Chapter 256

Coming out of the toilet, those human demons have all returned to the stage, and the song and dance will soon be over! I look at the time. It's almost half past one. These performances have been going on for two and a half hours, one wave after another. As soon as 1:30, all the lights in the bar suddenly went out, and then there was a light in the middle of the stage. A nondescript man in a hat was standing there with a wheat.

"That's the emcee. The auction begins!" Chen Cai said to me.

Yes, the auction started. Chen Cai didn't cheat me. First of all, the group of women who just performed striptease dance came out, and then the group of high-quality women who performed folk dance. The lineup of dozens of people was arranged in two rows, according to the figure of eight. You can clearly see their figure and appearance, as well as their number. They wore sexy three-point style, with a number on their belly .

The emcee said a lot of words in Thai mixed with English to exaggerate the atmosphere. Then he gave a new year's greetings to the Chinese on the scene in very stiff Chinese, and said a few idioms. Then the auction started. First, the low-grade strippers, whose price was 800-1500, were capped at 1500. If you like it, you can pay 800. If no one competes, it's you Yes, there's competition As long as it's not for 1500, it can be yours. Anyway, if you ask 1500 first, it belongs to you.

The speed is very fast. It only took more than ten minutes from the 1st to the 20th, and it's still auction one by one to register one. After you win the auction, a waiter will come to register you immediately. After registration, a number paper will be given to you. As long as you go to the lounge to pick up the corresponding number when you leave, the woman can go. Of course, I don't know so much, especially the specific operation of this kind of transaction, which Chen Cai told me. This dog day must have been photographed.

This country is open, so can, in our country this does not violate the law? How disrespectful of women? I'll be scolded to death for being so immoral. But in other countries, the situation is different, especially in the male dominated countries of South Korea, women have no status at all. When the husband eats, the wife has to kneel down and wait on him, and Women and men can't eat at the same table. Grandfather and grandson eat together. Grandmother and granddaughter eat together. It's a bit abnormal.

After that low-end auction, it's the second batch. The price is 2000-4000. Of course, this number is converted into RMB. That's about it. Chen Cai told me. I don't know if it is.

It's strange that this group of high-quality women didn't catch on with the first batch. The price of the fourth one has not exceeded two thousand five. I really don't understand. Since we've all done this dirty thing, it's more cost-effective to give half more money to get a good quality one?

At the time of the sixth shot, Chen just took the shot. Seeing him suddenly show a licentious smile, I knew that this dog day's move was wrong. However, he was obviously very unlucky that someone robbed him of the sixth number, and the price rose to 3200. Finally, he had no choice but to give up. His face was depressed, and his eyes turned around the rest of the women. He probably soon found a new target, and his face showed up Smile.

"Do you want it?" Chen Cai said, "I invite you."

"No, you're welcome." I'm crazy. What am I doing? Although foreign beauties are very attractive to me, but Who knows if they have any infectious diseases? Let's forget it!

"Why do you have to play all the way here?"

"No, thank you."

Chen just photographed the price of No.12 and No.28. I took a look at the woman. She was not bad. She closed her eyes, but her chest was small. Immediately, the waiter came to register for Chen CAI. After recording, he gave Chen Cai a number paper. Chen Cai laughed. Damn, I didn't see it. I didn't feel that Chen was such a person at the moment I met him at the airport. I didn't even feel it when I came here. As soon as I entered the bar, the hue came out. Ah.

When the bar was over and the guests left, Chen Cai took me to the lounge. The rest room is in a house outside the bar. I didn't go in, so I don't know what's going on inside. But many people come in and out. They just succeeded in shooting beautiful women, and soon they bring out a beautiful woman. Chen CAI was relatively slow. It took him five or six minutes to bring out the beautiful woman with a small chest.

"No, I have to go back to the bathroom." When waiting for the taxi, Chen Cai said and ran to the bar.

Dog day, kidney deficiency, just came out of the time just once, less than ten minutes.

Chen CAI and I photographed the little chested beauty standing on the side of the road. Suddenly, I saw a taxi passing by The key is In the back seat sat the granddaughter. I didn't think much about catching up with her immediately. After a few steps, Chen Cai yelled at her and asked me what I was running for. I said I met an acquaintance and contacted him by phone.

I chased the taxi all the way, shouting at the same time, but the taxi didn't respond at all. Because it was late at night, there were not many vehicles on the road, and the taxi was driving faster and faster, I could only run and shout desperately. My voice echoed all over the street. Finally, I didn't stop the taxi, but I called the traffic police to me, came from behind and stopped in front of me for a moment front.

