Chapter 203 - You Don'st need to Please Everyone

Andrea thought Lu Fang could bear to be away from the babies that long, but apparently, he had other plans. Although it worried her that they were brought to Guangzhou, the man assured her they were fine, having flown on a private plane. Nonetheless, she was happy to be with her twins. 

Christina returned to Beijing the next morning while the couple and the babies together with Karen and Xing Mi moved from the Four Seasons to the Xia residence. 

Li Wen and Andrea enjoyed a full day of bonding with the babies while their husbands discussed matters pertaining to Gabriel's Den and the recent request coming from the Royal Dragon at Xia Ting's office.  

The sisters were out in the garden, sitting in a gazebo while catching up. 

"Andy, you should have the wedding soon. That is an order from me," said Li Wen as she lightly swayed Brie in her arms. 

"We will. After Lu Fang comes back from Europe, we will have a wedding."

"Good. It's very important that you do not drag it. As the kids get older, they will require more time from you. As necessary, I can blackmail Lu Fang to realize your wedding."

Andrea laughed at her sister's proposition and stated, "We will get married in the eyes of others rest assured! Geez! Besides, we already are… in paper."

She pondered over her sister's request. While she was already married, an actual ceremony will certainly make others acknowledge her as Lu Fang's wife. Not that she cared about it, but she understood her sister's plight. 

Once in a while, rumors would reach her about how her man may not actually be married or that he was acting out of obligation towards her because of the twins. She never entertained them as these narratives mostly came from new employees at Lu-Wei Enterprises. 

She even recalled an internet forum that Arti came across one time, reporting about the most eligible bachelors in the city and Lu Fang was named one of them. She just laughed at it. Unless those women post an actual threat, there was no need for her to destroy their lives. 

"Don't worry, sis. I will marry Lu Fang, the CEO of Lu-Wei Enterprises, in an actual ceremony, by hook or by crook," vowed Andrea. "But, I will only invite a few guests."

"The public need not know, Andy. What's important are those closer to your husband, especially Lu Fang's business partners and subordinates recognize that he is married to you and they acknowledge you."

Since they were staying at the Xia mansion, Lu Fang had no more excuses for Mei-Mei. In the past months, he had been sending her stuff toys of unicorns and even ordered life-sized unicorn statues which were now laid out at the mansion's lawn. He told Xia Mei that they were too busy with her aunt's pregnancy that they could not find an actual unicorn. 

Fortunately, Go Bolin had already ordered for pegasus wings and a golden horn months back. He had it delivered directly to the Xia mansion to prepare for when the right time would come.

The little girl's fifth birthday was coming up in a few weeks, but since the man is going away to Europe, he pushed through with his plans of making her dreams come true in the afternoon, following their return. 

Lu Fang rented a white horse and had its tail and hair sprinkled with blue and pink glitter dust. The housekeepers in the Xia mansion attached the pegasus wings and the golden horn making the perfect unicorn. 

Arriving from school, Li Wen and Andrea dressed up Mei-Mei in a blue and pink tutu dress to match with the horse. They told her she had a visitor who requested her to wear matching outfits. 

Before showing the surprise, Lu Fang explained to the little girl that she can only spend an hour with the unicorn. "Mei-Mei, I know that you wanted to have a unicorn for a pet, but they are mythical creatures and they only exist in stories. I and your Aunt tried our best for you to experience meeting one so you can share this with your friends." 

The man's forehead was sweating. He took a deep breath before finally breaking the bad news, " I'm afraid that you can't keep the unicorn."

To his amaze, she did not cry nor was she sad. "It's okay, uncle. Mommy and Daddy already told me unicorns aren't real." She lowered her head and played with her fingers before continuing, "but I really want to try riding a unicorn."

"Well, there is a one outside now, waiting for you to ride her!" Lu Fang said with the biggest smile on his face.

"A unicorn?"

"Yes, a unicorn."

The little girl's eyes lit up. She looked to review everyone's face and seeing they were all smiling and nodding, she exclaimed," Wow! Thank you, uncle!"

She ran to the door and the housekeeper excitedly opened it for her. The moment she saw the unicorn, she screamed at the top of her lungs, "Daddy! Mommy! Look! Look! It's a unicorn! It's a unicorn!"

Her excitement warmed everyone's heart, making them laugh and awed altogether. 

While Li Wen and her family had their pictures taken with the horse, Lu Fang glanced at Andrea saying, "I should have just told her the truth."

"I did tell you that," reminded Andrea. "But no. You wanted the hard route and come up with a unicorn."

She held on to his arm and said, "Babe, you can't just give in to these unreasonable requests. You simply need to be firm and say no. You don't need to please everyone."

"I'm only this way to you and your family though."

"I know, but you don't have to. I love you, either way."


She giggled before assuring him, "I swear."

In the evening, after putting the twins to sleep and leaving them in Karen and Xing Mi' care, Andrea and Lu Fang revisited their wedding plans. They had set the date to a month from now.

"Babe, did you already have my pumpkin carriage made? And don't forget my glass slippers," said Andrea, giving her husband an adoring look while hugging his arm and leaning against him in the bed. 

"Babe, I've decided, I won't give in to your request - "


"We just talked about it earlier, remember? About not giving in to unreasonable requests?"

She sat up stiffly and folded her arms, "Well, that is different."

"How is it different? A pumping carriage and a glass slipper are more troublesome to have customized than a unicorn."

"On top of that, you have three engagement rings. So I'm going back to your words and I will firmly say no," said Lu Fang as his eyes thinned and his head nodding. 

Andrea remained silent, her expression turned ugly. She pointed out to the sofa and said, "See that?" That will be your bed tonight."