I were able to get personalized sailing and swim training from the OTuaghs, he said. Tori furrowed her brows. She thought the duo were just running around her delta, playing. She supposed with Eili and Deidre there, theyd have some real guidance.

No wonder Gideon had gotten that sunburn.

Im going to run errands around the city this weekend and go to the orphanage to check on the status of the instructors Ive arranged. Would you like to come? Alessa asked.

Tori couldnt help but crane her ear to listen to his answer.

Alessa, sorry, but Fabian will have to decline. A hand landed on Fabians shoulder as Gideon seemed to appear from behind him. He gave Alessa an embarrassed smile. As he plans on joining me at the Naval Academy after graduation, hes going to spend time at the Sword Association to practice with a short sword with me, and after, hes accompanying me to the games nights with the tabletop gaming club. Gideon let out a disappointed sigh. Im afraid we wont have time to join you as much as we did before.