The hotel is the best hotel in Dancheng. When he came by the car arranged by Jiang Hu, Li Yifei saw the name of the hotel. This hotel was opened by a man named Wang Taiji in Dancheng. The Wang family is not a small family in Dancheng. After Li Yifei killed several families in the provincial capital, he once entertained guests, and Wang Taiji was barely able to arrive.

Of course, Jiang Hu doesn't tell Wang Taiji about this. In case Li Yifei gets upset, he can't gamble.

"Uncle, I still want to say thank you. You have convinced me that there are still many good people in the world, so this time it may be just a little bit of bad luck for me." Before entering the room, Lang Wenqin stops Li Yifei and thanks.

"Most of the people in the world are ordinary people, a few are so-called good people, and there are fewer bad people, but I also believe that this time is just an accident." Li Yifei said with a smile.

Lang Wenqin also nodded, and when Li Yifei finished, she added: "it's not enough to just dare to come out when meeting bad things, but also have strong strength, like uncle."

"Ha ha, go in and have an early rest." Li Yifei raised his room card and watched Lang Wenqin go in first. He also entered the room. Their luggage had already been taken. From today on, Tang's hotel will be temporarily closed for investigation and rectification. It is estimated that Tang's hotel will also be in a slump and even be jailed. In fact, it is the same. After investigation, it is found that the hotel and restaurant operated by Tang Pang is in operation , and other projects to varying degrees, there are more or less tax evasion, there are shoddy, false marketing, and this kind of collusion with black and astringent, conniving in selling In a word, the evidence collected by listing is enough for him to drink a pot. Especially, these charges are not imposed, but the fact that Tang Pang Zi really exists.

After taking a shower, Li Yifei recharges his mobile phone, turns on his mobile phone and finds several messages rushing in. After looking at the time, Li Yifei chooses to return tomorrow. After all, it is already a little late. For Chu Xiaoyao's one, Li Yifei goes back to the past. As expected, two minutes later, Chu Xiaoyao sends back a message: "uncle, why are you staying up so late ?”

It's called Li Yifei was called a lot of uncles today. Well, Lang Wenqin should be one year older than Chu Xiaoyao, or two years old. They are the same age, but they still feel different. Li Yifei replied, "you didn't sleep. It's almost three o'clock. Isn't it good to play computer during the day?"

"Who said I didn't sleep? I sent you a message. If you didn't answer me, I went to sleep. As a result, I woke up as soon as you sent me a message." Chu Xiaoyao returns.

"No silence?"

"Vibration, pressure under the face."

"I'm sorry, I just finished. I'll give you one when I see it." Li Yifei apologized.

Chu Xiaoyao returned with an expression of rolling her eyes. A few seconds later, she sent a small video. Li Yifei opened it and felt a little thirsty. However, the girl was standing in the bathroom, wearing a thin nightdress, and the key parts were looming and full of temptation. It was really hard for Li Yifei to restrain this kind of thing.

"Good looking?" Chu Xiaoyao asked.

"Good looking. I love it." Li Yifei replied.

"Hee hee, when my husband comes back, people will wear this nightdress and let you bully."

Rub, Li Yifei is a burst of anger, busy deep breath, diverted his attention, back: "tomorrow to go back, wash clean wait, it is too late, hurry back to bed to sleep, see you tomorrow."

"Good drop, hee hee, good husband, good uncle, you also go to bed early!" Chu Xiaoyao replied.

When Li Yifei was ready to go to bed, the girl sent another picture, but she took off her nightdress directly. There was no cover in the picture. Li Yifei coughed twice, held her breath for a while, then she slowly vomited out and laughed twice. She knew that it would take a long time to recover.

Unable to sleep, Li Yifei took out his mobile phone. As soon as he opened his microblog, he found that there were more than 100000 pieces of aIter's news. Li Yifei has not been online these days, but it is not so much information. It took him a while to find out what happened.

It turns out that Li Yifei stopped the two gangsters in the hotel, and later hit the security guards and managers who were in the same group. In the process, someone recorded them with their mobile phones, edited them and sent them to the network. It was not too early, but as soon as the video was posted on the network, it was quickly discovered by people As soon as it was forwarded, the incident spread rapidly.

