Chapter 205 - They are not ugly


After he left the hospital, Han Ye went back to the office to finish some work, and he did not get home until quite late at night.

When Han Ye was walking toward his apartment unit, he saw the door to Xiao Lei's apartment was open, and he immediately rushed over to check in case something happened to her. 

When he was right in front of the door, he saw Xiao Lei sitting in the corridor while eating ch.i.p.s. 

He frowned when he saw the two empty bags of ch.i.p.s lying next on her on the floor.  

"Seriously, don't you know that it's dangerous to eat with your door wide open? And why are you eating with your door wide open?" he asked in a stern tone. "How long have you been eating here?"

While raising an eyebrow at her, he asked in a curious tone, "How many packets have you devoured?" 

Xiao Lei slowly put a chip into her mouth as she stared at him. After a while, she said in an annoyed tone, "That's a lot of question for a guy who came home so late at night." 

Han Ye blinked. A second later, he asked, "Why do I have a feeling that you're annoyed at me?" 

"You know... For a guy who just broke up," she stood up as she said, "you sure have a lot of activities at night." 

Han Ye smirked. He folded his arms and leaned against the door frame as he said, "Unlike my secretary who gets to rest on weekends, President Du's assistant actually has a lot of unfinished work and still need to work." 

Xiao Lei was surprised by it, and she asked curiously, "Seriously? Did you really have that many things to do?"

Han Ye yawned and murmured, "What do you think?" 

Her lips twitched as she walked back into the house. Just as Han Ye was wondering what she was up to, she came out with an orange shopping bag. As she lightly tossed it to Han Ye, she said, "This is for you." 

He looked inside the bag and pulled out two small boxes. "What are these?"

"Ties. Yours are quite old fashioned. You're only 37 years old, stop trying to tell people that you're a thousand years old with the ugly designs."

"They are not ugly," he protested. "They are classic."

She smirked. "Old. Fashioned."

He sighed and waved his hand nonchalantly to indicate the end of the discussion. "Fine. I don't really have the time to choose, so I usually go for the first one I see. Anyway, why are buying me ties all of a sudden? Other than because my current ties are too classic for your taste."

She shrugged. "Since I'm spending your money, I feel like it's only right for me to spend some of it on you." 

He rolled his eyes. "You managed to hit the limit so quickly. Did you buy something for yourself?" 

She briefly glanced at the empty bags of ch.i.p.s on the floor. "Yeah."

"Please don't tell me that you only bought ch.i.p.s for yourself. That's a card with a $5k limit."

She shrugged and murmured, "I don't have anything I need."

"What did you buy? Other than ties for me and things for Wyatt and the kids." Han Ye suddenly thought of what Kai Xin said and added, "Oh yeah, Madam President Du said thanks, and she said that you don't have to worry about President Du. She approved of your action and that she hoped to see you soon."

Xiao Lei sighed in relief. Even though she really wanted to see the baby, she chose not to in case DX was there. Their interaction might be limited, but for some reason, she felt a little afraid of that cold guy. "Erm, I... will visit her soon."

"So what did you buy?"

"Well, other than the stuff for the kids..." She thought for a moment before saying, "And some school supplies and new clothes for Zhihao. He hadn't had anything new to wear for a while, so I just got something for him. I also got something for Guangying and Callum..."

She then frowned. "The things here are damn expensive! You know, with that amount of money, I could buy groceries for 2 years!" 

She showed a "peace" sign right in front of his face as she sighed, "TWO YEARS!" 

He chuckled. "What are you worrying about? That's my money..."

"But still..." She pouted. "That's a lot of money for us commoners."

He smiled and ruffled her hair as he said, "It's fine. You're working for me now, so you don't have to worry about money. I'm pretty rich, you know." 


He nodded with a smirk. "This apartment unit that I'm living in is under my name."

She took out the credit card from her pocket and handed it to him. She then stuck her tongue out at him. "Braggart."

He laughed softly. "Just speaking the truth. Anyway, I have to go back and continue working."

Holding the credit card in his hand, he thought for a while before saying, "As for the credit card, I'll pay it off later. Keep the card for your own use. There are times that I might need you to buy something for me, so it's easier this way..." 

He raised a brow and asked in a teasing manner, "You're not secretly a tycoon... are you?" 

She laughed softly. "I wish."

Once he passed the card to her, he smiled and said, "Alright then. I've got to go. Sleep earlier, you have to go to work tomorrow..."

"Speak for yourself."

He was about to walk away when he remembered something. As he turned back to look at her, he asked, "Erm... Want to go to work with me tomorrow? I won't be going that early."

Xiao Lei thought for a moment. Now that Han Ye was single, she did not feel that bad hanging out with him. But knowing that he had some feelings for her, she felt that she should keep a distance. However, even though she knew what was the right thing to do, for some reason, the words that came out of her mouth was, "Sure".   

Han Ye smiled. "Good night." 

"Good night."

After she closed the door, she sighed and crouched down on the floor as she murmured, "Why did you say yes, you idiot! Stop leading him on! You need to nip it right at the bud." 

Looking at the credit card in her hand, she gulped. "Xiao Lei... You can't feel anything just because he's nice to you..."

That was what she told herself... Yet that quickening little thump in her heart was telling her otherwise. And it made her even frustrated as it made her feel that she was betraying her husband; the man she swore to be with through thick and thin. 


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