Chapter 255

"Do you speak Thai?" I find Thai messy and hard to learn.

"There's no problem with general communication. If you have more, you won't!" Chen just smiles, "I can also speak Vietnamese and Japanese."

"Great." I put up my thumb.

"Great? Ha ha, no one is good. "

Chen Cai told me that the taxi was going around the city on purpose. In fact, the bar we are going to is not far away. I think it doesn't matter, just look at the scenery. I think Thailand's cities are dilapidated, mainly because some scenic spots are good. I'm wrong. Although the houses are a little shorter and the tall buildings are a little less in summer, the main construction is not much worse than that in China.

I don't know if it's my vision problem. I always think these lights are different from those in our country. Our country is much cleaner. Here Full of hazy temptation, ambiguous, pornographic, in fact, Thailand is really a developed country of pornographic industry.

Half an hour later, the bar arrived!

The bar is in the middle of the mountain. It's a little far away from the urban area, but it's very busy around. It's like a bar street. Next door, there are bars. And Chen Cai took me to this one. It should be very large, because the signboard is very big and the lights are bright. The name of the bar It's actually Chinese, and it's very old-fashioned. As I walked in, I found that the interior decoration of the bar was not as old-fashioned as its name. On the contrary, it was very fashionable. Although it was not brilliant, it was absolutely expensive.

The bar is full of Thai music, not a phonograph, but a band. There was dancing on the stage. Chen Cai told me that it was a striptease, but now it's just the prelude, and it hasn't started yet. There are many people in different countries, including yellow, white and black people. They are all drinking beer. The table is very high and small, with a few bottles of beer, a few dice cups and a few snacks on it!

The table close to the stage has been occupied. We can only sit at the back table. It's OK. There's a bar next to it, and then there's a round square stainless steel cage. There are five cages in the whole bar hall, which are set at four corners and in the middle. The cage is empty. Chen Cai told me There will be a banshee dance in the cage later, we can enjoy it close up. Yes, Chen Cai did use the word "appreciation". I don't have that kind of taste. What's the point of appreciating human demons? But I'm actually curious.

Chen Cai ordered half a dozen beers and some local snacks. There is a lion on the body of the beer bottle. It tastes good and is stronger than our domestic beer.

"Here, have a drink." Chen Cai raised his beer and motioned to me.

Before eleven o'clock, Chen Cai talked to me about his travel anecdotes. He had been to Thailand, Vietnam, Japan and South Korea. Thailand came most frequently, followed by Japan When he talked about Japan, his expression was very obscene. He said that Japanese women served very well, while Vietnamese women were very beautiful. There were many mixed race children.

Son of a bitch.

After eleven o'clock, Chen Cai didn't talk to me anymore, because the performance started, and the line-up of strippers on the stage increased, with more than 20 people standing in line, swinging their sexy bodies with the rhythm of music and light, showing their sexy bodies. Five cages were also entered. They had a very good figure and a very beautiful appearance. Their skin was smooth and white, and no flaws could be found. In a word I don't know how to describe it. It's obscene to say that if you look at it, it will turn up, but I have to tell you that it's a human demon.

"Thailand, are you stupid?" Chen Cai said, "if only this was a real woman. Damn it, a real woman is so beautiful that it's a goblin level!"

I smile, did not speak, I am very serious in looking at those people demon, really difficult to distinguish, say you do not necessarily believe.

All of a sudden, there was cheering in front of the stage, and the strippers began to take off their masks at the same time. Unfortunately, a white flower was pasted on the chest. The whole ball was seen, but the main part didn't show. But I can understand how boring it is for you to see so soon? I have to hang you slowly and let you smash money on the stage.

The cheers are getting louder and louder, wave after wave, and the number of people in the bar is getting more and more. During the Spring Festival, the bars are doing good business.

I watched that group of women dance. They put their fingers on their chest and put them close to the important part of the flower. They tried to uncover it, but they didn't start it. Often at this time, people would smash money and shout loudly. The money was Thai, people's currency and US dollar. The cheers were more mixed, Thai, Chinese and English. I even heard Japanese Wen.

"Do you want to spend it? It's exciting. " Chen Cai laughs very evil, "or use it to smash those human demons, but don't use coins, ha ha."

I took out a hundred and crushed them into a ball and gave them to the human demon in the nearby cage. She gave me a kiss, which almost didn't make me sick to death.

