Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

「I’m coming♪」


As soon as she spoke Milly began to gather magic power in her hands.  

She was casting a spell that I had already seen numerous times. It was Blue Gale.  

Great Spells had long cast times and it was hard to target with them as well.  

I kicked the ground and ran toward Milly until I entered the firing range of Red Crash. I put out my hand in order to cast the spell but…


A feeling that I knew quite well struck me. Looking towards Milly I could see her smiling.  Immediately after that my vision was dyed blue.  

Afterwards, a powerful shock ran through my body.  

As expected, it was Blue Gale, but….!  

She had cast it at herself.  

It was hard for me to offset Great Spells, let alone Milly’s Blue Gale which she was quite proficient with.  

She’s trying the bulky guy’s self-bombarding strategy huh. It’s true that I told her that there are fighting styles like that, but would one usually use a style that they saw just now?!  

The mental damage caused by the Blue Gale carved itself into my body.  

The feeling of my mentality whittling, alongside an intense feeling of losing consciousness assaulted me, yet I somehow managed to resist.  

Tsch! It packs quite the punch. But it’s not to a degree that I can’t withstand.  

I somehow held as the storm began to disappear.

「T-The earth is spinniiing!」

On the other hand, it seemed like Milly was shaken up quite a bit as her legs were wobbling. 

It seemed like it had done quite a bit of damage to Milly, who wasn’t used to mental damage.

Self-bombarding yourself really does force your opponent to let down their guard, and can be pretty useful depending on the spell. However, I think there aren’t any idiots who would opt to do it with Great Spells, besides Milly that is…

While wobbling around Milly somehow turned towards me. As she did that I hit her forehead with my finger, bringing her down.  

Milly fell on her ass and wasn’t able to get up anymore.

「It’s my win it seems.」

「W-Why are you okay Zeph?!」

「I’m built different.」

「Urg… That’s not fair…」

No matter what, I’m still a former Heavenly Mage. There’s no way a lousy suicide attack would work on me.


Night came, and I headed towards the Sky Tower with Milly.  

The first floor of the tower was shaped like a huge arena. Almost all of the space besides the bleachers and the walls was used up by the arena.  

This was going to be the place for the match. There was an isolated space that was several times bigger than the one that was at the plaza.  

You were able to spectate the arena from even the second and third floors of the tower.

Milly and I aimed for the front row of the spectator’ seats, so we pushed forward through the crowd of spectators.

「Uhh… So many people…」

「Don’t let go of my hand Milly.」


While holding on to Milly’s hand I was swayed by the waves of people until we finally reached the front.  

Thankfully we were small so we were able to squeeze through and escape the crowd.

「Phew… That was tough.」 said Milly.

「It’s the main event of the festival after all… By the way, you can let go of my hand now.」

「I’m okay like this as well…」

「True. If you were to get lost here I’d be a big problem. Let’s just stay like this.」

「Why do you have to put it like that!!」  

Milly was someone that ended up running off somewhere if you let her go for even a second.  And if that were to happen I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on the match.  

Even though Milly was complaining she still held on to my hand.

「We’re currently finishing up the preparations. Please stay where you are.」

I held Milly’s hand as we stood and waited while listening to the music playing in the arena and the voice of the announcer that occasionally echoed.  

Around the time when Milly was starting to fall asleep the brightly lit arena suddenly went completely dark.  

The commotion amongst the spectators grew louder and then a ray of light coming from above illuminated the edge of the audience seats.  

Within the light, there were girls wearing bunny suits.

Suddenly they began to sing something.  

Those girls were commentators. Alongside their cheerful songs, talks and commentary they raised the spectators’ excitement.  

Incidentally those girls were proficient magicians as well. After all, if one didn’t have the necessary knowledge they wouldn’t be able to comment on a battle between magicians.

Still, they sure are in high spirits. Even though their announcements just now were so monotone…

「We’re sorry to have kept you waiting!! The final event of the Heavenly Mages Festival! The Title☆Battle is about to begin!!」 said the announcer as she raised her hand and a loud cheer erupted.

The tension amongst the spectators rose and at the same time the half asleep Milly woke up as well.  

Good grief, don’t look around, it’s embarrassing. You’re drooling as well.

「Let the challenger enter!!」

From one of the edges of the arena Silverie, in her disguise, came out.  

As I had expected, she had won the tournament.

It seems like she hasn’t suffered any serious wounds.

「This time’s challenger is Sellie Ains!! As you can see she’s an odd one with her black coat and her fox mask, but do not be fooled. Her being here means that she is certainly strong!!」  

As the announcer’s words echoed, so did the cheers from the spectators.  

Silverie lightly stepped into the arena and a slight cloud of rose.  

She must be concentrating. She neither looked for me nor looked at the bleachers.  

Milly brought her hands close to her mouth and sucked in a lot of air.  

It was obvious that she was preparing to yell.

You idiot.


I closed Milly’s mouth.  

She glared at me as she was struggling to break free.

