Translator: Jiro Editor: Ryunakama

―― The isolated space is a simple barrier created by the Magician Association, which exists in only a handful of facilities and is used for mock battles. In other words, it’s called a type of battlefield.

In this space, which was covered on all sides with transparent magic walls, it was impossible to suffer any real damage due to spells. Only your magic power would take damage.

And those whose magic power dropped down to 0 or below would faint and be deemed unable to fight.

Basically, it was an isolated space where you were able to fight safely. However, if one was to suffer too much damage it could collapse their mentality, resulting in the person becoming a cripple, so one still had to be careful when using it.

This could also happen if one were to use a powerful spell, which spell’s cost far exceeded the magician’s own magic power amount, resulting in the magic power amount dropping below 0.

Therefore, the magicians must be careful and fight in a way that will prevent them from running out of magic power.

After the bulky man and the aide entered the space and created a bit of a distance between them they took their stances.

The bulky man took out an enormous club and began to swing it around.

The aide on the other hand, just stood there relaxed with a smile on his face.

「Come at me whenever you please.」

「WILL DO!!」 saying that the bulky man jumped forward swinging his club right over the aide’s head.

Milly saw that and spoke.

「Z-Zeph!! That guy’s fighting with a club!! Is that fair?!」

「It’s allowed to use weapons. But even so, even if he were to win like that he won’t be able to get the right to fight one of the Heavenly Mages.」

「Then why…」

「He probably has some plan in mind… Either way, just watch.」 

Just before the club landed on the handsome youth, a wind covered his body

The club struck thin air and collided with the ground.

―― The handsome youth had used Black Boots. And it was pretty high levelled one at that.

In that instant the handsome youth had managed to go behind the bulky man and had already prepared a spell on the top of his palm.

What smooth transitions. Nothing less from an aide of the Five Heavenly Mages. He’s quite good.

「…Whoa, you saw through me.」 said the man. However, underneath his moustache his smile could be seen.

Immediately after that the bulky man’s club shone with light.

Looking closely, that club wasn’t a club, but rather… a staff.

「Red Bullet!!」 yelled out the bulky man. Alongside his spell a large number of fire bullets covered the whole space.

「Red Bullet, Red Bullet!! UWAHAHAHA!!!」

While the bulky man laughed, explosions continued bouncing around the space.

It was impossible to dodge that attack in that confined space.

Was that first blow a feint?

「Whoa… What an amazing way of fighting…」

「That’s one of the ways to fight as well. Be sure to watch carefully Milly.」

The smoke cleared and a huge shadow flickered.

The bulky man appeared from within the smoke and after swaying he… fell down.

After the smoke cleared completely, the handsome youth could be seen standing.

「Thank you for the fight…」 he said with a slight smile as she picked up the bulky man and brought him out of the isolated space.

The handsome youth proceeded to pat off the dust from his knees and at that moment I cast Scout Scope on him.

He hadn’t even used a third of his magic power.

He probably counter-attacked the bulky man while enduring his attack. He was completely unaffected by that attack huh. Nothing less I could expect from an aide of the Heavenly Mages. The bulky man on the other hand passed out. I guess not being used to the isolated space took a toll on his mind.

「Well then, who is next?」

Even though the first fight just ended, the handsome youth began to casually search for his next opponent.

He had probably suffered some damage from the battle just now, but he was probably already beginning to recover from it with meditation.

「Hey Zeph! Can I have a shot?」

「What are you talking about, you don’t even have a ticket… And even if you did you’d just get run over.」

「You meanie! That won’t happen!」

She got a bit angry, but he definitely wasn’t an opponent that Milly could beat. That aide was quite strong after all.

「… Zeph won’t you go then?」

「No matter how strong I am I can’t win against the Heavenly Mages.」

「You first have to win against the aide though…」

While chatting happily with Milly, I watched as the handsome youth found his next opponent.

The handsome youth managed to end his second fight without suffering almost any damage as well.

Battles between mages were quite fast, so the handsome youth managed to defeat a total of 10 challengers in no time.

Upon stumbling upon a weak challenger he would switch with one of his female assistants and rest.

His female assistant wasn’t as strong as the handsome youth, but nonetheless she was still more powerful than Milly.

Still, Yera’s fetishes sure are showing.

In addition to the handsome youth, there were a number of groups of aides that were fighting against the challengers, but every single one of the males in those groups were handsome.

I guess Yera’s fetishes never change.

The spectators also increased in number, so if we didn’t go forward we wouldn’t be able to see the battles.

Milly was watching every fight without getting tired at all.

After all, fights between magicians proved to be quite the reference material.

And I was no different.

The time passed by in an instant and as noon grew closer, the number of challengers also decreased.

Meanwhile, a number of people received plates from the aides, which signified that they had won, and proceeded to enter the tower.

From here on out, a tournament would be held between them and the winner of that tournament would get the right to the Title Battle.

And then when night came, the winner of the tournament would fight against the Heavenly Mage. It was a hard schedule.

If one wasn’t able to go through all of this, then he wouldn’t be able to become one of the Five Heavenly Mages.

