Chapter 367: England immigration

In Newcastle in the northeast of England, the army of 2000 Frisians sent by Marin easily occupied the land on the banks of the Tyne outside Newcastle and built a strong camp.

However, when the camp was erected, it was surrounded by local people ...

Of course, the locals did not want to attack the barracks, but to ask for food ...

At this time, Newcastle, with a flexible mind, had long followed the brigade man Nan to flee the wasteland. Others went to the beach to go fishing. At this time, there was only one food source near Newcastle-that was the fishing village by the sea ...

Many refugees flooded into the fishing villages by the sea and wanted to **** some fish for food. Many fishermen on the seashore were so frightened that they took the whole family into the sea and dared not dock. In the inland areas, there are still people who are old, weak and sick, or people who are old and hard-working.

Those monkey spirits either fled the fleeing with the large army south, or ran to the beach to grab the fishermen's catch. Most of what is left is honest. However, these honest people often end miserably. That is, starve to death.

Seeing Marin's 2,000 soldiers marching on the shore to build camps, some locals dared and ran over to get some food. Of course, they did not dare to take any extravagant actions, nor dare to **** the rations of the heavily armed soldiers, but begged the soldiers timidly.

Exactly, the commander Sakala who led the team remembered the above instructions-recruiting troops locally ...

So, Saqqara raised the banner of recruiting soldiers, selected the brave and strong among the locals, became soldiers, suddenly filled with food, and let their families eat ...

The banner of recruiting soldiers had just been raised, and suddenly caused the local people to boil. As soon as I heard that there might be bread to eat, the local young men were mad and came from all directions to accept the selection.

These 2,000 Frisian soldiers can communicate with English-speaking English in Frisian. Therefore, the selection of recruits is very smooth.

Speaking of which, the process of recruiting troops is actually very simple-the first is to see whether the candidates are willing to accept the command, that is, whether they are obedient. The second point is the competition, as long as you defeat the opponent in a bare-handed fight.

Soldiers are different from the ordinary people and need the courage to fight. If even the contestants of the competition have no courage to take action, such a person, no matter how strong, is also a good food to take to the battlefield. Therefore, during the competition, the officers did not look at winning or losing at all, but only the courage of the candidates to fight. If you have the courage to fear being injured, even if you lose, you will be recruited into the army.

In just three days, Saqqara recruited three thousand recruits. Moreover, people in the area around Newcastle are still rushing to apply.

As for those young men who have not been selected, Saqqara did not give up, but announced that if they wish, they can dig coal for the "Morgan Chamber of Commerce" (the name of the Chamber of Commerce created by Marin). The conditions are a bit lower than that of being a soldier-you can be sure that you are full, and your family is half full ...

Then, those local young men who were not selected as soldiers signed up. Because that is their only chance not to starve to death ...

However, Saqqara only recruits 1,000 coal miners, and those with coal mining experience are preferred. Soon, the quota of these 1,000 people will be full. There are tens of thousands of young people surrounded by military camps ...

They begged Sakara hard, hoping to get a job in exchange for food to survive.

For these weak men, although not very suitable for soldiers. However, it is suitable for being a serf. So, Saqqara threw out a third plan-if he wanted to live, he boarded the ship and went overseas to serve as a serf to "Master Morgan" (a pseudonym of Marin). Moreover, families with unmarried daughters and sisters in the family are preferred.

This is because Marin hopes to use this opportunity to give young people in China a chance to solve their personal problems. After all, in Marin's country, there are many single mercenaries and immigrants, and few girls. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is possible to solve the imbalance between men and women in the country at a very small cost.

As a result, Saqqara ’s plan was publicized—families with unmarried girls in their families could give priority to boarding immigrants and get enough bread supply.

Then, the English refugees around were crazy ...

Those who had unmarried daughters in their families took their daughters to Newcastle in search of a life opportunity. According to the agreement, Saqqara accepted all families with unmarried girls. Moreover, it is such a family priority.

Secondly, there are young and strong families. Moreover, it is best to have a young wife. Otherwise, Marin had to worry about their single issue. What's more, Marin felt more conscientious than the officials of later generations. At the very least, I helped to consider the marriage of the people. Unlike officials in some countries in the later generations, it is very shameless-you can't find a girlfriend? Won't you go to the base? Come and come, our legislation stipulates that it is legal ... Well, the rest is not my business ...

Although Marin was in Rome, he still controlled Jeffrey remotely and sent a large number of transport ships to Newcastle to load refugees. Then, sail to Cape Breton Island on the American continent.

In fact, according to Marin's plan, most of these immigrants should be shipped to Shuangdao. However, because I don't know if Manhattan Island was bought, I will first ship it to Cape Breton Island to settle down. Then, when Manhattan Island was bought, tens of thousands of people were transported to settle on Manhattan Island ...

In addition to giving priority to families with unmarried girls and married young and strong families ~ ~ Saqqara has also promulgated a third priority rule-woodworking and wood cutting, also can give priority to immigration ... …

There are too many trees in the New World, and it takes a lot of lumberjacks and carpenters to deal with them, turning those overwhelming trees into wood, building houses, and making furniture ... In addition, it is also made into boats ...

In short, for a new continent covered with tall trees, handling wood is also an advantage skill ...

Saqqara estimates that there are no hungry people fleeing southwards around Newcastle, and there are as many as 70,000 or 80,000 people. Among them, there are forty or fifty thousand people who meet the immigration conditions.

However, Jeffrey only sent 30 200-ton ships. Each of these 30 ships can only carry about 5,000 people. Shipped to Cape Breton Island, one back and forth for more than three months. It is estimated that after transporting 40,000 to 50,000 people, it will be next year. By next year, God knows whether England can slow down and whether it will prevent immigration ...

Therefore, Saqqara reported to the headquarters, requesting more ships to transport immigrants. Otherwise, it will change for a long time. If the English court came to a halt and suddenly sent troops north to stop immigration, it would be bad. In particular, if the autumn harvest of 1505 is delayed, once England has enough food, it may solve the refugee problem. In addition, many refugees have almost starved to death. At that time, it would be impossible to recruit immigrants in Newcastle like this majestic place ... So, to get enough immigrants, you must grab time ...

Jeffrey quickly received Saqqara's report and agreed with Saqqara's views. However, Jeffrey did not have the right to decide, so he sent someone to whip, sent the report to Rome, and asked Marin to make instructions and decisions ...