The traffic police said Thai. I couldn't understand what he said, so I could only point to the taxi that was about to disappear at the end of the corner. Then I quickly took out my passport, shook it in front of his eyes, and then stepped on his motorcycle. The traffic police understood what I meant and immediately started the motorcycle to chase the taxi. Unfortunately, the taxi has disappeared, even found two blocks, can only turn back.I guess the traffic police want to take me back to the original place, or to the police station, because we have no language, can't communicate, he doesn't know what happened. Fortunately, when I went back, I saw the taxi again, but after I stopped it, there was no magic girl in the taxi. The taxi driver spoke Thai, and the traffic police talked to him for a while. I couldn't hear what he said, but the traffic police pointed out that the whole environment was baffling.

Finally, the traffic police called another traffic police. Fortunately I can speak Chinese. I told him the whole story. He asked me a few questions about the characteristics of sun's magic girl and the relationship between us. I told him. Then he asked the taxi driver. The taxi driver pointed out a direction. The traffic police pushed him into the car and told me that the taxi driver had taken sun's magic girl to a hotel. Now he took us to find her. I'm very grateful thank.

Hotel found, near the sea, a large hotel, decoration is very beautiful, modern and unique Thai characteristics.

At the front desk, the traffic policeman communicated with the staff, and the taxi driver took part in the conversation, describing, presumably describing, the appearance of the magic girl sun. I also saw him point to the door, and then point to his watch, estimating the time. The staff probably know the whole story. They should tell us when they see the traffic police and they are not bad people.

"Well, you can go. It's on the twelfth floor." The Chinese speaking traffic police told me.

"Thank you

A staff member turned out from the front desk and took me and the Chinese speaking traffic police to find sun's room. The policeman who didn't speak Chinese left the hotel with the taxi driver. Before they left, I bowed to them to thank them. I really thank them.

In the elevator, I started to get nervous.

Just now, the only idea in my heart is to catch up with the devil sun. If I can't catch up with her, I will find her. Now, people find me, but they don't know what they want to do or what they can do? What about finding the witch sun? Whether she wants to see me or not is unknown. What if she drives me away? If we don't do this well, we will ruin the mood of our journey.

Looking at the elevator numbers soaring up all the way, I feel my heart is gradually soaring up. Originally, I was going to Thailand with sun, but I was destroyed by myself! Now, we come alone, she doesn't know I'm coming, I don't know she's coming, but God arranged me to see her, does this mean that our fate is not over?

The elevator is safe to the twelfth floor.

It's a long corridor out of the elevator. The decoration is gorgeous. The carpet is soft. The walls are made of wood, inlaid with mahogany and soft bags. It's very nice, but This is inflammable decoration, which is not allowed in our country and cannot pass the fire inspection. The staff took us all the way to the end of the corridor, stopped at the door of a room and looked at me.

I understood her eyes. She was asking if I wanted to knock.

I knocked on the door myself. I knocked three times before I opened it.

I saw the witch. She opened the door. Her head was wrapped with a towel. She had just washed her head. Seeing me, sun's eyes showed a trace of surprise. After a flash, it turned into a trace of indifference. Then she moved away from me, swept over the traffic police, and finally fell on the staff. The staff communicate with sun in English. It's probably about this. Sun let out a cry.

The traffic police and the staff left. I stood at the door of the room, and sun returned to the room. She didn't drive me away or invite me in, but the door was open and open.

I went into the room and closed the door behind me.

The granddaughter was sitting in front of the mirror, wiping her hair with the towel she had just wrapped her head. She wiped it carefully and slowly, as if thinking about something, and her eyes Stop in the mirror. It's me in the mirror. Yes, I'm standing behind the devil sun. I don't know what to say. Even if I try very hard to think, think about topics, or questions, it's all in vain. My heart is very painful, there used to be endless topics, often chat all night, we now have nothing to say!

More than ten minutes later, magic girl sun has finished wiping her hair and is absorbed in looking at me in the mirror. Her eyes I don't know what it is. Is it indifference or indifference Impulsive? Or it's insipid. It's quite different from the past!!!

"Witch, I saw you take a taxi. I chased you many streets." I said, I think I should start with this behavior, "but I couldn't catch up with it and was stopped by the traffic police, so Finally The traffic police have brought me! "