((( Jasmin POV's )))

My plan would be revealed and I wouldn't be able to escape.

But when I went out, she was gone.

She seemed to have just gotten in her own cubicle.

I tried to blend in with the crowd of teenagers going out the restroom and wandered my gaze around for Rhio's men.

Then I flitted my gaze back to Sya.

Please take care of Rhio. And please forgive me for what I'm gonna do.

I took the stairs and hurriedly went outside the mall.

I hailed a cab to where my brother's working.

I have to secure my own family before leaving for good.

"Manager Masadra isn't here," another employee told me when I got to his office.

"I'll just leave this letter then. Tell him it's from his sister."

"Yes ma'am."

I went back to the taxi and told the driver to take me as far as he could from that place.

I wish I'm doing the right thing Baby Kevin. …then everything will be alright.