Chapter 1582: Edward also withdrew

After drinking the farewell wine, Louis XII returned home with 15,000 French knights, leaving only 5,000 French knights and 30,000 infantry to stay behind.

Before leaving, Louis XII also disposed of 16,000 captured German mercenaries, the remaining power of the 20,000 German mercenaries originally hired by Spain.

In the night raid, the main soldiers ran out of Spain, while the 20,000 German mercenaries ran out only a small part. Most of the rest were blocked by the French army. In desperation, the desperate German mercenaries had to surrender.

However, when Louis XII proposed to hire this group of people to guard against the counterattack of the Spanish army, the German mercenaries rarely refused. Instead of betraying their original employers like Italian mercenaries, they refused to fight Spain.

The German mercenary leader Gudendorff thinks that they have been ashamed that they have failed to complete the commission of the Spaniards. Now, it is extremely disgraceful to accept the employment of the original enemy and turn the gun to the Spanish employer. They would rather die than turn around and beat their original employer after defeat. Even if you accept the French employment, the opponent cannot be the original employer Spanish ...

Unexpectedly, the stubbornness of the Germans was highly praised by Louis XII. Louis XII believed that if the German mercenaries accepted the employment very happily, he would not be worried. Because, it is impossible to say that they will join forces with the original employer, the Spaniards, to secretly Chinese. After all, an unruly mercenary is untrustworthy.

This era is not the time when mercenaries completely lost their morality in the middle and late 16th century. Right now, apart from the Italian mercenary who has a lower morale value, mercenaries from other countries still value honor.

Of course, Louis XII did not waste the value of these 16,000 German mercenaries in the end-Louis XII decided to take them north to reoccupy the Principality of Milan. Then, let them stationed in the Principality of Milan.

In any case, the Principality of Milan is Italy's most important agricultural area. At the same time, Milan City is also the largest city of Shinra. Louis XII was not satisfied that he only annexed the Kingdom of Naples and was able to annex Milan.

Then, the 16,000 German mercenaries were hired to follow the 15,000 French knights of Louis XII.

No, it ’s not acceptable. They have become prisoners of war of the French. If they redeem themselves at a high price, they will be killed as useless prisoners of war ...

They do not want to die, and as mercenaries who cannot save money, they do not have the money to redeem themselves. In exchange for freedom, he can only accept employment from the French and fight against opponents other than the original employer, the Spaniards ...


As for John Raffy, he also went north with the large army of Louis XII. Originally, Louis XII also hoped that he could stay, assisting the top commander of the left-behind troops, Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, against the Spaniards. After all, John Lafite's "sophisticated resources" left a deep impression on Louis XII.

But where is John Rafi willing to stay? He still has an important mission. His mission is to return to Paris, find out where Marguerite was from the Tudor family, and then send someone to kill him to prevent future troubles.

Therefore, John Rafi finally managed to get rid of the arrangement to stay in Naples and followed Louis XII back home. Of course, before going back, he recommended the truly capable former Duke of Geddes, and now Charlie, the earl of Nantes, leaving the Duke of Bourbon, Charles III, to guard the area. John Lafite has self-knowledge. He knows that all his strategies are taught by Marlin secretly, not his ability. Charlie, the Earl of Nantes, is the one who really has the ability. He was also worried that Count Charles would be an obstacle for him when he returned to Paris, and he simply suggested that Louis XII leave it to assist Charles III, Duke of Bourbon. And Louis XII also felt that he needed a capable person to help Charles III, the Duke of Bourbon, who lacked ingenuity, and he agreed.

When the army left, Count Charles was a bit unhappy. As a great nobleman, he knew very well whether the great noblemen of France mixed well, it all depended on whether the king attached importance. Only if Tian Tian dangles in front of the Dharma King will he be reused ...

Today, he was left in Naples, apparently lost the opportunity to accompany the king, and it will be difficult to have a chance to be favored in the future. Therefore, he wished to tear off John Rafi's broken mouth-who asked him to comment indiscriminately?

