Chapter 366: Buy Manhattan Island

When Wiltz made his contribution in the Moa region of Cuba, the other three colonies were not idle. Whether it is the colony of Havana where Tara is located, the colony of Panama where Gorard is located, or the two-island colony managed by Albert, all have achieved certain results.

Among them, Gorard is the most unlucky. Because Panama is too dangerous. Gorard brought hundreds of young immigrants and 200 slaves to land on Cologne Bay on the Caribbean side of Panama. After that, it was to cut down trees to build a camp. Probably good luck, Gorard did not have serious conflicts with the local tribes. In the only conflict, after injuring a local indigenous young man, Gorard quickly sent a small bag of salt to the local chief as a compensation. Then, they will be safe together.

However, although not attacked by local indigenous people, they were attacked by poisonous mosquitoes and insects ...

Then, despite the use of mosquito repellent toilet water, three unlucky German immigrants had malaria and yellow fever and died. As for the cause of death, it was because the three items of mosquito-repellent toilet water failed to be replenished in time. Then, there was a tragedy.

It was the 200 black brothers who were in good health. They were not allocated mosquito-repellent toilet water and were still alive and kicking. In fact, poisonous mosquitoes and poisonous insects are found in tropical rain forests in Africa. This group of black brothers has long been used to it. Even if there is no mosquito repellent toilet water, they are fine. What's more, Marin makes people buy, but they are all young male black slaves, the body is the best, and the disease resistance is also the strongest.

As a result, hundreds of European immigrants were frightened and trembling, while the old black men were alive and kicking. The matter of cutting the tree also fell into the hands of Lao Hei. And Gorard also sent people to contact Grenada, and let the Grenada ship return to Europe to tell Marin-Panama needs more slaves ...

In fact, the Panama Canal of later generations was excavated in the middle and late 19th century. At that time, the world had abolished the black slave system. Therefore, the excavation of the Panama Canal basically did not use many black people, but a large number of non-black people including Chinese workers and Indians. In the end, 20,000 or 30,000 people died due to illness. The main reason is that those recruited from other places are not well adapted to the harsh local climate and poisonous mosquitoes and insects.

And if the black people who adapt to the tropical rainforest climate are used to dig, it is estimated that there will be far fewer dead people. Because black people from tropical rain forests in West Africa are well adapted to the local climate.

However, the black slavery had been abolished at that time, and the black people became uncles. Therefore, for international influence, policy makers had to fill in ethnicities other than blacks, resulting in a high mortality rate. Therefore, the most suitable person to dig the canal is actually the black slave from the tropical rain forest of West Africa. Of course, if you have the ability to enslave the native Indians of Panama. However, if you want to catch Indians who are good at jungle warfare from the dense tropical rain forest, it seems that the difficulty is a bit difficult. It might as well go to Africa to buy a honest black uncle to work ...


The colony of Havana where Tara is located is much better than the colony of Panama in Gorad. At least, although it is also tropical, Cuba's climate is much milder, and there are fewer poisonous mosquitoes and insects. Because, in this era of Cuba Island, there are about 300,000 people. The development and influence of so many people on the island makes the area more suitable for human habitation. Moreover, Cuba Island is relatively northward in the tropics, its latitude is similar to that of the Xiangjiang River, and its climate is similar. In short, much better than Panama near the equator.

After arriving in the Bay of Havana where Columbus had arrived, Tara chose the same option as the Spaniards-building a castle on the peninsula on the west side of the Bay of Havana ...

The reason why I chose to stand on the peninsula on the west side of the Bay of Havana is because it happens to be a vacuum area for local indigenous forces. Unlike the eastern side of Havana Bay, which happens to be a local indigenous tribe.

Tara was cautious by nature, and did not immediately contact the Taino, but buried his head there to build the castle. In fact, if Tara sent someone to test it, they would know that as long as they were willing to sell salt, the friendly Taino would welcome them. Because, in order to buy salt, the Taino people often need to drive a canoe, taking great risks, crossing the sea to the west, to the Yucatan Peninsula, and exchanging table salt with the Mexicans. Moreover, because the cargo capacity of the canoe is very limited, the cost of transporting salt is very high, and the risk is also particularly large.

Of course, Tara's approach is actually the most secure. No matter what attitude the indigenous people face, it is the most suitable choice. After all, no one knows the attitude of the indigenous people. Like Wiltz, it quickly became an affair with the indigenous people, pure luck. If you meet a cannibal, Wiltz may have been racked up and eaten ...


And the two island colony where Albert is located, did a very important thing-Albert bought Manhattan Island ...

Albert is most cared for by Marin. After all, he is Marin's younger brother and has the most resources. Marin equipped him with a group of language talents and diplomatic talents to help him deal with the Drava.

After those language talents became familiar with the Delaware language, the communication quickly began ...

Knowing that the Delaware is a matriarchal society, Albert sent people to bring cloth and stained glass, and it was very popular among the Delaware women.

According to the customs of the Drava, the old women are very respected by the Drava. The oldest old lady can even appoint chiefs.

Therefore, Albert boldly sent some gifts to the old ladies of the Drava, and gave many flowers and glass ornaments. Then, several tribes of the Drava were attacked by Albert's sugar-coated shells ...

Albert had always remembered Marin's request for him to buy Manhattan Island off the Hudson River, and the place was named after it—New York (or New York City).

Although it is strange why Marin named this area as a very English name such as New York City, Marin is the monarch. Although he is Marin ’s younger brother ~ ~, he cannot overthrow Marlin ’s decision .

Because there are no Indian tribes on Manhattan Island, and the powerful old ladies of several nearby tribes have been bribed by Albert. Therefore, after a simple negotiation, after paying for the fabric and glass ornaments worth 20 gold coins, Albert successfully obtained an area of ​​up to 50 square kilometers (Note: Manhattan Island is an alluvial island of estuary, in principle, the area is more The bigger one is, like Shanghai Chongming Island. Therefore, at this time, Manhattan Island is not yet 59.5 square kilometers in size.

Unlike the twin islands, as the islands of Amerigo and Columbus, freshwater resources are limited. It mainly depends on the rivers on the island to supply fresh water. Therefore, the development of islands is very constrained by freshwater resources.

And this 50 square kilometers of Manhattan Island, because it is at the mouth of the Hudson River, is surrounded by fresh water. Therefore, in addition to worrying about flooding, the development on the island can be maximized.

Moreover, Marin also made a clear instruction-in the future, Manhattan Island will become the political center of the northern part of the barren mainland. Therefore, after buying Manhattan Island, Albert immediately began to build castles, cut down trees, and build roads on the island. When it was clear, he rushed to build the city. Moreover, due to security needs, Albert also began to order the construction of the fort in the direction of the estuary to prevent the invasion of other colonial forces ...