Chapter 174 - Chapter 174


((( CLAIRE )))

He looked at me with unreadable expression and shook his head.

"I wouldn't let that happen," he hugged me tight,

"But do promise….whatever happens you wouldn't leave my side. Take good care of yourself and let me take care of you and our baby."


"I am always here for you…" his voice trailed off.

His words were so eerie it gave me goosebumps. The curse was most probably made up through gossips that passed through time. Although it was foolish to believe, there was still this fear inside me.  

But I trust Zhio.

And he'd never let it happen to me.


My patience was ticking as I looked at the businessmen gathered for the presentation of our business plan. They looked as impatient as I am and there was no one to blame other than Zhio.

"The Zel Cantheliz group wants to erect four branches at your place, the eastern region of the city outskirts," my voice boomed at the four corners of the assembly hall.

"The slums area was property of the company and a relocation site has been readied for the affected masses before the demolition starts. Problem is, that meager area isn't enough for the hospital and other skyscraper proposals."

Zhio was really a pain the ass.

"I know the land acquisition process is tough, considering most of you wouldn't agree to have your businesses get impeded by this project," I continued,

"But I have a proposition to make…the Zel Cantheliz group is buying your commercial lands plus the cost of restructuring and business relocation assistance."

I looked around at their quietness and saw how their faces frowned in dilemma. That was a good deal to start but many things had to be considered in their places.

Business, unlike how Zhio thought it was, wasn't just a deal sealed in a snap of a rich finger.

"And all of you would receive a share in the branches that would be built there. Think about this gentlemen,"

I shuffled the documents at my hand.  

Some of them were shaking their heads.

"That can't be!"

"We disagree!"

I knew something like that was bound to happen.  

Zhio's spokesman looked at me and in quiet understanding of that gesture, I nodded at him.

"You could all proceed with your businesses if you disagree," he took over the podium. "But think of this as going against a big industry predator."

I cupped my face at those words. Those were Zhio's famous lines and I knew he's instructed to use that scare tactic if things stray from his expectations.

I didn't expect I'd be attending a meeting with such a treacherous agenda.  

I stood up and spoke for Zhio.

"That isn't meant as a warning. Think about this thoroughly. We'll be expecting your cooperation."

I left Zhio's director's board and the rest of the business men in the hall.

Zhio was really one hell of a kind.


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