Chapter 65 - Chapter 64




I could clearly see the speeding cars of my men, in the distance, at my side mirror.  

Well, I needed some fun.

The crossroads could be dangerous especially in the night but it was my only hope of escape. I let my car swerve recklessly through the intersections, drove full speed at even roads and took concealed shortcut by the foliaged pathway. I've been there many times.  

I smiled when their cars finally went out of sight and took one more less travelled way towards the chapel. I just glimpsed at that place before speeding up once more toward a secluded bar by the city outskirts.  

I want to be too intoxicated to lose my senses and forget my burdens.

Loud music blared and everything bathed in vigorously animated neon lights. The sea of partying people looked faceless and there I might be unrecognizable.

I sat at the quieter area by the counter and squinted at the generous display of alcoholic drinks.

"Top shelf Sazerac. Double and straight up."

The bartender grinned as he pushed the glass of cold cocktail in front of me.

"Troubled, aren't we?"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Chill bro," he sniggered as he went away to entertain other customers.  

Just as I was relieved to rid of his presence, a soft flirtatious voice came from behind.

"Alone, love?"

A woman sat beside my stool and bared a fair display of cleavage. She threw seductive glances as she gently tried to hold my hands. I shrugged of her hands and shot back glares.

"Bitter, huh?" she giggled.

"Could it be a cold heartbreak?"

I chugged my drink and ordered for two more shots. And some more whiskey.

"I think you just need to be comforted down there," her hands traveled down to my lap.

"How long has it been since you had a good time?"

I shoved her hands away and was deeply annoyed when she persisted. I had pushed her suddenly and caused her to fall off the high stool. People nearby turned their heads at the loud thud.

A punch came out of nowhere.  

Then another.  

I punched back but missed badly in my drunken stature. I felt dizzy and everything looked like a reeling film of pure black.  

I punched once more until my throws hit somebody. Then repeatedly until I got him on the floor, until my fists felt numb.

"This newbie got guts," few men sneered from my back and suddenly punches kept coming at me again.

I was back to throwing swings everywhere without care who I hit. That was my only chance to pour out all hate I kept steaming inside of me. But the punches came back more and more. Stronger and stronger. I helplessly fell down but tried to curl myself into a feeble ball until I gradually fell out of consciousness.  