"I tell you, after the dance, those women on the stage will be auctioned. The one with the highest price will be auctioned. Do you want to take one back?" Chen Cai said to me with a smile, "the price is more expensive than that in China, but it's going abroad after all. It's hard to play with foreign women."

"Come on!" What if I get a picture of a demon? But I'm very interested to know the price, "is it much more expensive than in China?"

"It's hard to say." Chen Cai took a sip of wine, took out a cigarette, lit it and took a sip. Then he continued, "compared with other places in China, those on the stage are worth about 800 to 1500 yuan. Later, there will be a batch of them. The quality is much higher, and the most expensive one may be 5000 or 6000 yuan.""Five or six thousand?" I smile, "pack a mistress a month also is this number."

"I can't understand that." Chen Cai drew his cigarette and asked me seriously, "if you want to have a mistress, can you promise that she will do whatever she wants? I'm just going to be coquettish and ask you to buy this and that, right? You can ask her to open the beer for you. She will try it for you immediately

"True or false?" I was a little bit surprised.

"Thailand has a developed industry, second only to tourism. If there is no good reputation, who will travel? No one's traveling. What do they eat? drink the northwest wind? The customer is God. They are very dedicated and perform very well, unlike in our country Always go to work with emotion, especially in government departments. I tell you, Thailand is not the most outstanding, Japan You go to Japan to find Miss, you are not satisfied, said her service is not good, give her two slaps, she also kept apologizing to you

I'm speechless, but I believe Chen Cai doesn't have to lie to me.

All of a sudden, there was a thunderous cheering. I looked to the other side of the stage, and the dancers finally opened the flowers in front of their chest for more than ten minutes. Suddenly, the flowers were exposed, but it was only half a second, and they soon covered them with their hands and could not see anything. Then they turned around and lined up, their hips twisting under the stage. Immediately, I saw a lot of men go over, take out the money and put it in people's underwear. They are more obscene and obscene. After that, they also take the opportunity to touch it.

After the banknotes are stuffed, the dancers turn around and let go of their hands covering two points. You can enjoy them. However, I don't think many people appreciate it. Men are cheap. They want to see it when they don't see it, but they have no interest in it. However, I have to admit that it's a pleasure to look forward to that period of time, and it's the most wonderful process not to let you see it. It's just like we're in love, lingering when we are in love, and after that To the other.

Now, everyone's interest has turned to the scenery hidden under the underpants of the dancers. One by one, the dancers took out the money they had just been stuffed into and sprinkled it on the floor. They continued to do some seductive gestures. It took five minutes to take off their underpants by two or three inches. They saw a little hair. Then they took five minutes to get back to the root, and then they took off for several minutes. It's not easy to wait until this moment. What's depressing is that I retreated, but I didn't see anything, because the lights of the whole environment suddenly went out.

If you want to see the scenery, you can smash the money first.

There are too many people who want to see it, so a lot of money goes up. Chen Cai also contributes 200, and then Finally, the most wonderful moment comes, a group of complete, natural, without any clothing decoration of women just stand in front of you. This scene, I still don't know how to describe it, or it's very obscene and obscene, but We can't deny the stimulation, because if the unit of quantity of "group" is one or two, maybe you have experienced it, group? In a word, it's a good performance, even if it's very dirty, it's also more lovely.

Then it's not striptease, it's acrobatics. It's true to use the bottom to open beer. I don't know what skills they used, or what's wrong with them. Anyway, I see it is true. You can not only open beer, but also cut watermelon with a knife. You can also smoke, press eggs and peel peanuts. In a word, it's multifunctional. You can't believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes.

"I didn't lie to you, did I? Isn't that great? " When we clinked glasses, Chen Cai said.

"It's amazing. Shit."

After the acrobatic performance, the second group of women appeared. This group of women is more normal, mainly The figure and appearance are many times stronger than those of the last batch of dance clothes. Although they are very sexy and naked, they are not strippers, they are enjoyable folk dances. But I believe this dance has been changed, because every gesture fully shows their graceful figure and sexy charm. It's just a whole seductive dance.

Then there is the performance of human demons, modern song and dance. Ten human demons, dressed in three-point style, wantonly show off their fake and very good figure, scratch their heads and make gestures under the light, and express their feelings with their eyebrows. They also run down from the stage and dance around the guests in front of them. This is funny, because they know that they are human demons, and you dare not stand in front of you Wipe it back.

Look, there is a demon coming to our direction, I immediately use the excuse to go to the toilet, I don't want to play with a demon, I will have nightmares.