Chapter 1192: Begging for doctors and craftsmen

In the eyes of modern people, this excuse is very good. But, by now, it is a group of pure youths who are in power now.

Therefore, the ministers of the Ming Dynasty made up Marin's ideas automatically, and Marin admired Daming's beautiful mountains and rivers.

Then, Marin's wonderful reason was affirmed by the ministers of the Chinese and Korean youths, and he was allowed to travel around Daming. Of course, there are restrictions on some borders. This is because Daming officials are also afraid that the secrets of border guarding will be known to outsiders. However, Marin originally did not want to go to the border, but planned to go to the mainland to purchase various materials and herbs, and did not want to go to the border.

Therefore, after obtaining the approval of the court, Marin directly used the Daming Post System to head southward ...

For those 10 warships, Marin ordered them to go south by sea and go to the mouth of the Yangtze River to stand by. As for allowing those warships to sail into the Grand Canal? It is not the imperial court, but the Grand Canal that cannot be accommodated.

The current Grand Canal is not a grand canal that was widened after the liberation of later generations, but a very narrow ancient canal. Therefore, a 500-ton warship is easily stranded in it, and it is difficult to turn and is not safe. Therefore, Marin had to let the fleet go by sea to the mouth of the Yangtze River.

But before leaving Beijing, Marin suddenly remembered a very important thing-he had to ask the Ming court ...

Who? Mainly physicians and craftsmen ...

The first is the physician. In this era, the Ming Dynasty's medical skills are the world's top, which is much stronger than the European bloodletting treatment. With the world's top doctors, Marin and his family can also live longer.

Although Marin previously introduced two Mongolian doctors from Mozhgen and Battle, their medical skills can also dominate in Europe. However, the strengths of Mongolian medicine are still in orthopedics, bruises, and veterinary medicine. As for other subjects, they are far less than the doctors of the Ming Dynasty.

Among them, Marin is most important in gynecology and pediatrics. There is no need to talk about pediatrics. The death rate of children in ancient times is very high, especially in Europe. Many noble European nobles did not give birth to children, but the children died. For example, Juan III of Spain, if Marin had saved his life, he had already hung up, and he had no chance to become the king of Spain. The later Queen Anne of England was even more exaggerated. She gave birth to 17 children, but none of them survived. Therefore, it was later that the British throne fell on the electorate of Hanover.

Marin now only has a son-in-law, Caesar, if one day there was an accident, it would have to be over. Therefore, it is necessary to equip the Ming Dynasty doctors with high medical skills.

There is also gynecology, which is also very important. In Europe, because of the extreme backwardness of medicine, many noblewomen fell ill when they gave birth and died very early. Even every birth is a fate. Many noblewomen died at the age of 20 or 30 due to dystocia or childbirth. The disease of dystocia may be more difficult to deal with, but Chinese medicine is the best at solving the problem of rooting the disease after delivery. Even Western medicine in later generations is not as good at postpartum conditioning as traditional Chinese medicine. Because traditional Chinese medicine focuses on self-cultivation.

Moreover, the doctor's position in Daming is very low. Except for those medical officers or scholars with good reputation, the status of other doctors is very low. The court said to whom it was rewarded, that was one sentence.

The best part is that Marin remembers that this time Liu Jin fell, and it seems that there were some doctors in the Tai Hospital because Liu Jin was previously sentenced to the castration party, and then he went to prison. These people are the key targets of the Marin Raiders. Because, it is impossible for other courts of the Ming Dynasty to give him to him. After all, the courtiers of the Ming Dynasty also count on those doctors to save their lives. The private doctors, although they also have good medical skills, are more difficult to find, and they may not be willing to follow you. And easy to find and easy to solicit, the medical technique is usually very general. Only those bad luck doctors have high medical skills, but they can't help themselves. They are in prison and can be taken away by Marin.