And the title of the uploader was "innocent woman was dragged away by two men in the middle of the night, and the unknown man acted bravely to stop her. Now she is taken away by the police. It is suspected that the hotel and the two men are together! Maybe even the police are in a group. Now I ask netizens to spread it out! " This post has been forwarded more than 400000 times, and in less than four hours, it can be said that it has triggered an upsurge. Moreover, the most important thing is that the video has not been lost by the river crab. Many people have not turned it once, and it has been turned several times in a row. Li Yifei has a rough look at the popular comments and can't help laughing.

Sure enough, as he thought, the enthusiastic netizens' performance in such hot events did not disappoint. They criticized the two gangsters and praised the nameless man. The hotel and the fat and thin police were also scolded and denounced, but some people soon recognized Li Yifei.A person who has been praised more than 20000 times wrote: "big guy, isn't this our veteran brother? Look at this brave man in the video. I dare to swear with my next month's salary that this is the veteran

The following one, who was praised more than 10000 and nearly 20000, also wrote: "it's a veteran. I know him. He is the richest man in Ning Province. Do you remember that heroic act last year? His deeds, my God, it's a veteran again. He saved the girl. There's a veteran. We don't have to worry about the girl. She will get justice! "

The following are basically veterans, that is, Li Yifei's fans. Although Li Yifei doesn't use microblog frequently, he has tens of millions of fans now. It can be said that he is a top celebrity. The key is that Li Yifei keeps his words and deeds in the same way and advocates what we should do. Li Yifei is a pioneer in fighting against Noah's Ark some time ago. Li Yifei didn't tweet for a long time I just wish you a happy new year.

Numerous people recognized him and recognized that the man who made the move was Li Yifei. Of course, some people objected that Li Yifei could not appear in that kind of small hotel, especially a Dancheng local. He said, "it's a lie. I went to that hotel. It costs one or two hundred yuan a night, and it's 400 yuan at the top of the day. Who is Li Yifei? A 100 billion rich people to stay in Dancheng that kind of hotel? I don't believe it. Do you? Besides, even if it is true, I think it is speculation, proper speculation.

His message was soon spurted, and his opponents said, "why not? You have money, you don't eat rice? The old soldier is an ordinary man, and he lives an ordinary life. How can it be impossible? "

"What about the old soldiers' hype? Is there a need for such hype? You think he's the junk on the Internet. In order to brush the attention, you're a little disgusted. I'll say it here today. I won't think the veteran is hyping. Did you see the following information of the video publisher? He will be his room card and other information sent out, you are still questioning, the Internet those brain damage said that you are like this

"Don't pay attention to this kind of person. It's just a matter of fighting for attention. Why should we pay attention to him! If you think you are smart, you are just a fool. "

Therefore, there are countless people who want him to come out and restore the truth. Seeing the answers of these enthusiastic netizens, Li Yifei is also dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, such a thing has been photographed and posted on the Internet, which has triggered a huge discussion.

Netizens recognized him and praised him. At the same time, many netizens were shocked and frightened. Some even wrote a long analysis. When a single woman stayed in a hotel, the hotel should be responsible for the safety of the hotel. However, two men with big arms and evil spirits forcibly took you away. At this time, the onlookers didn't do anything, but the hotel side did not Noodles not only do not help, but also help tyranny, such a thing happened, if there is no good elder sister to stop, no veteran finally furious, what should the girl do? So she was taken away?

Some people familiar with the rules also wrote: "if the girl is taken away today, it will be unimaginable torture to wait for her. Maybe the whole life will be changed. How terrible it is, what kind of crime is it. Gangsters, hotels and even the two policemen can see the performance of the thin policeman in the video. What is waiting for the girl? Is it strong x, beating, imprisonment, poisoning, or the end of this flowering season? It's very cold in early spring, especially late at night. But at this moment, my heart is so cold that it penetrates into bone marrow. I don't know what kind of place it is. How dare those gangsters dare to be so arrogant and dare to do so? "

"Girls are lucky, but how many are not? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I even thought it could have happened one or two hundred years ago. In what era is it now? I don't know what to say. Thank you, Mr. Bing. No matter what kind of status he is in reality, today, he should receive our thanks. It is he who makes me feel warm in the cold, and that In such a society, we should thank them! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!