「W-What are you doing!! I was just about to cheer for her!!」

「It’s not like she’s using a fake name because she wants to. There must be a reason for it. If you’re gonna cheer for her, do it with her fake name.」

「Oh yea, that’s right.」

The reason for Silverie’s fake name was probably because she was hunted by the Association. However, I couldn’t tell Milly that.

After all it’s her we’re talking about. She’s bound to speak about it without thinking.

「Sellie!! Do your best!!」 cheered Milly, however it didn’t seem like Silverie noticed it.  

Well there’s quite the crowd after all… And she’s quite focused as well.  

While Silverie stood quietly, the crowd’s anticipation grew and the larger their anticipation grew the louder they became.  

That was because they were waiting for the second person that would participate in this fight. The Wind of Wind.

「Fufu, so you are the challenger this time.」

Suddenly a voice rang from the second floor.  

Looking up I saw Yera standing proudly on the railing of the second floor.  

As one would expect from her, Yera wore a tiger mask and a red cloak from a foreign country that fluttered in the air…

Is she trying to mirror Silverie?


With a loud yell Yera jumped off from the railing. She then kicked the air a number of times accelerating downward.

「Zeph, how do you do that?」

「You release Black Balls from your legs and then you use the magic wind balls as stepping stones. If you were to normally fire it off though it wouldn’t work. You need quite the considerable amount of control in order to pull that off.」

「Whoa, amazing! Wait, you can fire off magic from your feet?!」

「If you practice, that is. It will also expand your fighting methods as well. For the record, I can also do it.」

「I’ll give it a shot as well!!」

Milly immediately tried to test it out. She began to gather magic power at her feet but nothing happened.  

Well she’s used to firing it from her hands after all. It will be hard for you to suddenly grab a spoon with your foot and begin eating. The same applies for using magic with your feet. It’s not easy. Do your best Milly.  

While Milly was giving it a few more shots Yera fell to the ground.  

While making her final step Yera slipped, flipped once and fell flat on her face.  

The crowd grew quiet as they were wondering whether or not to cheer.  

An idiot. That’s an idiot right there ladies and gentlemen.  

Yera stood up as if nothing had happened and brushed off the dust that had stuck to her face.

「… I kept you waiting.」

It’s too late to try and act cool after that you know…  

The bleachers were enveloped in a wave of loud laughter.  

In response to that Yera waved her hand.

…Well it seems like everyone’s spirits rose quite a bit, so I guess it was fine. If this was all part of her plan, then I must give it to her.

「Hmm, you…Huh?」

As if having noticed something, Yera spoke to Silverie.   

However, Silverie paid her no attention and entered the isolated space.  

She’s telling her that she has nothing to say to her rival.  

After entering the isolated space Silverie went close to the centre and turned to look at Yera that was still standing outside.

「Hmph…」 Yera looked back at Silverie without moving from her spot at all.  

The spectators, as well, grew silent once more.

「T-The challenger Sellie ignored Yera as she greeted her!! Could she mean to say I have no intention of talking to you ?!!」

Booing began to rise from the spectator seats as the announcer put oil into the fire.  

This is bad. On top of being the challenger, she’s also in enemy territory. Furthermore, she’s not good at dealing with people. If she’s bombarded with hostility from all sides she might not be able to use the full extent of her strength.  

In reality, Silverie’s legs were shaking a bit.  

Guess there’s no helping it.  

I took a deep breath and screamed from the top of my lungs.


Even though the venue was filled with the sound of the echoing booing my voice was somehow able to reach Silverie and she raised a hand towards me.  

The magic power in her body rose and I could feel that she was ready for combat.  

Thank god. She seems like she’s going to be fine.  

After letting out a sigh of relief I saw that Yera had turned to me as well and was waving her hand.

「Oh!! If it isn’t the young lad that I met at the festival! Zeph was it? So you came to cheer me on!!Thank you!!」 yelled out Yera as she waved her hand.  

That wasn’t for you.  

Milly was glaring at me. The same could probably be said about Silverie as well. She was wearing a mask so I couldn’t tell, but I was certain that she was glaring at me.

「… Hey Zeph, when in the world did you manage to get acquainted with a person like that?」

「I talked with her a bit at the festival. That aside, focus on the match Milly.」

「Good grief, don’t dodge my question!!」

I put my hand on top of Milly’s head and forcefully twisted it forward. As I did so I noticed that Silverie was sending off a murderous intent at Yera.  

Yera noticed that and sent back her own intent as well. She took off her mask and the cloak and entered the isolated space.

「The bearer of the title Wind of Wind. One of the Five Heavenly Mages, Yera, is finally entering the isolated space in order to face the challenger!!Her face is implying that she’s about to go teach this challenger a quick lesson!!」 said the announcer, continuing to pour oil in the fire.

The spectators were getting even more excited as well.  

Silverie and Yera looked at one another as they waited for the starting signal.  

Just as the venue’s excitement reached its peak the announcer put her hand forward.

「Without further ado, let the Title Match, BEGIN!!」