((( Rhio POV's )))

"The fever's her body's reaction to the drugs that were injected to her. She also needed to eat and drink lots of water," Liezel said after she checked Jasmin," and her mood's not helpful at all. If this continues, she might have an uneasy pregnancy or worse…she might lose the baby." I cupped my forehead.

"You could still do something," Niel tapped my shoulder, "maybe you could ask her to tell you everything. She must still trust you."

Jasmin was profusely sweating because of her fever.

But she has not awaken yet since she saw me. I was afraid but I knew I needed to have some courage through the situation.

"Master Rhio." The double doors opened. A male servant appeared and handed me a telephone, "Head security at the gate…"

"Why?" I took it. When I heard what the security has to say, I couldn't help but clench my fists. "Let him in."

I approached the terrace to look at the car that pulled up to the front yard. It was that fucker's car… Derick. My phone suddenly rang. It was Elthon. I just remembered it was the Summit's closing ceremony.

"Everything went fine here, Rhio. But the attendees were curious as to why you left so early…especially that you bagged three awards. I'm very happy for you."

And I'm ain't happy…not that I am seeing that bastard in a few minutes.

"I'd be happy if my family's free from danger," I looked at Jasmin who was breathing heavily as she slept. "Oh yes, I heard. How's she?"

"Not really good." The door opened so I immediately put my phone down.

"Master Rhio. Sir Derick is downstairs."

"I'll come," I stole one more glimpse at her and whispered, "Everything will be alright Jasmin."