「It seems like it’s coming to an end.」

As the time for the qualifying round was approaching its end, the aides began to pay attention to the time as well.

Milly, who was leaning on my shoulder and watching the battles, began to notice it as well.

「I wonder if there are no more challengers.」

「No, there are still more.」

Silverie was yet to show herself.

She’s probably waiting for the aides to exhaust themselves and show herself at the last minute.

However, Silverie was yet to appear.

《Silverie, it’ll be bad if you don’t show up soon…》

I sent a message over Telepathy, but she didn’t respond.

Could she be at another spot? No, that’s not possible.

「Zeph, why do you look so irritated?」

「… It’s nothing.」

「Ouch, ouch…!  Wh-What are iou doibg」

I pulled on Milly’s cheeks as I waited for Silverie to show up.

Suddenly the crowd buzzed.

Someone was coming from within the crowd.

I couldn’t see quite well from where I was, but it was probably Silverie.

The moment the person appeared from within the crowd, the commotion amongst the spectators heightened even more.

「Wh-What’s that?」

「… I don’t know.」

What appeared was undoubtedly Silverie… Or it should have been her…

Silverie wore a black coat, as well as a fox mask that was being sold at the festival yesterday.

What is she doing… Wait, come to think of it, she’s being chased by the Magician Association, so that’s probably why she’s hiding her face. She went in front of the slightly confused aide and showed her ticket. When we lined up before to buy tickets I didn’t see her. She must have had someone buy it for her.

「I’m Sellie Ains. I’d like to participate in the Title Battle.」


Oh, she’s even using an alias.

However, it seemed like the handsome youth saw through Silverie’s real strength. He looked to be on guard against her.

After receiving the ticket from Silverie, the handsome youth guided her inside the isolated space.

「Hey Zeph. That over there, it’s Silverie right?」

「Correct. Watch closely Milly.」


Milly made a serious face as she looked forward to the match. I also focused on them as I stroked Milly’s head.

Before entering the isolated space Silverie turned her gaze towards me, showing me that she had noticed me.

I replied by putting up my thumb. Showing that I was cheering for her.

「Well then let’s begin.」 said the handsome youth as he bowed his head.

―― In the next instant from within Silverie’s mantle a spear made out of black wind shot forth at the handsome youth.

It was Black Zero. The handsome youth had no chance to dodge and ended up taking the full force of the attack, falling down.

Silverie, that’s dirty. Surprise attacks like that are not nice.

All of the other spectators had the same thought.

It was also the youth’s fault for letting down his guard. Still he probably never thought that a Great Spell would come flying at him, without even a cast.

Even though he didn’t sustain any damage, his magic power still went into the minus digits. He was incapable of standing up.

「S-Silverie-san won!」

Silverie casually left the isolated space and headed towards the tower. The audience screamed at her, as if they had been deceived.

「Her chant is as fast as usual… Did she make it that fast by decking out in gear that reduces her chanting speed?」 asked Milly.

「That’s right. She probably carefully picked out her cards as well as her equipment. No doubt it must have cost her a ton.」

「Hmm, so you can use money in that way…」 said Milly in praise.

I left out a single detail in that explanation though. Just before Silverie left I caught a glimpse of a black snake’s tail appearing from her sleeve.

It was Silverie’s Unique Spell Enchant Spell: Quick.

By using a chant reducing spell as well as card, she was able to reduce Black Zero’s long cast to almost nothing.

However, using chant reducing cards usually comes at the expense of power.

The reason she was able to take down that handsome youth was because he had already exhausted quite a bit of his magic power.

In the end there were a total of 8 people who passed the first test. These 8 people would now duke it out, until the last person who will then get the right to fight the Heavenly Mage.

Well it’s Silverie we’re talking about, she shouldn’t face any difficulties. Since the tournament between those 8 is not going to be made public I guess I have some time to kill until the evening.

「Hey Zeph, let’s have a match between us!」proposed Milly as she grabbed my hand and pointed towards the isolated space.

She probably got really pumped up after watching the battles. But still, come to think of it, even normal people can use the isolated space as long as they pay a sum. It’s quite steep, but if I think of it as a way to train Milly it doesn’t seem that bad. And she’s not the only one that got pumped up after those.

「… Sure. Let’s give it a shot.」


The isolated space was currently open.

As long as we inserted a special coin we’d be able to use it for a limited amount of time.

We bought a coin and entered the isolated space.

Perhaps they saw us enter, but other spectators began to invite each other and a line formed in front of the isolated space.

I guess everyone must have gotten pumped up from the battles. We won’t be able to use it for that long.

「Fufu, I’ll show you the results of my training♪」 said Milly full of confidence.

I could feel the magic power surging from her body 

「Well then let’s see what you’ve got.」 I replied while facing Milly.

I viewed her as a kid but it seems like Milly’s grown up quite a bit. The impression she gives off when we’re facing one another is completely different from the one I get when we’re fighting together.

While I was thinking that a wave of powerful magic power surged at me.

Still, I have no intention of losing.