Chapter 1581: Louis 12 returns home

"It's incredible!"

"It's incredible!"

Not to mention other Spanish soldiers, even Gonzalo de Cordoba, who personally dominated it, was also shocked. In this ambush, more than 10,000 Spanish troops under his command, mainly recruited by the new recruits, rely on the terrain advantage, and the fierce Moroccan cavalry has no ability to fight back. In the final statistics, only 17 Spanish soldiers were killed and more than 70 injured.

These casualties, except that 12 war dead were forcibly killed by Moroccan masters who broke into the alley, the rest of the casualties were basically killed by Moroccan soldiers when they picked up the masonry on the street and counterattacked. bad luck.

However, the results they achieved were-captive 6,850 enemy cavalry, killed 3,800 enemy, wounded 4,350 enemy ...

Such a high battle loss ratio made Gonzalo de Cordova's generation of generals surprised to shut their mouths.

"No wonder Grand Duke Marin has always been keen on using conspiracies and tricks! It turns out that the effect is so powerful, I feel ... so cool!"

A demon seed germinated in the heart of the gentleman Gonzalo de Cordoba ...

Gonzalo de Cordova knew very well that Marin, as a prince of a country, often engages in conspiracies and tricks, which may ruin his reputation. But he is different. He is a Spanish courtier and doesn't need a perfect reputation. His greatest role in the Kingdom of Spain was to win wars, not to win the reputation of a good man. For the general, victory is everything, and the rest is not important.

After all this was figured out, there seemed to be something imprisoned in Gonzalo de Cordoba's heart, and a little devil ran out of himself ...

"Well, the French are powerful now. It seems that I have to use some unconventional means ..." Gonzalo de Cordoba thought when he boarded the ship to Sicily.


And while Gonzalo de Cordoba boarded the ship to Sicily, Louis XII was drinking separately from his men in the city of Naples.

Louis XII must understand that the Spaniards will not let go. No, the proposal of the representative sent to Spain to talk about the purchase of the Kingdom of Naples with money was rejected by the other party, and no amount of money could be given. Therefore, there will be more fights in the future.

However, he did not go nor did he succeed. He is the king of a country, staying in Italy for too long. There are now signs of instability within the French kingdom. Without him going back to sit, Queen Anne couldn't hold back the monkeys.

Also, the first two days John Rafi reminded him that the marriage deadline given by King Edward was not far from 1515. In more than a year, if France has not yet given birth to a prince, the marriage with British Princess Margaret will be abolished. After all, what Edward said makes sense, his daughter cannot wait indefinitely for the birth of a new prince in France.

Women's time is limited, it is impossible to wait for her husband to grow up. In particular, this era is not a descendant of developed medicine. In this era, it is dangerous for a woman to have a child after the age of 30, and to have a child after the age of 40 is suicide. Therefore, women cannot marry men who are much younger than themselves. Otherwise, you will miss the best childbearing age.

Therefore, Louis XII must go back. Not only to stabilize the domestic situation, but also to toss a prince out.

The word "toss" is really not wrong, after all, Louis XII is 52 years old. At this age, among the European nobles of this era, it is no longer short-lived and may die someday. As for Queen Anne, although she is much younger, she is also 37 years old. Men may be nothing at this age, and women at this age are definitely desperate to have children!

But Louis XII couldn't control that much anyway. Anyway, he didn't have too much affection for Queen Anne. At the beginning, the reason why he abandoned his fiancee Jeanne of France and married Anne of Brittany was not for the purpose of **** love, but to ensure that the Principality of Brittany was not divided from France. After all, if Anne remarries someone, the Principality of Brittany will be split from France. If it fell into the hands of Maximilian I, it would be even worse.

Therefore, the marriage of Louis XII and Queen Anne was originally a marriage of political interests, without feelings at all. As for whether Queen Anne ’s 37-year-old pregnancy is in danger, Louis XII will not care. He only needs a male heir. Even if Queen Anne died in danger, he might be happy. In the original history, after Queen Anne of Brittany passed away, Louis XII turned his head and married Mary VII's daughter Mary Tudor, and died on the belly of Mary Tudor ...

Of course, this is not to say that Louis XII is an old pervert, but because, for the European monarchs of this era, a male heir is too important.

Similar to Louis XII, it was King Ferdinand II of Aragon. Ferdinand II can cry with the corpse of Prince Juan who may have been infected with tuberculosis, or he can imprison the mad and poor daughter "Mad Huanna", just to obtain the regency of Castile ... …

In short, the change of the royal family in Europe can also be said to be a history of absolute heirs-which king did not have a son, this dynasty may be changed ...

In the contemporary Eastern countries, there was no such trouble. Who can say that Europe can only be monogamous, while the emperors of the East can be polygamous? This is not to say that the Emperor of the East is more obscene, but that the Eastern countries pay more attention to the heirs.

There is an interesting fact that the higher the status of women, the lower the fertility rate. In later generations, in areas like the Middle East and Africa where women have no status, children don't want money to make a fortune. In Europe and the United States, which deteriorated in the 21st century, the status of women was high, but the fertility rate was greatly reduced ... And in the 20th century, during the period of serious feudal ideology, China's fertility rate was still very high ...

In ancient Europe, the status of women was much higher than in the East and the Middle East. But it also caused a bad result-only married a wife, and did not allow divorced European monarchs, he would never hesitate ...

In the same period, during the Ming Dynasty, only Zhu Youqin, the emperor of Hongzhi who married only one wife, finally gave birth to a son after the son of Hu Lai Zhengde. Of course, there is also a carpenter emperor Tianyou Di Zhu Youxiao who died young in the early years. Because of the early death and the fierce struggle in the palace, he did not leave any heirs.


At this time, Louis XII was actually close to the madness. Before fighting, he temporarily forgot this. As soon as John Rafi reminded him, he immediately remembered that he had no son!

Therefore, after arranging the defense of the Kingdom of Naples, he decided to return to his country. He had to deal with the queen well about having no son ...

The reason why John Lafite made this suggestion ~ ~ is also Marin's request-how can he not let Louis XII go back and work hard, how can he be killed on the belly of a woman like he was in history?

Louis XII is still quite savvy, not very easy to deal with. Therefore, Marin hopes that he will die as early as the original history.

As for his heir, Francois I, although the historical evaluation is good, Marin who has read the history knows that this product is very impulsive when he is young. Otherwise, it will not be given to the captive by Charles V ...

Moreover, a new king came to power without foundation, and it would take years to establish prestige. And Marin, it just took a few years to complete the annexation of England. Therefore, Marin hopes that Louis XII will die soon, and it is best to die on the woman's belly as usual. In this way, he had time to plan England in a few years. If this old product is not dead, when it is annexing England, this old product may send troops to the North Sea country to disrupt it and interfere with its annexation of England.

Therefore, Marin secretly instructed John Rafi to remind Louis XII to go back and make the villain with the queen. Only when I go back to make a villain, can I die on a woman's belly ...

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