But he couldn't help it in the end. Who made John Rafi the most brilliant in this war? Right now, because of the huge credit, John Raffy ’s favor with Louis XII is much greater than that of Count Charles ...


Similar to the last time, seeing the French force of more than 30,000 menacingly came over, Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, was frightened to bring his family and thousands of men back to the rice again Steyr Valley.

The French army once again obtained Milan City effortlessly, although this time it still didn't get much treasure, but the food in the Milan City warehouse was cheaper for the French.

In any case, the Po River Plain in the Principality of Milan is also Italy ’s largest plain and the most important granary in Italy. Although the volcanic ash in Naples is very fertile, there are few plains in Naples, and only a small number of river valleys can be planted. What is Milan's Po river plain, with an area of ​​up to 46,000 square kilometers, is Italy's most important granary. Moreover, the Sforza family has been focusing on water conservancy construction for many years and has dug many irrigation rivers. This time, the French were completely cheap. Most of the food harvested last year was searched by the French ...

Then, Louis XII continued with his 15,000 French knights to return home. The 16,000 German mercenaries were left by Louis XII to defend the Principality of Milan. After all, the Principality of Milan is Italy's first granary. In the future, France will explode its soldiers, and it will definitely need a lot of food. The principality of Milan, Italy's first granary, obviously can provide a lot of food. Therefore, Louis XII simply left Gudendorff's 16,000 German mercenaries to guard the entire principality of Milan. They refused to fight the Spaniards, but it was okay to fight Ludovico Sforza, principality of Milan. After all, Ludovico Sforza is not Spanish ...


On the way back to Louis XII, he had long been informed of the return of Marin from Louis XII (after all, there was John Raffy), and he also sent people to send pigeons to Dublin. King Edward, the remnant of the O'Brien family, the last native on the Irish island.

At this time, Edward's army had conquered Ennis, the capital of the O'Brien family's territory (later Clare County), and was now looking around for the guerrilla remnants of the O'Brien. The main force of the British army has already reached the Shannon River, and it is about to encircle the more than two thousand guerrillas who annihilated the O'Brien family.

But Marin's letter shocked Edward. After learning of Louis XII's return to Paris, Edward couldn't sit still. Because Edward knew that if Louis XII returned to Paris and learned that Edward ’s leader was in Ireland, he would certainly not let this opportunity pass. He would definitely make trouble, and even arrange the Tudor remnants to take the opportunity to return to England to launch a rebellion. Without repression in the past, this kind of rebellion is easy to get bigger ...

After thinking over and over again, Edward had to temporarily give up his intention to return to the country after annihilating the remaining resistance of the O'Brien family. Moreover, Edward even planned to take the opportunity to destroy the Norman Conquered Earl family such as Ormond and Desmond, which are not very obedient ~ ~ These descendants of the Norman nobles Having been a soil emperor in Ireland for too long, I have not listened to the royal family in England. At this time, Edward just led the army here, which is a good opportunity to clean up their ...

However, in contrast, local security is more important. In desperation, Edward had to announce to the outside world that England had completed the reunification of the island of Ireland, and now officially triumphed ...

Of course, Edward was not stupid enough to withdraw all the troops. Anyway, the resistance force of the O'Brien family is only more than two thousand. Therefore, Edward simply left the army of Adler's more than 1,000 Wicklow territories, and the 5,000 soldiers of the Fourth Army, and the 1,500 Cossack cavalry that Marin later supported. In this way, it is enough to deal with the more than 2,000 remaining resistance forces. Moreover, it also allows the ally Marlin's brother Adler to experience it.

And Edward himself, of course, returned to the country with the main guard of England, so as not to be stabbed by the French ...

Of course, when propagating externally, it is natural not to tell the truth, but to say that-the wise heroic Edward has eliminated all the resistance of the Irish barbarians, and now has led the army to triumphant return home ...

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