Chapter 615: Negotiate in advance

At present, Marin has a total of 15 500-ton warships and 33 250-class armed merchant ships. However, Columbus went to find Daming and took away a warship and two 250-class armed merchant ships. Bald Aben searched for Panama and took away two 250-class armed merchant ships. Therefore, Marin now has only 14 warships and 29 armed merchant ships.

Of course, as long as the gunpowder is sufficient, this fleet is enough to defeat the English fleet. What's more, in Marin's hands, there are now about 30 200-ton Clark sailboats purchased from Spain that can house small Fron aircraft and bronze guns. There are many Kirk sailboats where artillery cannot be installed.

Although England is now a maritime power, the number of warships is only more than one hundred. Moreover, it was a Kirk sailboat that was collected from the people without artillery. Even if all the merchant ships were called up, it would be skyrocketing to get 200 Kirk sailing ships of one to two hundred tons. Such strength may be enough to hang France, which is more frustrated by the navy. It is absolutely not enough to face 14 warships under Marin, 29 armed merchant ships of class 250 and 30 Clark sailing ships of 200 tons. Of course, if Marin's fleet lacks gunpowder, its combat effectiveness will drop to a level that may not be able to beat the British navy. After all, Marin ’s fleet is not very good at jumping the ship to help fight the traditional navy ...

Of course, the English mentioned here has more than a hundred warships, with a maximum of more than 200 ships. This does not mean that the English navy just ordered ships. This refers to large ships of more than 100 tons, which does not include small boats. If you really want to engage in sea warfare, it is not just to order ships. For a nautical country like England, it is enough to build hundreds of ships. However, there are at most one or two hundred "big ships" with a displacement of more than one hundred tons. The rest are small boats with a displacement of less than 100 tons. These small boats can only serve as troop carriers in naval battles. If it is a battleship facing Marin, that kind of boat is basically a piece of merchandise. However, if you fight the gang with them, the sailors on these boats are also very fierce ...

France is not able to make ships, but not as many fierce sailors in England. Once, France dispatched hundreds of large ships to siege the coast of England in an attempt to destroy the English navy. But England withdrew 57 merchant ships from the Five Ports Alliance and defeated the huge French fleet ... In the final analysis, it was the French who lacked excellent sailors. Do n’t look at France ’s ability to make big ships, but if you fight, you ca n’t beat the British Navy.

If you have to make an analogy, France is like Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms. Although the national strength is strong, most of them are dry ducks and are not used to water warfare. The United Kingdom is like Soochow in the Three Kingdoms. Although the army is not good, the navy is strong. The French navy, also a little bit thinking about Cao Cao's navy, let the dry duck infantry go to the ship to be sailors. It looks fierce, but in fact it can't beat the British navy.

In fact, Marin ’s navy could not beat the British if they battled the traditional naval jetty against the British navy. After all, the Frisian fishermen recruited by Marin are familiar with life at sea and the control of sailing ships. But when it comes to fighting on a sailing boat swaying from side to side, the British are still relatively strong.

Therefore, Marin made up for this weakness with artillery. No matter how balanced you are on the boat, let you jump like a monkey on the boat, I will pass you, your boat gang is penetrated into the water, and all of your boat bandits sink into the sea to feed the fish!

Especially for those boats under a hundred tons, even if they are loaded with fierce pirates? The large-caliber Karen naval gun, as long as one shell was hit, could hit those boats and even sink them. As long as the distance is increased, those boats are scum. Even if it is a big ship, it is difficult to survive under the platoon.

Of course, the only drawback is that the cost of gunpowder is so amazing. After a naval battle, the cost of gunpowder was calculated in tons. After a sea battle, the cost of gunpowder was calculated in 100 tons. If it were not for the opening of the Indian trade route, Marin would not be able to fight the artillery battle ...

The French had guns, but most of the French artillery was still the bronze bronze Franc cannon currently popular in Europe. The caliber is also two or three pounds. It's okay to hit people on land, and it's used to smash ships. As for the replacement of large-caliber naval guns? Salvo sideways? Not to mention that early running requires massive amounts of copper, just saltpetre, and the big France can't fit together ... otherwise, why did France retain colonies like Pondicherry in India for future generations? Just buying saltpetre is worth setting up ...

For now, France does not have so many powerful warships, nor so many powerful navy crew members. Therefore, we can only rely on Marin's fleet and the United Kingdom.

According to the plan of French King Louis XII, Marin ’s fleet was first used to attract the attention of British naval vessels such as the Five Ports Alliance, so that Edward ’s and French troops could have the ability to land on the island of England. In addition, the combat effectiveness of Marin's army is also very powerful.

As long as the army is on the British Isles, the French army can play well ...

In this negotiation, the bottom line of French King Louis XII is to let Edward agree in writing that once he gives birth to a prince, he will marry Edward's only daughter Margaret to his son. And this period is 10 years ... That is to say, as long as he gives birth to a son within ten years, then Edward ’s only daughter Margaret must marry his son, even if his son is 10 years younger than Margaret. year old……

Of course, this is the ideal situation ~ ~ Louis XII does not dare to guarantee that he will have a son. So, this time, Louis XII decided to ask Edward to pay for a native county in England after supporting Edward as King of England. In this county, it is best to be on the seaside of the English Channel. In addition, the Channel Islands near the French side of the English Channel will also be placed in France ...

The reason for this is that Louis XII was afraid that he would not have a son. By then, the only way to seize England was to rely on violence. At that time, the county that Edward asked to come to will become the foothold of France in England, which will facilitate the French to gather the army and violently occupy the whole of England ...

The French are not afraid to play against England on land, but the army cannot reach the British Isles. If there is a coastal county as a foothold, the French can easily log in to the island of England and complete the invasion of England ...

Marin also guessed what the French thought, so he decided to discuss with Edward in advance ...

Arriving in Nantes, Marin's every move must be monitored by the French, making it difficult to discuss things. Therefore, Marin personally took the fleet with him and went to the mouth of the Shannon River in southwestern Ireland to pick up Edward. Then, open Edward's servants, and in the secret room on the ship, begin to discuss with Edward in advance, how to divide the benefits ... and how to jointly deal with the French lion's possible opening ...