Chapter 616: I have 1 good idea ...

Although Edward was imprisoned by Henry VII for more than ten years, because he had too few experiences, he was not old enough. However, he is not a fool.

Years of prisoner life made Edward give up innocence and fluke and learn to think. He understood that the reason why the French and the Scots supported him was mainly to make England mess up, not for the sake of him and England.

Moreover, the French wolf ambition had long planned to annex England. Of course, the monarchs of England have ambitions to annex France. The two countries, Britain and France, are too deep to resolve because of the Liangzi resulting from the Hundred Wars.

Therefore, for this cooperation, Edward is actually very afraid and worried, worrying that France will reach out to England. Therefore, Edward himself actually wanted to discuss with Marin how to deal with France.

As for why Edward believes in Marin? It was because Marin wanted it, but it was just one or two blocks of land, giving him a county, and he was basically able to "feed". A behemoth like France may need to be matched with the whole of England to satisfy its appetite.

Therefore, Edward made up his mind-he decided to win over Marin and jointly boycott French forces on the British Isles. If it succeeds in regaining the throne of England, it will not be enough to reward the French with some land on the island of Ireland. In short, the land in England is still not for the French. Otherwise, the whole of England is in danger ...

As for why this negotiation does not invite Scotland? Very simple, all three want more points. Moreover, with the entry of Marin and the existence of France, it is enough to solve Henry VII. Why should I find someone to share the benefits together? The benefits this time are not general benefits, but territory and power. Therefore, the less people who participate in the distribution, the better.

Moreover, although Scotland is a traditional enemy of England, whether it is the army or the navy, it is very scum, and neither is an opponent of England. For such a thing, let alone Edward is not willing to pull them together to divide the stolen goods, even if the traditional ally of France, the French, is not willing to take Scotland to share the benefits.

As for the excuse not to play with the Scots? It was so easy to find-Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland, the eldest daughter of Henry VII. If James IV is plotting together, it is easy to leak. With such a good excuse to exclude James IV, it is also convenient for the three parties of the plot to have more points ...

After entering the secret room on the ship, Marin did not speak first. Because he knew that Edward was more anxious than him. After all, Edward is the protagonist in this attack on England.

Sure enough, Edward couldn't hold his breath and spoke first:

"Duke Marin, I don't know what you think of the Kingdom of France?" Obviously, Edward tried Marin's attitude towards France again.

"France?" Marin thought pretendingly:

"It's very strong, it is Europe's number one power. If we talk about the army, it can be called Europe's number one!"

In fact, Marin's army is not weak anymore. If he is alone with the French, Marin dare not say that he will defeat France, but he will not lose. However, in order to keep a low profile and to prevent Edward from discovering his ambitions, Marin naturally touted the French as the number one in Europe. As for the Ottoman Empire? Those are Asian countries, no Europeans think of them as European countries ...

Of course, when Marin said this, his attitude was very neutral, with no tendency at all, which made Edward a little uncertain. So, he was too lazy to go around the circle, but asked straightforwardly:

"So, Grand Duke Marin, what do you think of the French entering England?"

"The French enter England? Why do you want the French to enter England?" Marin continued to pretend to be silly.

After Edward gave Marin a middle finger, he said:

"For this tripartite meeting, the French will definitely propose to enter England. For example, like you, make a land requirement for one or two counties ..."

Marin felt almost on fire, so he pretended to be in shock and said:

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely impossible! The French are the army's number one power. If they are given a foothold in England, I'm worried that they will annex the whole of England!" Although he didn't say clearly, Marin had already expressed his tendency Too.

Edward was satisfied, but asked tentatively:

"I will separate you from Northumberland and the Isle of Wight, and then one or two counties to the French. Is there any difference? Anyway, those counties who follow Henry VII, I am going to depose."

Marin rolled his eyes and said:

"Your Majesty, that's different! What is my origin? I can't compete for the throne of England without royal blood. But France is different. They have always claimed to have the kingship of England, and England has always claimed to have the kingship of France. The English and French are the dead enemies. Giving the French a foothold in England is entirely the act of drawing a wolf into the room. As for me, no matter in lineage or in law, I cannot become the king of England. Even if Henry VII usurps, there are people of English royal lineage ... "

Edward nodded, he knew Marin was right. Marin has no royal blood, and even if he captured England, no one would support him as a king. Even if you become a king by force, you will encounter successive oppositions. It's France, and the royal families of Britain and France already have an in-law relationship. The British-French Centennial War also revolved around the inheritance of the French kingdom.

In fact, Britain does have the right to inherit the French throne. Because King Edward III was the eldest son of the eldest daughter of King Philip IV. After the death of the three sons of Philip IV, there were no heirs. Therefore, according to the inheritance law, Edward III, the great grandson of Philip IV, should inherit the French throne.

However, the French nobility was unwilling to let a British king come as French king at the same time. Therefore, they forcibly deposed the inheritance of Edward III and chose Philip IV's nephew Philip VI to succeed the French king.

This is not in accordance with the inheritance law, so Edward III was very angry and raised his troops to attack France, trying to regain his throne. Although England had fought many victories in the early days, it failed to occupy all of France. At the end of the Hundred Years' War, the French eventually turned over, while the British lost everything in French territory.

If the lawsuit is officially played, the British side will definitely win. But this is a struggle for power, there is no right or wrong, only victory and defeat. Later, based on their kinship with the British royal family, the French actually took a bite and declared that they had the right to inherit the British throne. However, the French did not have a foothold in England, and the navy was too bad. Even if they claim the right of inheritance, they have no ability to attack England.

However, if following the opportunity of this joint attack on Henry VII and the French gaining a foothold in England, then it would not be difficult for the French to dispatch a large army to destroy England.

You said that the Five-Port Alliance can resist the French fleet? Yes, the English navy is indeed stronger than France. However, if the French rely on the land acquired in England, occupying the ports of the Five-Port Alliance and other English ports on land, then the English navy, which has lost its home port, will not be a climate. Perhaps those English merchant ships would fall to France in large numbers. After all, if there is no home port, those merchant ships will be unsustainable.

Edward knows this too, but he also knows that he still needs the support of the French and does not know how to refuse France.

So he asked Marin angrily:

"I know the danger of the French, but I can't refuse the French's request to send troops! If the French landed on the land of England and wanted to let them leave, it would be difficult ..." In other words, it is "It is easy to ask God to give away God" ...

Marin pretended to be thinking for a long time, in fact, he had an idea. However, in order not to scare Edward, he thought for a long time pretending. Finally, Marin looked up and said to Edward:

"Your Majesty, I have a good idea ..."