As for craftsmen, it goes without saying. Doctors can save lives anyway. Despite their low status, officials do not dare to be too harsh. After all, they have a place to seek a doctor. But the craftsman, Daming, and any small official, can drive the craftsmen of the craftsmanship like a slave (farmers will order craftsmanship not craftsmen), and they will not be regarded as normal people at all. And the status of the craftsman in Daming is not as good as the farmers who cultivate the land. In addition to master craftsmen, such as firearms, and some top craftsmen who make tributes, the rest of the craftsmen are probably not in the eyes of Daming officials at all.

The limited development of ancient China's science and technology has a great relationship with the political environment of this harsh craftsman. If it weren't for the ancient feudal dynasty to be harsh on craftsmen, which round of technological development was in Europe?

The reason why the ancient feudal dynasty in China treated the craftsmen harshly is also very strange-this is actually due to the ideological differences between the Confucianism and the Mohist School during the Warring States Period. At that time, the Mo School sprayed Confucianism fiercely, thinking that the Confucian things were flashy and not useful.

Then the Confucian children remember their hatred. When Dong Zhongshu "strikes away a hundred schools and respects Confucianism alone", the Confucian who turned over and took power began to reckon with the Mohists. The Mojia is a representative of craftsmanship, so all craftsmen, regardless of whether they are descendants of the Mojia, are unlucky, and are regarded as "chees" by the Confucian dynasty.

The grievances of Confucianism and Mohism ultimately led to the great hindrance of the development of Huaxia Technology. After all, no one is smart enough to be a "bitch" and to tinker with "wonderful skills". When European countries were still in the savage Middle Ages, China's technology could still guarantee the lead, after all, thousands of years of accumulation there. But when the papacy of imprisoned thought declined and science rose, Europe soon surpassed China in technology and formed a crush.

In fact, technological development has little to do with the political system. The biggest obstacle to the development of China Science and Technology is actually the grievances of Confucianism and Mohistism. Without that grudge, there would be no suppression of craftsmanship by the Confucian dynasty, and perhaps ancient Chinese technology would explode.

Therefore, it was not the feudal dynasty that hindered the development of science and technology in ancient China, but the Confucianism that hated the Mohists. However, in ancient China, Confucianism and the feudal dynasty were one, so the feudal system helped Confucianism back. Then, the history books of later generations were blown a few blindly, as if the political system had changed, and everyone would be able to go to heaven ... But the chaos in the period of the Republic of China showed that this was pure nonsense. Isn't capitalism in the Republic of China more advanced than feudalism? However, the industry in the Republic of China was not as good as the Westernization Movement in the late Qing Dynasty, and there was a certain setback.

Therefore, the actual situation is that-for science to develop, a stable social environment is needed first, and then Confucianism that suppresses craftsmanship must be deposed, which has nothing to do with political parties ...

But in fact ~ ~ Confucianism is not bad. Many of these things are very good. But the mistake is wrong. Why did the Confucianism and Mohistism become enemies, leading the two to live and die. This reverse testifies to the old saying-"If you listen at the same time, then it will be dark". When Dong Zhongshu proposed to "dethrone a hundred schools and respect Confucianism alone", China itself entered a dark period of thought. Moreover, one black is nearly two thousand years. In short, it is not that Confucianism is not good, but that it should not make its family alone.

No matter how good the thinking is, a single family will also become corrupt after becoming a big one. No matter how good the minister is, a person who has monopolized power for a long time can easily become a rebel (such as Wang Mang). Only compatibility and balance are the real kings. Of course, in this compatibility, we must not include those psychopathic sensational ideas.

Anyway, as long as China or the Confucian family is in power, technology will not develop, and it will not become an opponent of Marin's future colonial world. And the craftsmen are not in their early days.

For example, we will talk about "artisan spirit" in future generations. Da Ming this year, if you talk about the "artisan spirit", people will definitely think-why are you good people not doing it, why pursue the spirit of "sluts"?

But this is good for Marin, because Daming does not pay attention to craftsmen, so it is easy to ask some craftsmen from the court of Daming. And the facts prove that Marin is not bad ...