Chapter 342 - Rhythm of his heart

Xiao Lei looked at the pillow next to him, and after a moment of hesitation, she went over and lay down next to him. Both of them were just lying there, staring at the wall with all sorts of things going through their minds. 

"This is," Han Ye mumbled after a long period of silence, "more awkward than I thought." 

"Yeah." Xiao Lei nodded slowly. 

"I guess it has been a while since you slept with another person who's not your son or your husband, huh?" Han Ye asked while putting his hands under his pillow. 

Xiao Lei nodded. "I guess it's not for you?" 

Han Ye glanced at her, and when their eyes met, he asked, "What made you think so?" 

"Well..." Xiao Lei tried to think of a way to say it without feeling awkward. "You were dating previously..." 

"Oh? You mean Angela?" Han Ye asked. He then smirked and added, "Is Ms. Xiao Xiao Lei jealous of my ex?"

"What?" Xiao Lei punched him in the shoulder before turning to her side, facing away from him. "Who the heck is jealous? There's nothing between us, mind you." 

"But you're here..." Han Ye said. He reached over and pulled her closer toward him and hugged her as he whispered, "With me, and you're going to spend the night as well. Is there really nothing between us?"

Han Ye then held her chin gently and guided her so that she turned her face slightly to face him. He then kissed her, gently at first. "We... are... kissing..." he said in between kisses. "Is there nothing between us?" 

Xiao Lei pushed his shoulders when he tried to kiss her again, and with reddened cheeks, she mumbled, "That's unfair..."

Han Ye propped his head up with a hand and asked with a smirk, "What's unfair?" 

"Asking me that question while attacking me..." 

"You call that attacking?" Han Ye smirked. "This is attacking!"

He gave Xiao Lei an evil grin before tickling her waist. Xiao Lei jumped and tried to push his hands away, but he was relentless. 

"Stop it!" Xiao Lei laughed uncontrollably as she tried to stop him. She usually wasn't ticklish if it was just once or twice, but when someone continuously tickled her, she could not hold it anymore. "Han Ye!" 

"I'm just teaching you," Han Ye laughed as he said, "what it means by attacking..." 

"Come on! I'm pregnant!" Xiao Lei laughed and one of her foot struck Han Ye's abdomen, hard, causing the man to fall down from the bed. "Han Ye!" Xiao Lei gasped in horror as she climbed across the bed to look at Han Ye, who was lying on the floor while holding his abdomen. 

"Are you trying... to murder... your husband?" Han Ye gasped out the words as he held his aching abdomen. If he had known that her kick was as strong as her grip when seeing needles, he wouldn't have teased her like that. 

Xiao Lei quickly got down from the bed and knelt next to him as she tried to figure out where she actually kicked him. 

Suddenly, Han Ye reached up and pulled her down so that her head was resting on his chest. 

"Han Ye..." 

"This is better... Stop resisting and just relax..." 

Xiao Lei sighed, and she rested her entire body on the floor. "Did you even get hurt?" 

Han Ye nodded. "It's really painful... But I can still bear it..."

He glanced down at her and smiled as he added, "It was worth it though, at least you're not as tense anymore." 

Xiao Lei raised a brow, but she did not say anything. He was right; she was not as tense as earlier. Placing a hand on his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. It was fast earlier, but it had now slowed down to a steady beat. 

Xiao Lei raised a finger and tapped on Han Ye's chest according to the rhythm of his heartbeat. 

"I like to listen to this... So peaceful..." She closed her eyes as she focused on his heartbeat. And for a split second, she thought about her husband, and how she would often listen to his heartbeat as well... Something that she could no longer do.

When she realized where she was and who she was with at the moment, she then clenched her fists as she tried to get her mind back to the present. 


Xiao Lei felt something moving across her forehead, and when she heard the "hey", she opened her eyes and looked up. "Yeah?" 

"It's alright..." Han Ye said softly as he hugged her. "It's ok to think about him... Your wound is still fresh..."

"I don't feel that it's right... I'm stuck to the past, but... you're not the past..." she mumbled as continued to listen to his heartbeat. With a sigh, she continued, "If I keep thinking about the past, I can't move forward... And that's not fair for you." 

Han Ye smiled, and he looked up at the ceiling as he gently rubbed her back with his hand. After getting his words together, he said, "If you keep forcing yourself to forget about him when you can't, we won't be able to have a great future. You'll always feel guilty about moving on every time you think about Yunjie, and I don't want you to feel that way. I don't want you to feel that we are a mistake. " 

He took her hand that was on his chest and brought it up to his lips before gently kissing it. "We are quite... mature, and both of us have been through a lot of things with our late spouses, so I know that we would inadvertently do the same things that we used to do with them. If you think about Yunjie when we are doing something, it's fine... It's ok... That's only human." 

Han Ye thought, "If it's not ok, I would have to be a monk for the rest of my life... Sorry, Yuexue..." 

Upon hearing his words, Xiao Lei sat up on her knees and looked at him. She agreed with his words... She had to remind herself that her late husband would not want her to be alone forever. Even so, she probably should not think about her late husband when she was doing it with Han Ye. That would be extremely disrespectful to both of them!

"Doing it with Han Ye?" Xiao Lei thought, and when she imagined Han Ye on top of her, n.a.k.e.d, her face turned redder than a tomato, and she immediately covered her face with her hands. 

"What's wrong?" Han Ye asked as he sat up. He gently pulled her hands aside, and when he saw her face, he could not help but laugh out loud. "Did you think about something dirty, Ms. Xiao? Are you thinking about what your boss would look like n.a.k.e.d?" 

When her face turned even redder, if that was possible, Han Ye knew he hit the jackpot. He gulped as he looked into her eyes, which seemed extremely inviting in the moment. After what seemed like an eternity, he got up and pulled her up from the floor before gently pushing her down on the bed.

While she was still slightly dazed, Han Ye took off his shirt and climbed onto her, taking care not to put any pressure on her stomach. When Xiao Lei put her hands out to resist, Han Ye grabbed onto both of her wrists and kept them locked on the sides of her head.

He then leaned down and whispered, "Ms. Xiao, if you don't stop looking at me as if you want to devour me, I might be unable to hold myself back anymore... And it's not a good idea. I haven't done anything for years..." 

Xiao Lei was about to say something when she realized what he said. "Years?" she asked. "You didn't do it with..."

"No," Han Ye replied as he looked at her with a loving expression. He then kissed her on the nose before saying, "It wasn't right... She wasn't right for me..."

With a chuckle, he then joked, "Maybe I actually knew who you were subconsciously, and that was why I could never bring myself to do it with her..." 

Xiao Lei did not know why, but she felt extremely happy that Han Ye had never done anything with Angela Zhang before. She looked up at him, and suddenly, she felt like teasing him. 

"Han Ye..."

"Yeah?" he asked, releasing her wrists and putting his elbows down next to her head so that he could conserve some strength. 

"I'm pregnant..." Xiao Lei averted her gaze as she continued, "We don't need... you know..." 

Han Ye's eyes went wide upon hearing her words. He knew what she was hinting, and a part of him, the part between his legs, started to stir slightly at the thoughts that he might be able to do some loving tonight. 
