((( RHIO POV's )))

I didn't know what I'd come home to.

The reason behind Jasmin's trauma still overwhelmed me. I immediately disembarked the chopper and dashed towards our room.

"Where's she?" I asked anybody who could provide an answer. The room was alarmingly in a mess.

"She's in the other room," somebody responded. I instantly ran to the other room.

"She'd be fine. If we…Master Rhio," the doctors looked surprised at my presence. It seemed like they've just injected her a calming drug.

"Master Zh---"

"Leave us for now," I dismissed them without taking my gaze off Jasmin.

I squeezed her hand as I looked at her. Her face exuded fear, anger, and exhaustion all at once. That's what I was frightened of… …that something will happen to her while I'm away.

"I'm here now Jasmin," I lifted the blanket to her shoulders.

I went out of the room and stood on the terrace. The sun was just rising and as I contemplated under its subtle hues, Niel and Sya arrived.

"This is what I'm saying," Niel looked disapproving as he stared at me, "that you'll go home before that conference even ended." I gripped the metal rails hard.

"Since when was she like that?"

"Just yesterday."

"Please forgive me," it was Sya. I tried to restrain my temper, "she went with you outside the mansion…outside the villa."

I'm seething in great anger. Not just because Jasmin violated one of my rules but also because of the possibility that Jasmin's baby wasn't really mine. I finally knew what happened… …that night.

"And you're angry about it," Niel added. I finally turned at them. Niel was already sat on the sofa while Sya remained on her feet.

"Why?" my voice wasn't kind, "Do you want me to laugh at it?"

"Fine. Get angry about your own shortcoming," his gaze was trying to challenge me, "So what now? Now that you knew her baby wasn't yours."

"Who told you Kevin wasn't mine? She's totally a virgin before something happened between us!" The doctor suddenly laughed.

"Relax. Of course only you would know about that matter. But what else could you do about her? She might ignore even you when she wakes up."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "I'll mess the lives of those who messed with her life. Look for those motherfuckers who're responsible for her trauma."

"And what are you going do to them?"

"I'll make them taste hell." Niel grinned. "I won't forgive anybody if something bad is to happen to Jasmin and my baby. Not even the both of you."

I left the terrace and sat back on the bed beside Jasmin. I couldn't breathe as I stared at her. All the worst anxiety were making me go crazy. How I wished everything would be fine again when she wakes up. Just as I finished that little thought, she slowly opened her eyes and stared at me. I waited for any reaction on her face but there was nothing; not even the slightest surprise that I was finally back home. Her gaze was empty and her eyes were just hollow orbs that were analyzing who I am.

"Good morning Jasmin." She didn't reply.

She just closed her eyes again as if the sight of me has gotten her exhausted. There was really a problem. I stood up and opened all the windows in the room.

"Jasmin…" She kept her eyes shut. "Jasmin, let's walk outside." No response.

Something's really wrong. I pressed the back of my hand against her forehead. She's feverish. I immediately requested the presence of her OB.

Sena Mangampo Copyright Property

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