Chapter 225 - She is Awake

Days following Andrea's arrival in Britain, Li Wen flew over to check on her sister especially since Andrea was still in an unconscious state. It was hard for Li Wen to be away from her family, but her sister needed her.  

The Davieses used to run an assassin group, but after a friendly negotiation with the government, Alfred ceased their illegal operations. Instead, they only worked to aid the government. Most of their assets remained under their care and reported at the Davies' lair. Their base, now converted purely into a training and medical facility and it was where Andrea was being treated. 

Alfred prepared for Li Wen's arrival by enhancing their own control room with the technology she required. This ultimately enabled Li Wen to work effectively while their rivals remained at liberty. 

Lu Fang was still in France, taking over the Duval Transport Group. Together with Yeong, Han-joon, and Hanxi, they also hunted down those who contributed to Andrea's abduction. It completely absorbed them, determined to get the job done in the shortest time. Li Wen continued to be their eyes and ears in the entire undertaking. 

Alfred, Gabriel, and Li Wen were at a round table discussing Andrea's current condition with the attending physician. 

"Doctor, why hasn't she woken up yet?" Alfred asked with obvious concern on his face. 

"There are various reasons a patient becomes comatose," replied the doctor while pulling out Andrea's medical records. "Base on the report handed to me, your daughter was already unconsciousness when she was first treated. Then she woke up more than a week after. It was only recently when her coma was induced… It could be the medication or the treatment that she underwent."

"We can only support her for now until she is ready to wake up."

Li Wen originally found the medical notes from The Neptune Trader's network. Andrea had a mild trauma to the head. The rushed surgery might have also contributed for her to fall into a coma. When she woke up, they gave her mild sedatives, just enough for her not to cause trouble inside the ship.

Andrea was forced to receive hypnosis. After three weeks of therapy, they had put her to sleep.  Li Wen has yet to study the recordings during Andrea's sessions yet, but she had witnessed the method from the other prisoners. She could only guess the objective was the same for her sister. 

When the doctor left Li Wen, Gabriel and Alfred remained seated, hoping to clear their heavy hearts. 

"I saw parts of the sessions from the others - " Li Wen blinked a few times, fearing Project Zero might have successfully penetrated Andrea's mind. "They were trying to brainwash them. Making them believe that they were assassins for their organization... I still haven't gone through all the videos pertaining to Andy."

Alfred reached out to Li Wen's hand and comforted her, "Andy is a strong girl. I believe she had fought hard against the procedure. It might have tired her completely. I - I imagine that is why she continues to be in this state."

"I honestly feel exhausted, I have never used my brain to its fullest until recently -"

"Let me help you," Gabriel interrupted her, offering to review Andrea's recordings from the ship. 

She was stunned with the attempt, but recognized it was necessary to receive support at that point. "Thank you… but just so you know… I don't like you."

Gabriel could not help but cough at Li Wen's response. However, he knew it was his fault, to begin with. He had hurt Andrea in the past and he needed to be accepting of her sibling's treatment. 

Alfred, too, gave a fake laugh and thanked Gabriel for his help, regardless. 

"I will transfer all the recordings in Alfred's network, here in this base and I will let you know when it's done," said Li Wen. 

The following day, Gabriel came back to check on Andrea when Li Wen was not around. He chatted with her about their childhood, the happy memories they shared as friends and as a couple. He figured it was okay to talk freely since Andrea could not hear him. 

Gabriel smiled looking at her new haircut. It reminded him so much of when she had done the same as a youngster. Andrea wanted to spend time with him and pretended to be a boy just so she could join their soccer practice. He adoringly watched her and held her hand before saying, "Andy, sometimes I wish I could take back the time and correct all my mistakes."

He wanted to say more, but he knew if he admits to his feelings he could not hold back. He gasped and slowly stood up, getting ready to leave. As he let go of her hand, he thought he saw her eyelashes flicker. He leaned forward to inspect and tried to slip away from her hand but he realized Andrea was slightly gripping on to his finger. 

"Andy?" he asked. He did not hear a response, but he hurriedly stepped outside and called for the doctor on standby to check on her. "I think she is awake! Please have a look at her!"

As the doctor and nurses came inside to asses her, Gabriel went to get Li Wen and they both rushed back. 

Li Wen was already crying when she arrived at Andrea's room. Seeing her sister's bed inclined, the medical staff checking her responses, she could not help but break down altogether. "Andy?" she called. "Andy!" 

Her cheeks were completely wet, her nose flared as she took heavy breaths. She hugged her outright and kept calling her name.

Andrea's mind was in chaos. She noticed that she was in a medical facility. She felt her head hurt that she massaged it with her other hand as she accepted Li Wen's embrace. What particularly bewildered her was the presence of Gabríel by the door. 

"Wen, what happened to me? Did I fail my mission?" Andrea asked. 

Li Wen let go from the hug hearing her speak and as she stared at her, Andrea probed further, "Why do you keep telling me to get married?  - Eeehh... My head hurts."

Andrea suddenly had both her hands over her face then up to her head until her breathing became labored.

"Let her rest for a while… give her time," instructed the doctor. 

Andrea went back to sleep afterward and Li Wen never left her side. Gabriel wanted to stay but felt he was out of place. He witnessed Andrea beamed at him like she had seen a ghost. He wondered what was on her mind but figured she was still in a state of confusion. 

At night Andrea woke up yelling, "Wen stop it already!"

Li Wen was sleeping in the sofa bed nearby and hearing her sister yelp suddenly, she got up startled. "Andy? Are you okay?"

Andrea was sitting up, massaging her temples as her brows drew together. She asked, "Your voice, it keeps repeating in my head."

"Get married!" 

"You should get married as soon as possible!"

She saw flashes of Li Wen telling her the same words, then she heard herself say the same, 'Don't worry, sis. I will marry Lu Fang, the CEO of Lu-Wei Enterprises.'

Almost immediately, she said, "I want you to arrange a marriage for me. Marry me off to the CEO of Lu-Wei Enterprises, Lu Fang."