Chapter 1193: Daming Navigation Terminator-Liu Daxia

"Ma Aiqing, why are you asking for doctors and craftsmen?" After seeing Marlin's fold, Zhengde summoned Marin in the leopard room northwest of the Imperial City. The observers were the three cabinet ministers Li Dongyang, Yang Ting and Liang Chu.

After Liu Jin's party leader Cao Yuan stepped down, the courtiers recommended Liu Zhong to join the cabinet to fight for a deputy state-level treatment for his retirement. However, Zhengdeji hated Liu Zhong for leading Gong Gongque, so he refused to promote Liu Zhong into the cabinet, but chose Liang Chu, who had a less senior qualification, to enter the cabinet. Qunchen wanted to collectively write to force Zhengde to follow, but Zhengde was furious and burned all the breaks of the day, no matter how big or small. Moreover, Zhengde claimed that as long as there were folds that recommended Liu Zhong to the cabinet, all the folds would be burned together. Seeing that Zhengde was so decisive, Liu Zhong did not want the princes to completely break up and voluntarily withdrew, so that things did not get out of control.

Seeing Liu Zhongxiang, Zhengde didn't pursue it anymore, and added a prose level and salary to Liu Zhong. Of course, it is unnecessary to talk about entering the cabinet. This is Zhengde's warning to the courtiers.

Seeing Zhengde asking this question, and the three cabinet ministers on the side also looked over at it, Marin immediately cried and said:

"Your Majesty, you don't know! In Europe, the backwardness of medical skills is outrageous! For example, if you are sick, should you take medicine?"

Zhengde and the three elders nodded together, and Marin's next words made the tea in their mouths spout ...

"But where we are, people don't take medicine when they are sick. Those quacks like witch doctors give blood directly ... Your majesty, the three elders, you think, how weak are you when you are sick? Stabbing the blood ... Isn't this the same as murder? "

The four gangsters wiped out the spouted tea and nodded in agreement with Marin. Zhengde looked at Marin with a distressed expression:

"Ma Aiqing, you have suffered, from small to big, how many times have you been shed blood?"

This time it was Marin's turn to spray tea, but he thought about it seriously and said:

"It seems to be only once ..." According to the memory of this body's predecessor, it seemed that when he was 13 years old, he was seriously ill once. The Hoffman family specially invited the doctor in Bochum to bleed Marin ... As for other times ... mainly because the Hoffman Estate is located in the countryside, and you ca n’t find a terrible "witch doctor" who can treat blood ...

It is also due to the remote location of Hoffman Estate, and there are not many "witch doctors" who understand the "blood bleeding treatment", otherwise, the strength of Marin ’s body is probably not waiting for Marin to wear it. Has been hung up by bloodletting ...

When Marin stated the reason that "the country is poor, and even quacks who can bleed the blood can't find it", both Zhengde and Sange Lao have a "you're lucky" expression.

"Ma Aiqing, I didn't expect you to be so miserable ... Master Li, how many doctors do you think are suitable for him?" Master Li is Li Dongyang. Li Dongyang used to be a teacher of Emperor Hongzhi and a teacher of Zhengde. Zhengde was also very kind to him. Respect, called "Master". It should be pointed out that the master here is different from the master, and the emperor cannot just call people a father. In addition, San Gong and San Gu Li have the official positions of "Tai Shi", "Tai Bao", "Tai Fu" and "Jiao Shi", "Shao Bao" and "Shao Fu", so emperors and princes often call them emperor or prince The teacher is the teacher "master", or "teacher", "baofu". Of course, it is sometimes used to address family members. After liberation, the master used to call the craftsman.

Li Dongyang stroked his goatee and thought for a while, he said:

"It's okay to give Ma Guo the doctor, but the doctor in the hospital can't give it ..."

"Why?" Zhengde puzzled.

"Cough cough ..." Li Dongyang pretended to cough and said, "Why are you so stupid?" Marlin has been given a doctor, what shall we do?

Speaking of which, Li Dongyang is also unlucky. His own sons died, and he had to adopt a nephew as his son. He is an elder, and some nephews are willing to pass over, but they are not born after all. Therefore, Marin did not dare to mention the topic of pediatric doctor and premature death, so as not to hurt Li Dongyang's heart.

Zhengde saw that Li Dongyang could n’t help but wink at himself, and he reacted—Yeah, the doctors treated the royal family and ministers. So he changed his mouth:

"Ma Aiqing, you see, the doctors are all people with official positions. I can't give away Daming officials at random ..."

Li Dongyang, Yang Ting and Liang Chu immediately praised them privately, shouting "666" in their hearts, applauding Zhengde for reasons ...

Li Dongyang answered at this time:

"Then this is the case, the old man ordered that people choose the doctors who are highly skilled among the non-official medical doctors ..."

"Wait ..." Marin stood up and asked:

"Your Majesty and the three Patriarchs mean that a doctor with an official body can't give it, so can anyone without an official body?"

Li Dongyang thought for a while and said:

"That's the case, but we can't force the unwilling doctors to be too ruthless ..."

"What about criminals?"

"What do you mean?" Li Dongyang froze, but he quickly reacted:

"You mean, the few **** doctors who attached Liu Jin?"

Marin clapped his hands and said:

"It's them! Anyway, they are wearing sins and have no official body. Wouldn't it be nice to give them to the North Sea Kingdom? Anyway, in Daming, because they are eunuchs, they don't even have an amnesty, and they don't have any future Count on it! "

After thinking for a while, Li Dongyang discussed with Zhengde, Yang Tinghe and Liang Chu and agreed to Marin's request. As for the thoughts of those former doctors? As a guilty person, where to go is just a word from the court ...

