((( JASMIN POV's )))

When the call with Rhio ended, I felt a sudden longing. I could still change my mind.

But no.

I have to escape.

And there was that letter of farewell that I left for him in the drawer.

He's gotten home already and anytime soon, he'd probably find it.

I looked around.

That feeling of being watched had been with me since we got out of the mansion. I know, for sure, Rhio still deployed some men to follow us.

"I'll just go to the restroom," I said.

We were on a food court and my two companions were busily eating.

"I'll come," Liezel stood up suddenly, "I have to pee as well."

What a pain.

I scratched my head a little but agreed.

I have no choice but to let her come with me.

The bathroom was crowded so we ended up waiting on a cue for toilet stalls. We waited on different cues but I my line was ahead her. I'd be going first.

Inside, I hurriedly changed my dress and put on a different wig. I chose a short black bob and topped it with a cap.

I pulled a jacket and wrapped it around me.

It was big so I thought it was enough to hide my baby bump a little.

I breathed deeply before going out my toilet cubicle.

If Liezel's line has not yet moved and she's still outside waiting, I'd be dead.

Sena Mangampo Copyright Property

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