Thanks to the veterans and the veterans for what they have done. Li Yifei sees these comments and forwards. In the dark, Li Yifei lights a cigarette, and his eyes are still looking at the comments of netizens. Some are indignant, some are saying pills, some are thanking, and some are analyzing how to deal with such things in the future, such as destroying things around, so that the party who is destroyed will not Let you go, such as learning self-defense moves, attacking the crotch, attacking the front door, and so on. For example, there are many security measures for a person to stay in hotels and other places. The methods seem to be many, but in fact they are useless. If you really encounter something happened to Lang Wenqin, these methods are useless. Even if you break the hotel equipment, even if you shout, even if you practice self-defense Tactics, in the case of no one else to help, may also be useless, after being taken away will be more vicious revenge.

However, this is just a guess. The bad guys are also afraid of things. The victims make a lot of noise and cry. Maybe the bad guys will be scared out. Li Yifei still agrees with the opinions of netizens.

Many people were originally very concerned about those who acted bravely for justice. After all, they were taken away by two police officers suspected to be accomplices. However, after recognizing the veterans, they were no longer worried. Could the veterans in Ning Province still suffer losses? Even in the field with the combat effectiveness of veterans, it is also explosive!

Li Yifei thought for a moment and decided to send a status note, which wrote: "Hello, I'm a veteran. I've just come back from the Public Security Bureau. The relevant leaders are investigating this matter. As a result, friends can pay attention to the official news later. The girl is very well now and has been living under the arrangement of the police I was very angry at the occurrence of the incident. At that time, I also made heavy efforts. Maybe some friends would think that this is just a small case, but in my opinion, it is extremely bad. I also hope that you will encounter such a thing. If you can make a voice, if you can stop it a little, maybe some tragedy will not happen. For us, maybe it is just a small matter However, for the victims, this is different. I have a lot to say, but I don't know how to say it. Like everyone else, I always feel that such things should not happen in this era. However, no matter when the sun shines, there will be dark night. I still want to call on my friends to meet such things and ensure their own safety It may be just a small thing. For example, if a man can come forward and cooperate with the elder sister, maybe I won't show up. Yes, I'm really angry with the men who are around. They are young and old I don't want to say more about this matter. It's not because I did it today, so I have a strong sense of reason and occupy the moral high point. I just feel that if you can stretch out your hand, maybe you can change a person's life, or let a person who may walk on the edge of a cliff safely come over! I have experienced a lot of things over the years, but today's events still make me feel a chill in my heart. Ladies and gentlemen, the whole society and the environment around you need you to participate in the construction, not just rely on others. "

Li Yifei checked his words after typing. He knew that some of his words might not be so politically correct, but he still sent them out. What was right and wrong was not to follow his original intention.

As soon as Li Yifei's post was sent out and brushed the webpage, hundreds of messages immediately appeared. Many people stayed up in the middle of the night and seemed to be waiting for Li Yifei to post his microblog. They didn't know whether Li Yifei would post it or not. They were just waiting. As soon as Li Yifei's hundreds of words microblog was sent out, it immediately attracted people's attention. Many people who were waiting for the truth and who just didn't sleep were in succession They were very excited when they saw Li Yifei's remarks.

No matter how the netizens guess, no matter how people comment, no matter what the veterans say in person, they are not sure that it is Li Yifei. At present, when Li Yifei says it, these people will know that this is what Li Yifei did, and also know the general context. Seeing Li Yifei's call, many young men and women have said that if they encounter such a thing Love, will certainly lend a helping hand, will never be the onlookers. Some people are called on, others are encouraged, others are attacking those who are watching. Of course, the latter is only a few.

With Li Yifei's appearance, this event has been confirmed. Even at 2 am in the morning, it still causes a lot of discussion and heat.

many people have never heard of such an event and never imagined it. They even felt panic. After seeing the message, Li Yifei found that what he said was a little serious, so he edited another message Go out: "my friends, such things rarely happen. A beautiful and safe society requires all of us to work together, not just someone. If the last microblog and what happened tonight scared everyone, I apologize for this. If these can arouse some courage, then it is what I hope."