In this way, Marin easily found 200 doctors in various subjects, including five former doctors, from the Ming court, which made Marin happy.


Then, there is the artisan problem. In fact, Ming artisans, especially shipbuilding artisans, are not where European artisans are strong. But the problem is that European craftsmen are all uncles, not to mention high salaries, why do they often make revolutions ... The most revolutionary civic class in Europe is mainly craftsmen ...

Although Marin is also training artisans, it is a pity that time is too late. For example, shipbuilding craftsmen cannot cultivate highly skilled craftsmen for a few years, and at most train barely qualified craftsmen.

However, the craftsmen of the Ming Dynasty were different. These craftsmen were born as craftsmen, and they had to learn techniques since they were young. Generally, a middle-aged craftsman has almost ten years of craftsmanship.

Even if the Eastern shipbuilding techniques are different from those in Europe, the craftsmanship of those Ming craftsmen is there. As long as you learn the European shipbuilding ideas, shipbuilding is still very simple.

Therefore, Marin directly opened the lion's mouth and wanted a lot of Daming shipbuilding craftsmen ...


However, Zhengde Emperor hesitated ...

Because of Marin, the young Zhengde suddenly had some interest in sailing. After leaving Marin in the name of "We Need to Negotiate", Zhengde expressed to Li Dongyang and others that he also wanted to engage in nautical ideas ...

Marin didn't know that because of his behavior as a shipbuilding craftsman, he almost let Zhengde intervene in the voyage ...


However, God Bless Marin. At this critical juncture, an important person was killed, saved Marin, and destroyed the hope of the Ming Dynasty to develop a large voyage ...

This man, Comrade Liu Daxia, who had burnt the chart of Zheng He in the legend ...


The beginning of Liu Daxia, needless to say. Speaking of the big voyage, you can't avoid this "big loyal minister" who burned the hope of Daming ...

Although later generations of historians have mixed praises for his actions, at the moment, Liu Daxia is an outstanding representative of the great loyal clerk, Qingliu ’s child-level figures ...

Coincidentally, Liu Daxia had retired to his hometown. However, because he offended Liu Jin, he was punished to Suzhou (later Ganyisu Jiuquan) to fend for the army.

When Yang Yiqing was responsible for going to Qingyang, Gansu to appease the public opinion after the Anhua king rebellion, he quietly brought Liu Daxia back to Beijing and hid in Yang Yiqing's house.

After Liu Jin fell, Liu Daxia appeared in public. But because Liu Jin's frame was not vindicated, he stayed in Beijing and continued to live in Yang Yiqing's house.

It should be pointed out that Liu Daxia, Yang Yiqing and Li Dongyang, when they were young, studied under Li Ruchun. Therefore, the three are relative brothers. Moreover, Liu Daxia is also a "great brother" among the three.

Because there was no immediate reply to Marin, after returning home in the evening, Li Dongyang happened to be a guest in Yang Yiqing's house, and he talked about this matter. Obviously, Zhengde didn't want to give Malin a lot of shipbuilding craftsmen, and planned to go sailing on his own ...


"Bang--" After listening to Li Dongyang, Liu Daxia snapped the table and shouted:

"Bin Zhi, your majesty must not have the idea of ​​a big voyage! Daming, I can't afford the trouble of sailing!"

If in later generations, it is estimated that some people have come forward to spray Liu Daxia. However, this is the Ming Dynasty, and the Confucians in the Ming Dynasty all agreed with Liu Daxia's words ...

Li Dongyang and Yang Yiqing listened to Liu Daxia and nodded together. Then, Li Dongyang asked:

"Brother, how do you stop your majesty from sailing?"

Liu Daxia thought for a while and said:

"The shipbuilding drawings left by Zheng Eun Zheng He were burned by me, but those shipbuilding craftsmen are still expected to pass down the shipbuilding skills from generation to generation. And the descendants of the craftsmen who can build treasure ships are probably concentrated in the Jiangnan area. From the Longjiang Bao Shipyard in Nanjing, two brothers and sisters, you go to check the files and see where the descendants of the craftsmen who understand the craftsmanship of Bao Ship are distributed. Then, give them to the master of the country ... "

"All for Master Ma? Brother ~ ~ How many thousands of craftsmen built treasure ships back then? It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of people handed down. Counting family members, it is estimated that there are more than 20,000 or 30,000 ... , Have to be given to the horse master? "Li Dongyang said in surprise.

Liu Daxia sternly said:

"Binzhi, this is the only way to extinguish your majesty's thoughts on going to the West! When Taizong (Emperor Yongle) was in power, he almost drained the treasury in order to go to the West. Even, in order to maintain the expenses, Taizong had to Spilled treasure banknotes. But Bin Zhi (Li Dongyang) and Ying Ning (Yang Yiqing), look at it, now there is almost no approval for treasure banknotes, and no one buys it if you want to send it. Are you willing to watch Daming ’s treasury again Is it draining? "

"So, we want to give all the descendants of craftsmen who know how to make treasure ships to Master Ma, so as to extinguish His Majesty's thoughts of reopening the Western Ocean!" Liu Daxia exclaimed generously.

If Marin is present, it is estimated that he will rush into the old face of Liu Daxia excitedly-you are really my lucky star!

Of course, for Marin, Liu Daxia is a lucky star. But for Daming, Liu Daxia is the standard sailing terminator ... The design drawing of a treasure-burning ship is not enough. This time, all the craftsmen who can make treasure ships are packaged and given away ...