As soon as the microblog was sent out, countless people responded, some said that we would follow suit, some said that veterans, you can rest assured, Laozi, an indomitable man, would definitely take action when encountering such a thing. A more bloody person said: "I lost a bowl of scar, dare to bully a woman like this, I certainly won't agree."

The next morning, Li Yifei cleaned up and knocked on Lang Wenqin's door. The latter came out. The wound on his face had subsided a lot, but his eyes were dark. Apparently, he didn't sleep well last night. When he saw Li Yifei, she turned over and let him in."Thank you, veteran comrade. I didn't expect that I would be so lucky to meet you to help me." Lang Wenqin solemnly bowed to Li Yifei. When she came back to her room last night, she still felt scared. It was not the kind of careless that she showed. After she cried a little, she saw the hot spot by brushing the microblog. It was the video of Li Yifei that made her move. After seeing the comments, Lang Wenqin knew that the person who saved her was an old soldier. After understanding his various identities, Lang Wenqin realized that he was the veteran Was completely shocked.

Li Yifei nodded and said, "I have said everything I should have said yesterday. I hope you can have a pleasant journey in the future without affecting your future Ideas, to the world, to others. "

Lang Wenqin blinked her big eyes, then chuckled and said, "Uncle veteran, I know that such things are rare. You can rest assured that it will not affect my world outlook. I will be a doctor in the future. Don't worry, I will not be easily changed by such incidents. I will still be friendly to patients and others, and …”

The little girl seemed to be endorsing. She said a big run at one breath. Li Yifei couldn't help laughing. It seemed that she was worried that she was wrong. The girl's self-adjusting ability was good. When she finished, Li Yifei said, "I'll be relieved, and I feel that you will be a good doctor in the future."

Lang Wenqin immediately replied, "that's certain. I chew like this Well, uncle, if you are ill in the future, you can come to me. Although I am far away from you, I will study hard, continue to study and strive for... "

When she found that Li Yifei's face was not right, Lang Wenqin seemed to realize something. She said, "I'm sorry, I didn't curse you for being sick. I just I have no other way to thank you. I just want to help you

"I'm sure the government will give you some compensation and explanation for this matter, so you can't leave today. If you go to the industrial city in the future, you can also mention my name, and I'll treat you then." Li Yifei's cheek muscles trembled, which is some understanding of the little girl, or else it really can't accept this way of speaking.

Lang Wenqin Oh a, way: "I don't want any compensation, is to get a little hit, back I'll prescribe some medicine, on the medicine is!"

"It's up to you, but don't be afraid. They dare not threaten you." Li Yifei said and blinked his eyes. Lang Wenqin said, "I understand. Thank you."

"Well, pack up and eat." Li Yifei said.

After breakfast, Li Yifei was just about to leave when a group of people came in a hurry. The leader was Jiang Hu, and the rest Li Yifei didn't know each other. Jiang Hu and others came to the front and said, "Mr. Li, I'm sorry to disturb you. I'll tell you about yesterday's case."

"Well, didn't you know something about it last night? Director Jiang didn't have to report to me. After checking it out, we should be strict. If there is any misunderstanding, explain it clearly." Li Yifei said with a smile.

There is no misunderstanding. It's the truth. At first, I suspected that Li Yifei might be a bit domineering and unreasonable. In the end, he found that In addition to his heavy hand, he really did not blame Li Yifei. Jiang Hu interrogated all night last night and only slept for two hours in the morning. However, he was very energetic. He admired Li Yifei a little. However, a person with such an identity could do things with such justice and stand on the side of morality.

As for what Tang fat man, MI Zili and others did, Jiang Hu was very angry. When they waited, they were dealt with strictly. There was no possibility of leniency. In particular, Mayor Feng called Jiang Hu in the morning, and once again sternly said that we must deal with this vicious case seriously, and there should be no private affair. Naturally, Jiang Hu agreed to it together. In his heart, he thought that as long as you didn't join in, no one would obstruct the case. The leaders had no time to clear the relationship, so how could they join in? What's more, Li Yifei is the other party. People familiar with Li Yifei's achievements know that if you offend this person, you will have bad luck. , the fastest update of the webnovel!